Angel: Part 3

If Only I Could Turn Back Time


I hugged Min Jung as she cried. I know she's really sad right now to hear that Onew-hyung passed away. 

While we are comforting each other. A doctor came to us and said. " are you Mr. And Mrs. Kim Myungsoo?" 

"Yes Dr." I replied. 

"Well, Dr. Lee, left something for the both you. He said to give it to you before he died." The Dr said and gave me 2 envelopes then he left us. 

I looked at what looks like letters. But one of the letter is bulkier than the other. 

One has Min Jung's name written on it. The bulky one was address for me. I asked Min Jung if she wanted me to read it for her and she nodded.



Dear Min Jung

You are one strong lady. I always pray for your recovery. I'm sorry if I wasn't the best doctor for you. 

maybe by the time you read this letter, i'm gone.I don't know why I'm saying this stuff but I have a hunch that I don't have time anymore 

please stay strong, keep smiling and keep loving Myungsoo. I can see that he loves you so much. I wish I was like him when my wife was still alive. You reminded me of her. You also had the same illness as her although I wasn't save her. 

promise me that you will fight until the end, arasseo? Don't.give up. I'll be watching over you guys.

take care. Till we meet again, my dear friend and sister.


-Onew oppa-


*end of letter*


Min Jung cried harder after I finished reading. I patted her back and comforted her. I really can't bear seeing Min Jung cry. It hurts.


When she somehow calmed down. I took the other envelope and opened it. It has another small envelope with my name on it. The other contents looks like important documents.

I read the letter out loud so Min Jung can hear it and it says....


Dear Myungsoo

i know I already said this to you a.million times, but, please always take care of your wife. Love her with all your heart and never leave her.

you guys remind me of me and my wife, Yoon Mi. She also had the same illness as Min Jung. But unfortunately I lost her. I wasn't able to save her. I was so busy looking and inventing the right treatment for her that I lost track of time. And it was too.late for me when I realized.that I should've spend more time.with her. 


i don't want this thing to happen to the two of you. That's why I constantly reminded to love your wife, and be with her. The things that I have not done for mine. 

i hope you two will live a and I always pray for Min Jung's health and recovery. 

And....inside the big envelop are my authorization letters....

..I'm donating my eyes to Min Jung. I found out a few days ago that I can be a donor. It's my gift to the two.of you. And last.....the thick bundle of I have completed it and it was published. It was the treatment for Yoon Mi and Min Jung's illness. I have finally completed it. I have already.told the doctors about the eye transplant and the treatment. In a few days Min Jung will be cured and can see again. 


if you're having doubts.about the treatment, well it was already tested to one of our patient last week and it was a success so no need to worry. 


well this would be it. Take care you two. Thank you for being my friends. I'll say hi to Yoon Mi for the both of you. We'll both watch you and be with you. We'll be your ANGELS. :)


-Onew Hyung- 


i cried and cried when I finished reading the letter. "Thank you so much hyung. You are our angel. We'll be forever grateful. Thank you thank you" I said. And I hugged my wife. We both cried. Tears.of joy and sadness.

Thank you God for our angel, Onew hyung. I know he is happy with Yoon Mi noona now. 






3 chapter update for all my lovely subscribers and readers :) ♡


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Chapter 22: AAAwwwww I like it very much author-nim!!! Really sweet fluffy fluffy meltiiinggg aw XD
Really great job. LOVE THISS~! XD
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 23: Awwww......sweet story, anyways done reading it, looove it :)
Chapter 21: Finished!! Upvote for this. ;)
I hope u make a beautiful story like this again in the future author-nim. Fighting
Chapter 2: Its good so far.. but I'd like to say that it makes me tired of reading it over bcoz the change of the Povs. U write it twice w/ different povs. But other than that its good :)
woohyunsyoja #5
Chapter 22: Omagaaaaaddddd what a lovely ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a wonderful story^^
Could you please make a sequel please??
Pretty please??
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 21: Nonono! The cliffhanger TT^TT
Chapter 21: way that can't happen~!!
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 19: Awwww they are the sweetest couple EVER!!!!!! if I had a boyfriend/husband like him I couldn't possibly b more blessed^^
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 17: So sweet

Please update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 15: Yayyyyy the operation was succeful^^

Please update soon