I Want You Back

If Only I Could Turn Back Time


ever since the day L met Min Jung again in the cafe he can't stop thinking about her. Her condition, how much she changed. L can't help but cry and wonder how did this happen.

He's been constantly begging Tiffany and Eun Ji for Min Jung's address and phone number. He really wanted to see his wife and tell her everything, tell her how much he loves her and that he's sorry for everything ( p.s. L didn't sign the divorce paper because he doesn't want to and he knows that someday he and Min Jung will be back together).


After days and weeks of begging, finally Min Jung's friends agreed to give L the address. The y saw the sincerity in his Eyes and how much he changed from the cruel L back to the loving Myungsoo they knew. 

They met up in the cafe where L saw them and told them that this time he won't let go of Min Jung. He asked how did that happen to her, but they just it's better if it's Min Jung who will tell the whole story.

So they planned a meet-up for L and Min Jung. They called Min Jung and said they wanted to meet up again to have some quality time with their friend. And Min Jung agreed to it.

L Was so happy and he can't thank them enough for this chance they have given him.


*meet-up day*



"Gosh why do I feel so nervous about this." I muttered to myself as I was waiting for Min Jung.

Then the cafe door opened and I saw her. There was a beam of smile on her face. The smile I  haven't seen for so long. The smile I.missed so much. Then as she was feeling her way to the table the waitress assisted her and seated her in front of me. I can feel the tension right now. But I said to myself that this is my chance don't ever let her go again.

Then she spoke. "HI tiffany, eun ji". Still smiling.

There was silence for a while then I spoke.

 " hi Min Jung. It's so nice to see you. How was your life?" My voice is kind of cracking while I was saying this.

Her smile turned to a little frown.

"Hey L, I thought I was going to meet up with my friends. I guess they're not here after all." As she was saying that she was preparing to stand up but I grabbed her wrist and said

" please don't go. Don't leave me again I'm begging you. I'm so sorry for everything I have done. I was so selfish and didn't thought about you. I'm sorry I was a bad husband, a bad bestfriend, I'm sorry about all those harsh words I said. I'm so sorry Min Jung. Please I want you.back. I love you Min Jung. I really really love you. Eversince were high school. I was a coward and I didn't told you. I was scared that you might not have the same feelings towards me. I love you Hwang Min Jung. I want to spend my eternity with you. Please I'm begging you" I was crying again as I said that.  I stood up and hugged her tightly. I can't stop crying at that time. I don't care if people were looking at us. It was my time with Min Jung.


"Yah you pabo. Why did you waited this long to tell this to me? Do you know how much pain I went through for you. Do you know how my heart broke a.million times whenever I see you with Suzy. Do you know how many oceans of tears I cried for you. You jerk, aissh why do hurt me again and again Myungsoo? Why?" She said crying. It was my first time after a long while that I heard her calling me Myungsoo. And it made me happy.


"I'm really sorry babe, I didn't have the courage before. But after I lost you it was like my life was gone. My life became dull. You took away my heart Min Jung." I replied.

" now you want us to be back after what's been said and done? You think it's going to be that easy?" She said eyebrows raised

" no I don't expect it to be easy. Even if it takes a thousand lifetimes I will wait and never give up on you. Not again. I won't lose you again Min Jung. Even if I have to be born again I will still love you. You're still the one that I want to get married with again and again." I said. And I can see a little smile in her lips.


" you're such a jerk Kim Myungsoo. Why do you make me fall for you again and again. Aissshhh this heart of mine when will ever learn to hate you just once" she said smiling.

Then with that I stood up and motioned her to stand up and hugged her tightly. Eventhough she did'nt officially told me that she had forgiven me still I can feel that she did.

She broke from the hug and said "yah wait a minute I didn't say I forgive you yet." In a teasing tone

"You don't have to. Cause I  know you do" I replied and give her a quick kiss on the lips.


It was a bliss doing that I felt butterflies on my stomach keke.


" hey aren't you too quick?" Said smiling. "I forgive you Myungsoo. I have forgiven you a long time ago. I love you, I have loved you and I will always love you forever." She added and with that I lifted her from the ground and hugged her. The people around us are cheering and some were crying. We kind felt embarassed so I let her go and we both sat and talked. She told me about her condition. How she got that and I couldn't help but cry again and told her how sorry I'm for not being with her through the hardest times of her life. 

And she just told me that I was with her. In her heart. Eventhough she left me she still love me. She thinks about the sweet memories we had and that gave her the strength to live.

We decided to continue our talk in the park. I kept on saying how much I love her. I kissed her hand, nose, cheek, forheard and of course her lips. We shared a sweet kiss. It was our first time and it felt so wonderful for the both of us. We also held hands and hugged each other like were just newly wedded couples. 

I thought this moment would last forever until....

While were walking on our way to their house here in Seoul. Shw felt dizzy and passed out. I grab a taxi and rushed her to the hospital.

The nurses quickly brought her to the emergency and as I sat outside the emergency room, waiting, I prayed and prayed to God that please make her ok. Don't take her away from me. I don't know if I'll survive if I lose her again.

Theb the doctor came and said, "any family member for Ms. Hwang?"

"Me. I'm her husband". I said.


"We need to talk". The Dr replied.

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Chapter 22: AAAwwwww I like it very much author-nim!!! Really sweet fluffy fluffy meltiiinggg aw XD
Really great job. LOVE THISS~! XD
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 23: Awwww......sweet story, anyways done reading it, looove it :)
Chapter 21: Finished!! Upvote for this. ;)
I hope u make a beautiful story like this again in the future author-nim. Fighting
Chapter 2: Its good so far.. but I'd like to say that it makes me tired of reading it over bcoz the change of the Povs. U write it twice w/ different povs. But other than that its good :)
woohyunsyoja #5
Chapter 22: Omagaaaaaddddd what a lovely ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a wonderful story^^
Could you please make a sequel please??
Pretty please??
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 21: Nonono! The cliffhanger TT^TT
Chapter 21: bbeeepppp.......no way that can't happen~!!
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 19: Awwww they are the sweetest couple EVER!!!!!! if I had a boyfriend/husband like him I couldn't possibly b more blessed^^
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 17: So sweet

Please update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 15: Yayyyyy the operation was succeful^^

Please update soon