Chapter 30


Third POV

"What business are you talking about noona?" Sehun asked with a confused expression on his face, unsure of what Taeyeon had in store for them. The rest of Exo were also looking at Taeyeon curiously as none of them had any idea about this 'business' she was talking about.

Taeyeon chuckled at all of their curious expressions as they all looked adorable in their utter confusion, "Well, would you care to explain this whole situation to me, like how I'm destined to rule over the creatures of the night and stuff. That potion actually turned into a revelation potion which unlocked all my hidden memories, and not the truth potion you all think it was. The part I said about Jaejoong was true but about me loving Tao isn't, so you don't have to worry anymore Tao." Taeyeon explained much to the Exo members joy and Tao's relief.

"But then why did you lie to your members and the other guys, then choose to tell us the truth?" Suho asked as he wasn't sure whether he should believe what she is saying and whether or not they should listen as he has a bad feeling about what she might do if they tell her the whole prophecy.

Taeyeon noticed this hesitation in Suho and frowned at his hindrance of her goal, she then pouted cutely saying "So does that mean Taeyeonie can't twust you?" While acting like an adorable little kid capturing the boys hearts with her little act, along with earning Suho glares for questioning the cute girl.

"Don't mind this old man Taeyeon, we'll tell you all about it." Kai said as he smoothly wrapped an arm around Taeyeon and guided her to the couch. His actions making s jealous as they growled lowly at him, while Kai just smirked to his hyungs and acted all cute in front of Taeyeon.

Sehun immediately went to the two on the couch and seperated them as he sat in between, he then looked at Taeyeon adorably with a pout and puppy dog eyes. Taeyeon felt delighted at the maknaes cuteness as she pinched his cheeks, giving him one of her gorgeous smiles saying happily "Sehunnie, why are you so cute?"

Sehun giggled cutely at the attention and smile he got from Taeyeon saying "Yehet." Causing Taeyeon to fawn over him even more until they were interrupted by a loud cough made by Kris who looked calm on the outside but from looking into his eyes you could actually see a fire blazing in his eyes showing his anger at the scene he just witnessed. Sehun got the hint and scooted away from Taeyeon who then pouted at his sudden distance.

Taeyeons cute pout calmed Kris's anger down a level and he didn't look as scary as before as he sat next to Taeyeon with Kai and Sehun on the couch while the rest of the members sat on the other couches. "So can you explain to me simply what the prophecy is about? Although I have my memories back, I have no recollection of ever being told about this prophecy I am supposed to be apart of." Taeyeon explained as she curiously looked at the Exo members expectantly.

Exo then went ahead and told the whole story about the prophecy and the events which led until now, of course they didn't mention SNSD's and Leeteuks inclusion in the prophecy as that is something that they should tell Taeyeon themselves. Taeyeon listened intently, trying to digest all the informations they are telling her, about her past, present and supposed future according to the prophecy.

When Exo had finally finished explaining they all looked at Taeyeon who had a blank expression on her face surprising the Exo members, they were about to ask here how she felt about the whole thing but were cut off when SNSD returned from the dungeons with a horrified Jaejoong and Yunho who were pale and shivering in fear.

"Awwww oppas are you okay? I guess the girls didn't hold back on you two and maybe added even more punishments than usual." Taeyeon said soothingly as she went to the two guys and comforted them both with a hug as she knows exactly what they've been through since she was the one who created some of those punishments that they reserved for special people. Yunho and Jaejoong felt safe and warm in her embrace as they clung onto her  whimpering softly, much to the annoyance of SNSD and jealousy of Exo.

Exo pulled the two of them off Taeyeon scolding them and telling them to "Man up" while SNSD went to scold their leaders, especially Jessica as she had been a victim of the two guys stupidity. Taeyeon just chuckled cutely as she nodded her head saying "Arrasseo, I won't be sympathetic to them then, so stop all the lecturing girls. Especially you Sica~." As she hugged Jessica from the side trying to calm the girl down, which actually worked as HellSica had been put away as Jessica felt happy with Taeyeons hug.

