
If Only I Could Turn Back Time


Now that Min Jung found out about her brain tumor and soon to be blindness she can't help but think if she will tell L or let it be a secret. Then she decided not to, anyway soon enough they'll be divorced. 

She went home after a few hours at the hospital. Dr. Lee adviced her to take medications and regular checkups to monitor her condition. She asked Tiffany and Eun Ji not tell this to L cause she doesn't want to bother him with his life.



"Guess he's not here yet" I said as I open the lights of our house.

I glanced at everything and try to remember every part of our house, I can't help but cry as I repeated in my mind what Dr. Lee told me. I won't be able to see this things soon, I won't be see my husband's face soon. I want to remember every beautiful detail of his face. I cried and cried until I felt tired and soon I went to my room to change my clothes and go to sleep.

"Everything will be ok Min Jung" I said to myself as I drifted off to sleep.


*next morning* 

"Eomma, appa can we meet. I need to tell you something."  I called my parents. I want to tell them my illness and my divorce plan.


So met up in a cafe. They were there already when I arrived.

"Hi." I said.

"So Min Jung, what is this all about?" Asked Mom


" you see....I want to file divorce to L" I said

"What? But why? You two seem to get along very well." Asked Dad looking shocked.


" were not getting along dad. For the past months my life was hell with him. He doesn't love me. He love someone else. How can I live with that. I've had enough of this. I can't pretend anymore" I replied as I was crying.

"Oh Min Jung. Sorry you had to go through all of this. We thought this was the best for you. But were wrong" said Mom while hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry about this Min Jung. Don't worry we'll talk to our lawyer this day so we can get divorce paper right away. Sign it and let L sign it". Dad said and he hugged me tightly.


"So what's your plan after you'll get divorced?" Asked eomma.

"Um supposed to be I want to go to the USA to continue the study, but...." I said but can't find words how to tell them my condition.

"But what? " said Dad


" this might sound crazy but...." I was crying while saying the next sentence. " I have brain tumor and soon I' blind"

My parents face were shocked and pale upon hearing the news.


" no no no, this is not true. Tell me its not true" said mom crying hard.

" it is. Im having frequent headaches and dizziness at my eyesight is starting to deteriorate". " one time I passed out, tiffany and eun ji rushed me to the hospital. And that's when tests were conducted to me and that was the result." 


Eomma just sobbed there while Appa hugged us both. He is also crying. We just held each other like that for a while.




after telling her parents about her condition, she told them she would go to Busan, her mom's province to live there. She wanted to start a new life. Her parents agreed to this and told her that they'll be coming with her.

They also went to their family lawyer to talk about the divorce and decided it ahould be done right away. The lawyer gave her the divorce paper and he let Min Jung sign there. Min Jung asked a favor if she could just leave the papers on her house and let her lawyer pick it up as soon as L signed it. She wanted to leave for Busan as soon as possible. The lawyer accepted her favor. And they all went home. Her mkm and dad dropped her to the house and said they'll be back after 2 hours to pick up Min Jung. Tomorrow morning they will leave for Busan.


Again L was not home, Min Jung thought that he might be on a date with his girlfriend. Min Jung went to her room to pack her things and to write a letter for L. After doing this she called her friends to tell them hernplan and she gave them her address to Busan. And they said they will visit her soon. She asked them not to tell L or Infinite about anything.


She went to L's room and left the divorce paper and her letter on his desk. And left with her parents.

" Good bye L" she said as she stepped out of the door of their house.





"Aissh what's taking her so long" I muttered as I waited for Suzy on the park for our date.

I was waiting for almost an hour now and she's not yet here. Waiting for her made me hungry so I decided to grab a snack first aat a nearby coffee shop. While walking I saw this twonlove birds clinging to each other. When a car light lightly flashed on their face I saw who was it. It's Suzy with another man. I hid on a tree and there I saw the most painful thing. They kissed Each other. Then Suzy said I Love you. I love you more than L.

I was shocked, loss for words. Then I remembered what Min Jung told me months ago. And how it ended up in a worst situation. 

I let them passed by me while still hiding in the tree. Then when theu're out of sight I ran to my car parked at the nearby park and drove home.

While driving I repeated what happened the night when I slapped my own bestfriend, my own wife.

I was angry at myself.

"Myungsoo you pabo!! What have you done?" I said angrily at myself. So angry that I statrted pulling off my hair while shouting how stupid iam for hurting her.

I hurt my bestfriend my's just now that I realized how much I love her. How much she loved me. I was so blind and numb to see and feel it.

It was too late.

If only I could change what's been done

If only I could turn back time. Back to where I married her. Back where we should've started making a new life together. Back to where I should've listen to what she told me. If only I could take back all the hurtful words I have said to her. But its too late.


I drove to our house as fast as I could to see Min Jung and tell her how sorry Iam for being such a jerk, a coward and horrible husband to her. I want her back. I want my Min Jung back.

When I reached the house I saw that no ones around. I went to her room to see that it was empty. Her things were gone. I went to my room after and saw a envelope with a word written on it "DIVORCE". I was so shocked, I opened it to see that Min Jung already signed it and all tht's left is my signature.


Then I noticed another envelope with words written "For L" it was Min Jung's hand writing.

I opened it and read then letter and it says: 



first of all I wanted to say thank you for being a great bestfriend to me. For saying yes to our arrange marriage.

I'm sorry I wasn't  everything that you have wished for. I'm sorry that I wasn't as beautiful and y like Suzy. I'm sorry that I'm ugly and fat. I'm sorry that I was not the girl of your dreams.

I already filed a divorce so you and Suzy happily. I can't stand being with you anymore. It's like you're not the L that I knew. You're not the L that I have fallen in love with. Yes L, I love you and I will always love you despite what you done and said to me, I really love you. I know it's stupid but I guess that's what love can do to you


And isn't it you told me to get out of you're sight. Well here it is I'm doing it.

Goodbye L, I hope you'll live a happy life. 

Take care of yourself. Until we meet again.


-Min Jung-



As soon as I finished reading it I cried lkke a child. I slapped my self a few times while saying how sorry I am.

Its the end of my life. She already left me. My Min Jung left me...

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Chapter 22: AAAwwwww I like it very much author-nim!!! Really sweet fluffy fluffy meltiiinggg aw XD
Really great job. LOVE THISS~! XD
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 23: Awwww......sweet story, anyways done reading it, looove it :)
Chapter 21: Finished!! Upvote for this. ;)
I hope u make a beautiful story like this again in the future author-nim. Fighting
Chapter 2: Its good so far.. but I'd like to say that it makes me tired of reading it over bcoz the change of the Povs. U write it twice w/ different povs. But other than that its good :)
woohyunsyoja #5
Chapter 22: Omagaaaaaddddd what a lovely ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a wonderful story^^
Could you please make a sequel please??
Pretty please??
Inspirit93 #6
Chapter 21: Nonono! The cliffhanger TT^TT
Chapter 21: way that can't happen~!!
woohyunsyoja #8
Chapter 19: Awwww they are the sweetest couple EVER!!!!!! if I had a boyfriend/husband like him I couldn't possibly b more blessed^^
Please update soon^^
woohyunsyoja #9
Chapter 17: So sweet

Please update soon
woohyunsyoja #10
Chapter 15: Yayyyyy the operation was succeful^^

Please update soon