Chapter 23


Third POV

"Taeyeonnie~ Can you please tell noona about the bad man in your dream?" Sunny said gently as she urged Taeyeon to give some info on their soon to be enemy.

"I.... I don't want to talk about that bad man." Taeyeon said with her head down, her body was shaking in fear and everyone could see it. Exo and MBLAQ were going to run to her side and take her away to forget about the bad dream but SNSD blocked them while Leeteuk had a go at asking her. This made Exo snarl and Mblaq bare their fangs at SNSD who didn't flinch at all and instead glared at them fiercely with an overwhelming strong aura that caused Exo and Mblaq to take a step back as they were intimidated by these strong women.

"Taeng, Oppa wants to know about the bad man so we can defeat the bad man so he can leave us alone. We will protect you no matter what against that man and it will help us in our fight against him if you told us about him." Leeteuk said with confidence as he Taeyeons hair gently and soothingly as he still saw fear in her eyes but it is less than before and she finally lifted her head up putting on a brave face.

"Deh Oppa I will help as much as I can!" Taeyeon said strongly as she put her hand to head and saluted looking like a completely cute dork. This made the tension between SNSD and Exo and Mblaq melt away as they saw her courageous and dorky salute.

Then they all sat around Taeyeon as she explained to them what happened in her dream.

"In my dream all of you were on the floor with blood everywhere. The bad man came to me with his scary red eyes and he had two big sharp teeth coming out of his mouth, he also had pale white skin and light blonde hair with a tattoo on his shoulder. Then he picked me up and I was screaming and hitting him trying to get away from him because he was scary and he hurt you guys. But he just kept on walking trying to be nice to me and telling me to calm down and that he won't hurt me. Then I saw a silver wolf coming at me and the scary man and then I woke up." Taeyeon said quietly as she tried to be strong holding back her tears.

Then SNSD all ran up to Taeyeon and hugged her tightly and this led to her letting her tears fall as she hugged her sisters back.

"It's ok Taeyeonie, we won't let anyone take you away." Yuri said gently but there was a fierce look in her eyes as she said it and it was the same for the rest of SNSD they were all thinking 'No one is going to take our leader away. No one.'

Meanwhile the boys were having a serious discussion about this mystery bad guy and there was a significant amount of pressure on MBLAQ since the guy that they will be dealing with is a vampire.

"Ok who is the guy that your council is sending over?" Leeteuk said with impatience as he wanted to comfort Taeyeon and was also angry at them because it's their council that probably sent the man to capture Taeyeon.

"We don't know any man like that. There has only ever been one man in our vampire history that had blonde hair but he's already dead so how could he...... No way they wouldn't have done 'that' would they?!" GO said as he explained to them and then turned to Seungho with a worried expression on his face.

"You know that they would." Seungho said solemnly as he went deep into his thoughts trying to figure out why their council would result to summoning that man.

"Yah don't just keep it to yourselves and tell us what your talking about." Kris said as he was losing his patience.

"Well centuries ago there was a blonde vampire born into this world from a vampire father and a wolf mother. He was a warmhearted and kind vampire like his father and he loved his little sister dearly when she came into the world a few centuries after him. Then one day his parents disappeared along with his precious little sister. Now this was during the witch hunting season and it is said that his family got captured and killed by the humans but the man wouldn't give up searching for them and eventually he went mad and started killing any human he laid his eyes upon and sometimes even vampires. That was when the council had to step in and they froze the man as he was too powerful to destroy being a half breed." GO explained.

"But if he's looking for his family, why would he be coming after Taeyeon?" Luhan asked confused.

GO looked at Seungho before saying hesitantly "We think that Taeyeon is his sister." 

This made all the guys except for Mblaq shocked as they looked at Taeyeon who was still playing with her unnies.

"That can't be right, her mum and dad didn't say that she had a brother, I only heard about a fiancée she once had." Leeteuk said as he was confused.

"Well there is a twist in the story, turns out Taeyeons parents adopted him from their close friends who were executed for their relationship as a wolf and vampire. Taeyeons parents were the same but they were too powerful for the council to kill them. They adopted him and made him Taeyeons fiancée and raised them together. But with their sudden disappearance leaving him alone without a family and his fiancee, it truly drove him mad." Seungho said as he felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Well don't tell SNSD or Taeyeon but I still keep in contact with Taeyeons parents. They are still alive and I have heard about the day that they left him. They had to leave him for the benefit of Taeyeon and her destiny and they erased Taeyeons memory and she was reborn again as she is now." Leeteuk whispered as he didn't want  the girls to find out as it was not the right time for Taeyeon to meet her parents. The boys were in shock and felt sorry for Taeyeon who thinks her parents are dead.

"Well we have to now deal with Taeyeons brother, fiancée or whatever he is." Suho said in frustration.

"And from the sounds of it he is really strong." Xiumin said with a worried look on his face.

