Chapter 24

Stranger's Bride

 Onew quickly went inside the car. He held Hara's hand but she took it back.


 "Why are you here?"

 "To take you back home." He replied.

 "This is my home. And as I said in my letter-"

 "No," Onew cutted her off. "You can't."

 "I already did." Hara said.


 Hara sighed. "If it's because of the money you've spent-"

 "You're my wife, Hara."

 "Our marriege is a sham and you know that." she replied.

 "Hara," he said. His voice was quiver when he saw how determined she is. "Don't you wanna come back to me?"

 It was a tricky question. But Hara did not answer. Instead, "Can't you believe that I'm the one who left you?"

 Onew looked down. It took him a while before he answere. His voice was deep. "Don't leave me, Hara.." He looked up at her and lookeed straight into her eyes.

 She was surprised to see his reddish eyes. "O-Onew?"

 "Don't leave me," he  said with a tremor in his voice. "You're slowly and painfully killing me, Sweetheart." His voice was shaking also his hand on her knees. "I can't take it if you leave me. Maybe from other girls.." He shook his head, "But not you. Please, I won't take it..." He didn't managed to finish what he was about to say.

 Hara can't believe what she saw. They said men don't cry. But Onew did. He was crying in front of her and his cold hand took hers. "If you still don't love me. I'll wait."


 "No, listen!" He shook his head when she was about to speak. "You said before that any woman can fall in love with me. It's not hard to love me, right? Actually, I thought you already love me. Yes, I thought you did- once or twice, I believed it. Especially when we're making love."

 Hara blushed but she didn't say anything.

 "But after that, you were cold to me as ever. And I just proved that I was really wrong. But I can't let you go, Hara. I don't know what will I do if you leave me. I love you. I really do.. If you ask me how or when, I don't know. Perhaps since the first time I laid my eyes on you at the woods. I knew from the start that it's you who I had been waiting for. That's why I took the opportunity, just to have you."

 Hara slowly shook her head. "Onew.."

 "I know. If you don't love me, I'll wait. If we'll stay together, I know you will learn to love me, Hara. I can wait." His voice was pleading while looking at her hand on his.

 She can not believe what she had heard. Those words which she had been waiting for too long. Her heart was jumping with joy. Onew didn't know what she feels, that she also love him. That only her pride and their deal had kept her from showing it.

 She took his hand.

 "Hara.." He looked back up to her, searching every detail of her face.

 The feeling of triumph surged within her. Slowly she lifted her hands to his face and wiped his tears with her fingers. "Onew.."

 Both of her hands took his face. She looked at him full of love.

 "I love you, Hara. I really really do. This is the first for me. I've never experienced this kind of love before in my life until I found you."

 When he hugged her tightly, she held him closer to her. Onew pulled away and stared at her.

 "You, love me too?" he asked but he was quiet sure.

 She nodded.

 "Why not admit it?"

 "I thought..."

 Onew smiled and held her face with his both hands. His eyes were gleaming with love.

 "Say it, Sweetheart."

 She smiled and hugged him. "I love you too, Onew."

 When he lowered his lips, she did not avoid it. She responded to the tenderness of his kisses. Breathless, she made an effort to stop him.


 "Tell me about Yuri," she said. She know she can take whatever his relationship with Yuri.

 "Yuri!" Onew exclaimed. "Is Yuri the reason why you left? What did she say?"

 She shook her head. "I saw you two." She then told him about what she saw the other day when she peeked at the window.

 Onew sighed and took Hara's face. He kissed her deeply.. that left her gasping for air. After that he looked at her eyes.

 "I can't and never kissed anybody that way, Sweetheart." he said and kissed her again lightly. "If I'll kiss Yuri that way, it'll be ."

 She looked at him. Her eyes full of questions.

 "Yes," he replied and pulled her on his chest. "Yuri is my half-sister. She's the daughter of my father from another woman. That's my family secret. That's why father keeps on reminding me to look after her, just like a big brother. But Yuri doesn't know anything about it, which che thought I love her more than a sister. I love her, yes, but only like a brother to his sister. Later, I found out about that she really is my sister."

 She looked up to him. "Why didn't you told Yuri anything about this?"

 "We don't want any scandal. It's also what Yuri's parents want. My mom is one of Yuri's mother's friend." he explained.

 "How about Yuri? She has the rights to know."

 "Our father is doing everything for Yuri on his own way."

 Onew held her hand and kissed her.


 "I really love you, Hara." he said and kissed her lips. He kissed her with all the love in his being.

 After that, Onew hugged her. "Yesterday, Key and Jonghyun, my cousins, helped me to design the nursery room at the villa." he whispered.

 She pulled away. "How did you know that I'm pregnant?"

 "You are my wife, Hara. And I'm not that naive, I know the signs of a pregnant woman. I'm just waiting you to tell me." he smiled sadly. "I didn't know that you have no intention of telling me about that wonderful gift. It would be unfair, Sweetheart, to deny me of my own child."

 She smiled. "I'm still not sure because I haven't went for a check up."

 "But you're planning to leave me without telling me that you have those symptoms." he said.

 She hugged him. "If I had known that you love me, Onew, I'm not going to keep it as a secret. I will tell you about it. You own me, body and soul."

 After hearing what she said he laughed. She looked at him. His eyes radiating with desire for her.

 "Is that so?" he said and then lowered his lips to her. He made a brief, sweet suction on her lips. "I will make you pay for it later," he threatened her but his eyes were smiling at her, "I won't let you sleep."

 They both laughed. And at the same time the kept silent. They held each other's gazes lovingly.

 "Let's go to the doctor just to be sure." she said.

 He nodded and stared at her face. "I love you.... forever," he whispered.

 They didn't notice the car that pass by which Minho is driving. You can see from his face that his happy. There was hope and excitement. He is going to find Yuri.




Omo~ It ended. Hope you guys like the final chapter. Thank you so much for the lovely comments and for subscribing. Thank you for giving love to this fic. I really appreciate it a lot. THANK YOU so much, you guys don't know how much you gave me inspiration. KAMSAHAMNIDA.

I'll be making new fanfics. Hope you guys will also support it.

keymera really loves you all.

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Chapter 26: I love this fic soo much!! I don't know why?! But i do! Actually it took who knows how much! To find it again! Gorgeous really! I like that about villas and ranch! Makes me really think of gorgeous sights! I would be could if you could lets us have scene with jinki and hara at the river she found. Anyways i love it!!
Coffee2s #2
Chapter 25: I really liked this~
ordinarygirllove #3
Chapter 26: Sweet story!! :) ❤❤
humbugsebaek #4
nice story but too short! I hope secuel (? Anyway I like a lot your writing style :) fighting author
Chapter 2: I love it :)
locketblingermvp #6
Chapter 26: I loved the fanfic *sobs. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! HUAAAAAAA ONEWWW ;(
Your review is finally complete! I'm so sorry for the really long wait! Thank you for bearing it c:
onewjjang #9
Aww~~ What a happy ending.<br />
I love it. :D<br />
Glad to know that everything is settled. :D<br />
Thank you for writing this fanfic. :D
hara_ya #10
urmmm~ its ending ady..<br />
but it was sweet ending, everyone were happy n baby on the line..<br />
their baby must be cute..<br />
thnx for finishing the story..^_^