Everyone else was staring at the two in awe as there was a half white and black field surrounding the two as they hugged and giggled with each other in the own world. "She really is the 'one'." Yunho whispered to himself as he saw the two together in a force field.

Suddenly they could see wings sprouting from the two girls, Jessica's wings were jet black whereas Taeyeons were pure white, seeing this SNSD, Exo, Jaejoong and Yunho were shocked. So Jessica is to rule the world of the night with Taeyeon ruling the world of the light, Yunho thought as he and Leeteuks were the only ones who knew that Jessica was Taeyeons Chosen one, however SNSD were just starting to realise as they had wondered before what role Jessica had in the prophecy while Exo were just dumbfounded at the spectacle as well as fawning over Taeyeon who looked even more like an angel with her pure white wings.

Jessica and Taeyeon then looked at everyone else with the field surrounding them and their wings disalppearing making everyone's jaws drop with surprise, what just happened to these two? "Waeyo? Is there something on our face or something? Did we do something weird?" Jessica asked in confusion as she stared at everyone's shocked faces.

Everyone then shook their head in unison with a smile on their faces which totally creeped Taeyeon and Jessica out as well as raise their suspicions about their reactions as well. Seohyun saw her unnies suspicion and quickly explaining "There's really nothing unnies, we were just talking about the reputation you and Taeyeon has, that's why we had a shocked look on our face because the two of you are so different when your together."

Luckily this calmed her unnies suspicions as well as a silent relieved sigh from everyone else. Taeyeon and Jessica then went back into their own little world while the rest of them gathering together to discuss something while pretending to watch TV together.

"Do you guys know what we just saw?" Suho asked quietly as he kept his eyes on the TV so as to not raise suspicion.

"Well it turns out Jessica is Taeyeons chosen one and the prophecy is now in full motion, but what surprised me was that Jessica is the dark one and Taeyeon is the of the light. It seems that the two had changed places." Leeteuks explained earning a gasp from Exo and a nod from SNSD as their assumptions were correct.

" I think that it is possible for the two to switch places according to their inner thoughts and feelings. You see Taeyeons mind was clouded in darkness as she had no idea about her past as well as the death of her parents and her constant coldness whereas Jessica had a perfect life and was happy and fulfilled. But now that Taeyeon has her life back on track with her past not being such a mystery and her beloved older brother back she now feels happy and fulfilled but the question is, why exactly had Jessica turned into the dark one? What happened to her happy and fulfilled lifestyle to change her?" Yunho further explained and also questioned about the situation between Taeyeons and Jessica.

What kind of change could've happened in that short amount of time for the two girls to switch roles? Yunho thought as he looked over at the happy looking Jessica and Taeyeon who were whispering to each other and chatting happily. However suddenly Jessica looked at him with dark cold eyes which disappeared as soon as they had come as he looked at the two again to see no changes between the atmosphere or conversation.

Did he just imagine it? Yunho decided to just shake it off as he would have to investigate it later, right now they have to piece together the prophecy so that they will be fully prepared for the time of Taeyeon and Jessica's awakening. To which he started to discuss with all of them not noticing that one particular member of Exo snuck out of the group meeting making his way towards the balcony staring out at the moon. 

"It's almost time for the full moon. Will you boys be alright?" Taeyeon said to the now startled Kris who jumped at her sudden entrance. He then calmed himself and nodded in answer to her question before looking at the moon again, with Taeyeon now standing next to him gazing at the moon along with him.

"The full moon is so beautiful don't you think Kris?" Taeyeon asked as she broke the comfortable silence that enveloped them in their moon gazing. Kris looked at her with a serious and cold face making Taeyeon confused and curious as to why he would look at her like that.

"The full moon is not beautiful at all, it's our curse, we are not able to control ourselves during that time and we end up doing things we deeply regret. So Taeyeon I ask, no I beg of you please don't approach or look for us when the full moon is upon us, Yunho is able to control himself during this time however we are not. So please no matter what, don't come near us during that time, we could never forgive ourselves if we were to ever do anything to harm you so please stay away from us." Kris said with a serious look on his face as he bent down and maintained eye contact with Taeyeon to affirm his instructions. Taeyeon gazed deeply into his eyes and saw the worried and anxious feelings he was hiding behind his serious poker face making.

