Chapter 5

Stranger's Bride

 "So the princess got her knight-in-shining armor." said the voice from her back.

 She quickly turned around, "What do you mean by that Minho?" she asked calmly.

 He laughed, "The high and mighty Lee Jinki, or also known as Onew. Isn't he was the one with you last night? Going out without anyone." he said shaking his head.

 She knitted her eyebrow, "I've never met him until last night. Just like what I said, they saw me at the boundary of---"

 "Your story. Well, I believe that you really are born great than me Hara." he said looking at her from head to toe. Then he turned his back away from her, "But you might just get hurt after meeting him." he said.

 Hara just look at her brother. She sighed. She miss her old brother Minho, when they were merely kids. Days when they were happy, and he was a good brother to her.


 Hara put down the magazine she's reading, and look at their helper, "Will you repeat what your saying Doowoon."

 "Well ma'am, the stock are on fire. Everything in the stock room is burning." he repeated.

 "Burning?" she repeated to herself.

 "Yes, Ma'am."

 She quickly stood up and ran to her horse.

 Her legs was shaking seeing the fire eating all their stocks. From where she is, she can see the fire. And there's aa thick smoke. You can see their helpers trying to stop the fire from spreading.

 She slowly went there, "Where's Minho? Does he know what is happening here?" she asked.

 "We already informed him, Miss Hara. But he didn't do anything since the fire spread too fast. Our fire truck is still on the shop since its broken. If we call at the firestation its way too far from here." he replied.

 She slightly pulled the reins of her horse. Another tragedy. It's not too long since she helped the family of their helpers who died.

 She sighed. Everything is in her hands. She has to face the problem. Its only two months since she left her job as an editor in a famous magazine in America and fly back to Korea because of the death of her parents. And that's her first time stepping back in Korea, for so many years of studying and working in a foreign country.

 Everthing is in her hands, she should be careful in making decision. Or else everything that her parents left them will vanish.

 She move her hair away from her face. Desperately , she look up in the sky. Like asking for strength to face the problem.

 There's one thing she surely knows: she will do everything to keep what her parents left them.


 Onew quickly stood up after hearing what his security told him through the radio. His sleepy mind immediately woke up.

 "Miss Manzano, Sir. She's on her way there." his security said.

 He quickly grab his clothes and fixed himself. He went to the living room and saw Hara waiting for him. There was beauty and elegance in her even she's only wearing simple outfits. She look at him
when she felt someone looking at her. And he met her soulful eyes.

 "What a surprised visit, Hara. Good morning to such a splendid beauty." he said in a joking tone.

 She stood up, "Good morning. I'm sorry for the uncalled-"

 "No," he cut her off, "For a lovely lady to greet my morning, it's my pleasure." he said smiling at her, "Have a sit. Can I offer you something?" he asked.

 "Thank you. But I'm done eating at my house." she replied.

 "So what's the purpose of ...? I mean, this visit?" he asked.

 Hara doesn't know how to start. She nervously sighed, "I need some help." she said.

 "Help?" he repeated.

 "Yeah," she shyly replied and she explained all her problems about the ranch. "And I'm afraid. I don't want to lose it that way. My parents worked hard for it."

 "So, what help do you need?" he asked.

 And again she paused and look at his eyes, "Can you help me, Onew?" she asked.

 "How can I help you?" he asked back.

 "As I told you, financially ... and maybe some managing ideas. I have no one to trust regarding that matter. And perhaps.."

 Onew's eyebrow raised, "And you trust me?" he asked amused.

 "Yes, somehow. I don't know." she replied.

 Onew shake his head smiling. In a short span of time, of all people it's him who she trust. They still don't know each other that much. Yet, he had this kind of feelinng that they seemed to know each other well.

 He look at her for too long, particularly in those gray eyes. There's a slight confusion in her eyes, he could tell it.

 "You can't afford to lose everything right, Hara?" he asked.

 Hara shook her head. She avoid looking at him.

 "It means everything to me." she said.

 "And you'll do anything not to lose it?" he asked.

 "It's for my parents and those people who are relying on me." she answered.

 Onew looked at her intently. He look at her, staring and watch her. He smiled; and there's a glistened in his eyes.

 "Then marry me, Hara." the words slipped from his mouth before realizing what he just said. Hara look at him confused.

 "What?" she exclaimed.

 "Marry me, Hara. That's the only way I could help you. No, let me finish first," he said, "My parents are pursuing me to get married. I need to have my own family. My father need to retire because he is becoming weaker especially his heart. But he won't do that unless he will see me married. That's the time he will let me manage our business."

 "And what's the connection between me asking for your help?" she asked.

 "Listen carefully, Hara. I can't find any other woman, for now, to be my wife. Help me, so that I can help you." he said convincingly.

 Hara shook her head. She can't believe what she heard. Is it right for him to ask her to marry him inexchange of asking him his help?

 And he said he could not find the right woman to marry, how come?

 She look at Onew. Her eyes widen when something came up in her mind.

 "A-are you g-gay, Onew?" she asked.

 "Of course not!" Onew look at her surprised. "Do I look like a gay to you?" he asked.

 Hara blushed. In her eyes, Onew looked every inch a verile man. Where did she get that idea?

 "Don't take it seriously. I'm just curious. Any woman can fall in love with you. How come, you can't find a bride? And why me?" she asked. "I don't love you and you're not in love with me either."

 "As you said, every woman can fall in love with me." he shrugged, "Who knows.." He look at her intently.

 Hara blushed again. Is he saying that she's not an exception from any other girls? That he can make her fall for him?

 "But that's beside the point. You're the one who needs hep and I'm just letting you know what I want in return. As for my reason why I asked you that.." he paused for a while and shrugged his shoulders, "Anyway we'll both benefit from it."

 Hara was stunned and was speechless for seconds. She always watch some particular movie having a scene like this, and she can't imagine it in real life. Mostly to herself. "Are you serious, Jinki?" she asked.

 He look at her, she called her in his real name, "I'm serious, Hara." he replied without blinking his eyes.

 Hara shake her head, "Then, forget this day, Onew." she said as she stood up and left.


 Hara didn't look back. She walk out immediately from the house.

 Onew sighed. 'Onew, your insane.' he thought.


So yeah, I updated before the preparation for my debut. Kyaa~ I'm not that too excited lol.

Anyway hope you guys like the update. Comments are loe and subscribers are adored.

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Chapter 26: I love this fic soo much!! I don't know why?! But i do! Actually it took who knows how much! To find it again! Gorgeous really! I like that about villas and ranch! Makes me really think of gorgeous sights! I would be could if you could lets us have scene with jinki and hara at the river she found. Anyways i love it!!
Coffee2s #2
Chapter 25: I really liked this~
ordinarygirllove #3
Chapter 26: Sweet story!! :) ❤❤
humbugsebaek #4
nice story but too short! I hope secuel (? Anyway I like a lot your writing style :) fighting author
Chapter 2: I love it :)
locketblingermvp #6
Chapter 26: I loved the fanfic *sobs. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! HUAAAAAAA ONEWWW ;(
Your review is finally complete! I'm so sorry for the really long wait! Thank you for bearing it c:
onewjjang #9
Aww~~ What a happy ending.<br />
I love it. :D<br />
Glad to know that everything is settled. :D<br />
Thank you for writing this fanfic. :D
hara_ya #10
urmmm~ its ending ady..<br />
but it was sweet ending, everyone were happy n baby on the line..<br />
their baby must be cute..<br />
thnx for finishing the story..^_^