Chapter 6

Arranged Marriage with Kris Wu

It's been a week and you really got close to Kai and Exo except Kris. They were like your brothers you never had because you were an only child. Today is the day of the big party where everyone will find out that you and Kris will be getting married soon. You took a shower and dressed up. You also did your hair and put your jewelry on. You go to your full length mirror and twirled around.



"Perfect." You said out loud and smiled.

You downstairs where your parents are because was time to go.

"Umma and appa, im ready." You said as you put your high heels on

"Ok, lets go. The Wu's sent us a limo." Your appa said.


You guys get there and there was a red carpet with paparazzi's taking pictures. You and your parents gracefully walk to the main entrance where you parent-in-laws were greeting people.

"Hello." You said.

"Hello. Did you like the limo we sent? You also look gorgeous my dear." Your new umma said sweetly.

"Of course. Thank you." You said kindly.

"Well Kris is inside with his friends. Go inside and talk to him." Your new appa said.

*He must mean exo.* You thought.

"Ok. I will go inside. Bye for now." You said.


You walk inside and all the attention is on you. You fined Exo also staring at you in amazement, even Kris. Even though he knows what you bought, he hasn't seen you in anything yet. You walk up to them.

"Hey guys." You said.

....... that was all that could be heard until Kai said something.

"Oh my holy nut cracker, you look fabulous." Kai said.

"Really? Why holy nut cracker?" You said and laughed.

"The question is why not holy nut cracker, but you look fabulous though. Right guys." Kai said. 

Everyone but Kris nodded.


Kris left to go talk to Soojin. It has been 1 hour since the party started and it was now the time for the announcement. Your parents and your parents-in-law  were on stage. 

"Can we have your attention?" Your appa said.

Everybody stopped what there doing and looked at the stage.

"We called you here today for a big announcement. My son Kris and Mr. Park's daughter Eunhee will be marrying soon." Kris's  dad said.

Everyone gasp.

"Can Kris and Eunhee come to the stage." Your appa said.

Kris and you walk up to the stage. You saw Soojin sending you glares because even she didn't know about the arranged marriage. 

"Cheers to them for a happy marriage. Now just enjoy the night." Your umma-in-law said.

You back to Exo and their still in shock.

"Guys." You said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Chen said.

"Why did you pretend you didn't know him." Suho asked.

"I had my reason. I'm super sorry. Don't be mad." You said with an ageyo.

"Ok. We forgive you because you look so cute." Xiumin said as he pinched your cheek.

"I'm going to the back where the pool is. I want to get some fresh air." You said.

"Ok." They said.


When you barely got outside, you hear two people arguing. It was Kris and Soojin. 

"Why are you marrying her?" Soojin asked.

"Because it's an arranged marriage. I don't even want to marry her. I only love you." Kris said and hugged Soojin's waist.

"Ok, but you are mine. Only MINE." She said and walked away.

You come out of your hiding spot. Soojin sees you and pushes you into the pool. You were drowning because you didn't know how to swim. When Soojin finally notices you couldn't swim, she calls for help. Kris comes and helps you up. Everyone else in the building comes out to see what happened.

"What the hell happened?" Kris asked.

"I was walking and I noticed Eunhee drowning. I screamed for help." Soojin lied.

"Oh my." Your umma said.

"Kris take Eunhee home early." Your appa-in-law ordered.

Kris carried you bridal style. Soojin smirks but only Kai sees it.


Kris took you to his house. He brings you up to his room.  He layed you down on his bed. You were sitting up. He went to his closet and brought some clothes. 

"Here. Take a shower." Kris said coldly.

"Ok." You said.

"Next time be careful. What if Soojin wasn't there? You would be dead." Kris said.

*More like if Soojin wasn't there, I wouldn't of almost drowned.* You thought.


After the shower, Kris took you home. Your parents went to your room and asked if you were ok when they got home. You answer but went to sleep right after.


I'm done with this chapter. What do you think? Thanks for reading the chapter. I have homework to do still so bye. Saranghae <3

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Hermin #1
Chapter 21: I love it
Chapter 1: Lol, she just arrived back to find out a marriage is being arranged for her. Kaeppsong kuraesong...
Yehet! Kai's also in this fanfic^.^
2407briana #4
Chapter 21: Yayy.. Happy moment *^O^*
Please update soon authornim
genie1421 #6
Chapter 19: thank god kai save her
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 19: Because I swear it's from this fic
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 19: Did u accidentally updated this already before
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 19: I feel like I read this before ? @@ WAAT and then kris finds out and he gets angry
2407briana #10
Chapter 19: Wahhh! Please update soon!