Taeyeon caught Kris off guard as she suddenly started to caress his cheek making him feel hot at her touch with his heart beat rising. Taeyeon then smiled her beautiful and radiant smile as she said "As long as you promise to come back to me, then I will wait patiently for your return."

Her words and actions along with the near full moon had activated Kris's animalistic urges as he pinned Taeyeon against the wall in a struggle within himself not to attack Taeyeon and change into a wolf. Taeyeon just stared at Kris blankly choosing not to do anything as this is a good opportunity for Kris to gain self control, from the words he had said before Taeyeon knew that he had suffered from the consequences of the full moon and now she was going to use herself to help him overcome his urges. Taeyeon had come across this situation before with Yunho during the full moon so she wasn't afraid of Kris's cold dark eyes which stared at her intensely or the distinct growl coming out of his mouth along with his sharp canine teeth and his now long nails which were digging into her flesh as he gripped her wrists against the wall tightly.

"What do you want to do Kris?" Taeyeon said lowly as she looked Kris straight in the eyes, unwaveringly and strong.  Very different from the usual look Kris receives, one of fear and horror, however Kris couldn't see any fear in her eyes, only determination and hope.

Kris desperately wanted to show her that her hope was not in vain but he could feel his wolf side taking over him slowly as he inhaled her sweet sent and started to pant from the intensity of the struggle taking place inside of him, his will slipping away from him. "I want you!" Kris growled out completely losing himself as he was about to lash out at Taeyeon but he suddenly felt a strike of pain course through his body making him freeze as he looked into Taeyeons eyes which were now blood red.

"I guess it was too early for you to tame your inner beast Kris, now go to sleep, I will make sure you and your members sleep through the full moon so you won't have any regrets this full moon." Taeyeon said as Kris felt his consciousness slipping until only darkness was left. Taeyeon then used some of her power to levitate Kris into the house and into one of the rooms.

"Sweet dreams my dear wolf." Taeyeon said sweetly as she carressed his face before kissing him on the forehead and leaving the room. "Don't ruin my mood right now, we will talk when they can't hear us." Taeyeon said into the empty ness of the dark room, but she knew someone was there, but not just someone but him. She then left the room and entered the dining room where everyone had gathered since Mblaq had finally finished cooking all the meals and dinner was being served.

"Oh Taeyeon, there you are. Come and eat." Jaejoong called as he gestured to the seat beside him earning glares from Mblaq and Exo.

Taeyeon remained quiet for a while not moving from her spot making everyone glance at her curiously as she wasn't saying or doing anything. She then raised her head and said "I'm sorry." With a sorrowful look in her eyes as she began to sing a sweet lullaby, the deep sleep lullaby which can make anyone who hears it fall into a deep sleep which can only be awoken by the singer of the lullabys voice.

"W.....why?" Jaejoong asked as he and the rest dozed off to sleep due to Taeyeons lullaby losing conciousness in confusion of the reasons behind Taeyeons sudden move.

"Now that no one will be listening, why don't you show yourself." Taeyeon said coldly with a fierce glare towards the silhouette that was hiding in the shadows of the room.

"My, my, you've grown into a fiesty woman haven't you my little Taeyeon." The silhouette said with a dark chuckle sending chills down Taeyeons spine as she recalled that dark and looming voice from her new found memories of her past.

"Why are you here........"

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Chapter 33: Please update author-nim! It's a good story! I love it. Please update!
ForeverSoshiKezh #2
Chapter 33: Where is jessica?
mmmaaa #3
Chapter 32: Please update soon im dying to know what will happen!
taeyeonnilove #4
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Chapter 32: New reader. I tried to catch up..
Omg who is this person? :( will taeyeon get hurt?! Goshh. Update soon~ and ndaebak story btw author-nim. ♥
ForeverSoshiKezh #7
Chapter 32: Who's who?? Omg.. TaengSic!!!