Chapter 7

Stranger's Bride

 Hara sat up right away she opened her eyes. She was unfamiliar with her surrounding. Then she remember that it was her new room, which she had shared with her husband last night. Her face suddenly turned red after remembering that Onew was hugging her last night.

 She stood up, and went in straight to the window. She look outside. This was her new place, home of her husband.

 She sighed and turned to which way she heard where the footsteps are coming from. The door opened and she saw Onew. He was smiling at her.

 "Good morning. You slept well last night." he said while walking towards her. He was wearing a blue sports shirt and white short.

 "Good morning." she replied. She was going to avoid him but she was not able to since he was there right away and kissed her forehead.

 "You look good as ever. You're still beautiful even you just woke up." he said while staring at her. "Let's have a breakfast, I'm hungry."

 She step back away from him and went to the bathroom, "You better just eat by yourself. I'm going to take a shower." She was surprise when he grabbed her shoulder, "O-onew."

 "Let's start our first day together like a real married couple. Our marriage is not fake, Hara. It's not bad if we tend to do things what real couples do."

 The huskiness in his voice ade her cheeks grow hot. She knows what he was thinking. And stupid of her, she didn't thought what the possibilities that might happen, what her husband ask her to do.

 Onew smiled when he saw her sudden reaction, "I'll gladly do my part, Hara .. if you are willing." he said teasing.

 She smiled to ease the awkwardness building up in her, "Thank you for the consideration. I really appreciate it." she said and immediately opened the door.

 But before she could close it, Onew said something "But don't make me wait for too long, sweetheart." There was a trace of mischief in his voice.

 After taking a bath, she went straight to the dining room. There she saw Mrs. Song. She immediately greeted Hara and informed her that Onew is waiting for her at the backyard.

 Mrs. Song pointed her where the backyard is. She breathe the freshness of different kind of flowers there. At the side, there stand the man-made lagoon, where a huge fountain is. The surroundingwas filled with vermuda grass. She went to the nipa hut. She stopped when she saw Onew waiting for her, he was smiling at her.

 "Like it?" he asked. He stood up and held his one hand out to her.

 "Fantastic." she replied.

 "It's all yours." he said. "Let's have breakfast, I'm starving."

 And so they had their first breakfast together after their wedding. Onew was smiling while they are eating. He was amused to see her while she eats.

 Her eyes widened when she saw the orchids when she saw a huge orchids, "Is that Vanda Sanderiana?" she asked.

 Onew look at the same direction, "Yes, it is. Yuri brought it here all the way from Busan, years ago." he replied.

 'Yuri who?' she look at Onew but didn't have the courage to ask him.

 That's the time she realize that she really barely knew her huband. She only knows that he is twenty-seven years old, had a masteral degree in Management. Lee Soongri is his mom and Lee Yoonjoon is his father. His family is indeed rich and had lots of friends from wealthy ones too. That's all, nothing else.

 "Why?" Onew asked when he noticed that Hara was staring at him.

 Hara shook her head and took a sip from the glass of juice.

 "What do you have in mind?" he asked.

 "Nothing, just nonsense thoughts." she replied and look away.

 "Whatever you're thinking, and you want it share it with me. I'll appreciate it.  If you have questions, just let me know. I'll answer it, Hara. The secret to happy relationship is good communication. It's one of the most important ingredients of a long lasting relationship."

 She look at him confused. Its as if he had forgotten that the reason why they married each other was plainly because of their 'deal'. And it's way too impossible to call it 'long lasting.'

 "When are you going to our ranch?" she asked, changing th topic.

 "I'll be going there this afternoon." Onew replied and put down his fork.

 "I'll go with you." Hara said.

 "I thought you want to see this whole ranch?" Onew asked.

 "I can do that some other time. I just wanted to see if---"

 "I'll do what I've promised you, don't worry." he stood up. "You'll get help that you asked from me." he reached for her hands and started kissing her fingers.

 She look at her husband, can't believe what he was actually doing. She doesn't know what to do, whether let him do it or pull her hands away from him. His kiss brought shivers down her spine, it make her go crazy. She should not feel that way, but how can she stop it?

 She was going to pull her hands away from him.

 "Not yet, sweetheart. We need to seal the deal." he said in a teasing voice.

 Hara swallowed hard, "W-what do you mean by..."

 She didn't managed to finish her sentence when Onew slowly stood up. When he was going to pull her closer to him she put her hands against his chest. But Onew caught it and put it on her side. His eyes were gleaming and she was not able to stop him when he bent his head so their lips would meet.

 There was no gentleness in his kiss, only expert sensuality. Before she realized, his hot tounge had made its way past her lips and teeth. She didn't realized that her arms were on his neck. His kisses made her forget that they were outside. He knew how to gain response and he did it with merciless adeptness which left her gasping.

 "That's one hell of a kiss for sealing a deal, sweetheart." he said while panting.

 She shove his hands away from her waist. Without a word, she left him.

 She was definitely confused right now.



I wanted to apologize to my readers for not updating for too long. I was having BIG problems and I don't know hot to face it. Well I hope this update would be enough for you guys now. I am really sorry. Hope you guys would understand.


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Chapter 26: I love this fic soo much!! I don't know why?! But i do! Actually it took who knows how much! To find it again! Gorgeous really! I like that about villas and ranch! Makes me really think of gorgeous sights! I would be could if you could lets us have scene with jinki and hara at the river she found. Anyways i love it!!
Coffee2s #2
Chapter 25: I really liked this~
ordinarygirllove #3
Chapter 26: Sweet story!! :) ❤❤
humbugsebaek #4
nice story but too short! I hope secuel (? Anyway I like a lot your writing style :) fighting author
Chapter 2: I love it :)
locketblingermvp #6
Chapter 26: I loved the fanfic *sobs. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! HUAAAAAAA ONEWWW ;(
Your review is finally complete! I'm so sorry for the really long wait! Thank you for bearing it c:
onewjjang #9
Aww~~ What a happy ending.<br />
I love it. :D<br />
Glad to know that everything is settled. :D<br />
Thank you for writing this fanfic. :D
hara_ya #10
urmmm~ its ending ady..<br />
but it was sweet ending, everyone were happy n baby on the line..<br />
their baby must be cute..<br />
thnx for finishing the story..^_^