Chapter 18


Super Junior POV

"Now where should we start with these boys?" Leeteuk said evilly looking at Heechul as Heechul stared at Mblaq and Exo.

"Ok let's start with.......


Super Junior POV

"Ok let's start with the slide show. Wake them up now." Heechul said as he set up the slide show while the others woke the two groups.

Why did you kidnap us?! I thought we were allies!" Luhan shouted in confusion and anger.

"Calm down Luhan. We just need to teach you a couple of things about the perfect Taeyeon that you all may think you know." Leeteuk said with a smirk on his face.

When Super Junior said that they would 'deal' with them, they didn't mean the violent way but the classic older brother way. Show embarrassing photos and memories of their sister.

"Okay it's up now, so we can start the slideshow." Heechul said as he walked over to Leeteuk.

"Now I heard that you all may have a thing for our baby Taeng." Leeteuk said as he eyed the 17 boys to see their reactions. Some looked angry which is probably because of his comment 'our baby Taeng' while the others were acting all shy and were blushing.

"But I am here to put a stop to that right now. Because it takes a special kind of person to catch Taeyeons heart and let me say this right now. I don't think that any of you are fit especially these idiots who thought they could kidnap Taeyeon." Leeteuk said as he glared at them with the rest of s making a killing signals to them.

"This is the real Taeyeon, the dorky, derp faced Taeyeon. Do you still like her now?" Leeteuk said with a smirk on his face but Mblaq and Exo were just laughing and smiling at how adorable she is even with those facials.

"Next slide!" Leeteuk demanded getting frustrated at their reactions.

"You see this? She is also a massive byuntae and one of her nicknames is byuntaeng." Leeteuk went on as the boys laughed at the photo.

"We will match perfectly." Kai said with a creepy smile on his face. The rest of us just shivered and felt totally creeped out by him. We must definitely not let him and Taeyeon be together, who knows what they might do.

"Ok next slide!" Leeteuk shouted.

"Did you know, that this is Taeyeons ex husband?! She is a divorced woman and he was even in a relationship with another woman during their marriage." Leeteuk said with a smirk thinking they might think Taeyeon must be a pathetic woman if she married him and even had a divorce but of course it was a fake marriage. Before Taeyeon turned cold and dangerous she needed something to keep all the boys away and so she used Hyungdon who was a family friend as an escape.

The boys however got quite angry and it looked like they would break out of their chairs.

"Who is this guy and where can I find him." Kris growled as he demanded to know who the guy was.

Mir's eyes were flashing red when he said "Shall we teach this jerk a lesson?"

Leeteuk saw their responses and got suspicious, are these the guys from the prophecy? He thought but was pulled out of it when Sungmin panicked and said "It was a fake marriage! It wasn't real and  they only did it because Taeyeon wanted to get rid of all the boys that were chasing her." Trying to get the boys to calm down which they did feeling relieved that even before Taeyeon wasn't interested in boys.

"Ok that was a failure, next slide." Leeteuk said with a sigh.

"Do you see how short she is? Like seriously she's like a midget, I even caught her wearing insoles." Leeteuk said and he kept on going on and on about how short she is until he saw s shaking their heads and telling him to stop while Exo and Mblaq just froze with shock.

"She's behind me isn't she?" Leeteuk said with a sigh, knowing what will happen to him.

Third POV

He turned around to see an angry Taeyeon and he said with fear in his voice "H.....hey Taeng what are you...." He went silent when Taeyeon gave him a cold glare.

She changed her expression to an innocent one with a sweet smile on her face, but Super Junior knew that she was angry.

"So this is what you meant by dealing with them huh Oppa?" Taeyeon said adorably with a bright smile aimed at Heechul, her first victim.

She then went up and gave Heechul a back hug before throwing him to ground and stepping on him as she went to Sungmin still smiling brightly and giggling cutely like a little kid.

"Wasn't it you Oppa that said to let you deal with them?" She said cutely with a pout before she quickly chopped him on the neck knocking him unconcious.

Then she faced Siwon and looked at him with teary eyes and a pout as she walked closer to him.

"I never thought that you would betray me Oppa" she said looking at him with her teary puppy dog eyes before punching in the stomach and then knocking him out with a punch to the head.

"Shindong Oppa~" she said with aegyo as she ran up to him with her arms out wide like she was going to hug him before she round house kicking him into the wall.

Kangin tried to run out the door but he wasn't quick enough, Taeyeon caught him in a neck lock saying "Why are you running away Oppa? Aren't we friends?" With a cute pout as she held him in the neck lock until he was knocked unconcious.

She went on and knocked all the Super Junior members out while still looking absolutely adorable and innocent until the only one left was Leeteuk who was still frozen from her glare.

She went to him and had her face close to his as she said "Calling me short? How about I make you go unconcious with a kiss? It will be ironic since this is your move." She slowly inches closer to him and with her lips just one centermeter apart from his, someone seperated them and knocked Leeteuk out.

Taeyeon looked at who seperated them and found a very angry Kris with the rest of Exo and Mblaq also looking angry.

I was this close to a full on knockout of all the Super Junior members and they just had to ruin it.

"Are you really that 'easy' going around kissing anyone you can get?!" Kris shouted in anger.

"Nope, and it doesn't concern you anyway." Taeyeon stated simply with no expression on her face.

"Can you stop it already with that poker face and just act normally?!" Tao shouted in frustration.

"Why should I? I hardly know you guy in Exo and Mblaq kidnapped me so why should I act normally with you?" Taeyeon said coldly.

Exo and Mblaq felt a stabbing pain in their heart and they were all wondering why they had that feeling.

Taeyeon sighed as she looked at their sad faces, she felt sorry for them, even Mblaq who are getting badly treated for kidnapping her althought they didn't actually hurt her.

"Look, it is best for you not to get involved with me ok? There are very dangerous people in my world and I don't want to be responsible for pulling you into it. So just leave me alone." She said as she turned to leave but some one grabbed bothe of her hands and stopped her.

Suho held one hand while Seungho held the other as they both said together "But we can't leave you alone." Now that both groups know that Taeyeon is the beauty.

Taeyeon just flipped the two leaders onto the ground and said with a smirk on her face "Have fun trying to keep up with me." As she ran away back to her house.

Now Exo and Mblaq were alone with Super Junior unconcious on the floor.

"We won't lose, just wanted to let you know that." Suho said as he and the rest of Exo growled at Mblaq showing their teeth and their fiery red eyes.

"Well we don't plan on losing either." Seungho said as he hissed as he and Mblaq bared their fangs and showed their blood red eyes.

While they were revealing their identities they didn't realise that one Super Junior member was awake.

Leeteuk POV

So they are the guys from the prophecy? I knew it and luckily Kris didn't hit me as hard as Taeyeon would have, so I didn't black out for long.

So then, it has begun.

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Chapter 33: Please update author-nim! It's a good story! I love it. Please update!
ForeverSoshiKezh #2
Chapter 33: Where is jessica?
mmmaaa #3
Chapter 32: Please update soon im dying to know what will happen!
taeyeonnilove #4
taeyeonnilove #5
typicaltaeyeon #6
Chapter 32: New reader. I tried to catch up..
Omg who is this person? :( will taeyeon get hurt?! Goshh. Update soon~ and ndaebak story btw author-nim. ♥
ForeverSoshiKezh #7
Chapter 32: Who's who?? Omg.. TaengSic!!!