"Well we sure as hell aren't going to let him get to Taeyeon." Kris said confidently as he raised everyone's courage reminding them of who they are protecting.

"Let's get ready guys, we need to be prepared." Leeteuk said as he lead the guys to SNSDs weapon room.


"Ugh, what happened?" Jessica said as she struggled to get up from her bed. But she was pushed gently to lay down again as Seohyun came to tend to her and the rest of them ran to her bed worried.

"Are you ok Sica Unnie~?" Taeyeon said cutely with a pout on her face. Jessica chuckled painfully at her cuteness as she brought her hand up to Taeyeons face and caressed it.

"Neh I am fine" Jessica said weakly as she put on a brave smile to reassure Taeyeon and her members.

"Fine my arse, you got shot twice, so stop holding in your pain." Sunny said as she gently knocked Jessica on the head.

"Ow~ Arraso it hurts." Jessica said as she rubbed her head and pouted. This made Taeyeon panic and then she kissed her on the spot Sunny hit her and rubbed it for her.

"Taeyeonie make it better?" Taeyeon said innocently as she continued to rub her head with a cute worried look on her face.

Jessica smiled a rare and genuine smile as she patted Taeyeon on the head and said "Yes I feel much better now thanks to Taeyeonie." Taeyeon giggled in delight at Jessica's thank you and her gentle pats on her head. They were in their own little world together.

"Ahem, remember us?" Sunny said as she caughed to get their attention.While the rest of SNSD pouted because they felt left out.

"Aww don't be like that girls~" Jessica said with a cute aegyo while turning Taeyeon to face them with her adorable puppy dog eyes. The girls immediately melted while Taeyeon and Jessica high fived each other.

"That was great Taeyeon, hehe now can you please get Unnie a cup of water, I'm really thirsty." And as soon as Jessica said that Taeyeon sped off out of the room to get her a cup of water. 

Now Jessica eyed the girls and asked "So is there anything in particular you girls would like to to share with me about the events that happened after I fell unconcious?"

The girls fidgeted and avoided eye contact with her as the said in unison "Nope and nothing happened." This got Jessica fired up at the thought of all of them keeping a secret from her.

She looked at them with an icy glare as she said coldly "Oh really? Are you sure? Your not keeping a secret or anything are you?"

"No Unnie, were not." Seohyun said calmly as she thought it best for Jessica's recovery if she wasn't involved with the guy that was coming for Taeyeon. Plus Taeyeon never said that Jessica were among them who were on the ground unconcious in her dream and she had a feeling that Jessica wouldn't be beaten by that man.

Jessica just sighed and gave up on interrogating them, if even their maknae wouldn't budge then she thought it would be no use and she would find out when they are ready to tell her. "Ok, if you say so." She said as she closed her eyes in deep thought but her thoughts were interrupted when Taeyeon came in with her cup of water and some porridge on a tray.

"Here Unnie, your water and some porridge made by DO Oppa." Taeyeon said excitedly as she handed the tray to Jessica then said as she grabbed the spoon and porridge "Unnie you should let me feed you since your hurt on the arm." 

Jessica just nodded and felt happy to be fed by the cute Taeyeon while SNSD were jealous at the special treatment Jessica was getting but kept quiet since she is injured.

"Ah~" Taeyeon said cutely with a giggle as she fed Jessica and SNSD chuckled at her cuteness thinking 'We will definitely protect you.'

Vampire Council POV

"Unleash him now and break him from his frozen prison." The elder said as he released the spell on the mans frozen prison. The man rushed at him but he was restricted by chains.

"Welcome back Jaejoong, we have found your bride." The elder said as he smirked evilly as he unlocked Jaejoong from his chains and gave him pictures of Taeyeon in her past life and Taeyeon now along with information about her life now. "Bring her back and you two can be together forever like a real family." The elder persuaded and Jaejoong nodded.





'I will defintely have you my sweet and dearest Taeyeon even if I have to use force, I will do anything to get you back. You were taken away from me once and I will not let that happen again. No matter what I will have you in my arms once again.'


Third POV

Taeyeon froze as she was about to feed Jessica the last of the porridge and gasped "He's coming." She whispered as she fell unconcious.


Dun dun dun!!

Sorry for the late update and I hope you like this chapter so please forgive me for my lateness!!

If there is any questions you would like answered  or you are confused about something you can ask me in a comment and I will answer if the answer doesn't require me to give out any spoilers kekeke~

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Chapter 33: Please update author-nim! It's a good story! I love it. Please update!
ForeverSoshiKezh #2
Chapter 33: Where is jessica?
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Chapter 32: Please update soon im dying to know what will happen!
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Chapter 32: New reader. I tried to catch up..
Omg who is this person? :( will taeyeon get hurt?! Goshh. Update soon~ and ndaebak story btw author-nim. ♥
ForeverSoshiKezh #7
Chapter 32: Who's who?? Omg.. TaengSic!!!