Chapter 2

Stranger's Bride


 She tried to open her eyes. Hara still wants to sleep, but she felt strange in her surrounding. Her eyes wander around. Her sleepy mind woke up when she saw  the face of the man sleeping beside her. She quickly sat up while holding the blanket covering her.
 She immediately examined herself when she got up from the bed. She did not remember changing clothes. She raise her hands to see what time it is. But her wrist watch was not there. She turned her hed and saw it beside th lampshade. And she was wearing pajamas. Did Onew change her clothes while she's sleeping? Suddenly she felt concious.
 Did he saw her body? She gulped. She check herself and there's nothing wrong beside her heavy head. She took a step to take her watch; it was too early. She turned her head to look at the man sleeping and she didn't notice that she, herself was staring at him.
 From his very handsome face to the broad shoulders, his hard chest and strong yet gentle arms, she knew he was every woman's dream groom. She ould still remember how his kiss affected her in such a way that she felt herself melting, and almost forgetting that everything was just a 'deal'.
 Is she that too much undesirable? And Onew just sleep without any attemp to...
 'To what?' she thought.
 She shook her head and stared at the man again. Their situation was far different from any other married couples. That was probably te reason.
 But why does she felt some unwanted feeling in her heart?
 Then she heard her mind say something, 'What if one day?'
 She shook her head to drive away those thoughts in her mind. She went to te window but not long she felt chill, sending shiver down her spine. She went back to bed, but her mind is still debating whether she should sleep beside him or not.
 In the end, her wanting to sleep won. She carefully went back to bed and cover the blanket to her body.
 But not too long since she lay down, she felt her husband move. She held her breath when one of his hands rested on top of her tummy. She was frozen and couldn't move. He move to her and snuggle to her neck and his legs were wrap on her thigh. His warm breath gives her  different sensation.
 She gasp for air. Why is she like that? She should be pushing him away from her but why can't she do it? Why does she feel so different?
 She likes the warm body of his and the feeling of his arms around her body. It's like telling her not to worry, that she should close her eyesand relax. Then he moaned, and pulled her closer to him. And she's surprise that she just let him.
 Snugling the comfort of his embrace, everything went back to Hara's mind. Everything, the reason why she is in that situation now.

 A few months ago.
 The sky was too dark and there's lightning striking the sky. The dark clouds brought cold wind, telling that the rain will soon fall.
 But in the middle of the woods, Hara was there. She was wearing her white long-sleeved polo, knee-length jeans nd riding boots. She wears a cowboy hat, tied down her chin. Her hair was inside the hat.
 She was kneeling in front of her white mare, she's pleading it to stand up. But it didn't obey her because its cared of the roaring thunder and the lightning. She look around and she knew that it was only her, alone in that place. Then she heard horse's footsteps going to where she is.
 She knows that she's at the boundary of Lee's ranch and their ranch.
 "Who are you? What are you doing here inside Lee's ranch?" a powerful voice asked.
 Hara thought for a while, thinking that this must be from that ranch. Her fear slowly fade, "My horse can no longer move and we couldn't go back to where we came." she said while standing up.
 "Turn around and raise your hands." another voice ordered.
 She surpressed herself from laughing. Are they thinking that she's a bad woman? Could a woman like her do something bad against them?
 Then the rain slowly fell from the sky together with a cold breeze of wind.
 "We shouldn't trust easily, Sir." the old man said.
 "Mr. Jang.." a young man call him.
 "Please, I don't have any bad intention towards to anyone." Hara said.
 Onew glance at Hara confused. It was a soft, cultured voice. He immediately went down from his horse, followed by his men.
 "What are you doing here at this time of day?" Onew ask doubting.
 "Look --"
 "Take off your hat." he cut her off, you can hear that there was an order from his voice. He examine the girl carefully. Only her legs
can be see. It was white and looks like smooth.
 Hara, look at him carefully. Since it was dark and there's raindrop pouring, she couldn't see him clearly.
 She only notice the strong line of his nose and a deep-set eyes of a younger man. She raise her head a bit and took off her hat. Then her long straight her fell, veiling her face.
 Onew move closer to her. And he swore when he look at her, she was the most beautiful creation between the raging weather.
 "Who are you and what are you doing here in this place at this time? Do you know that for women like you, this kind of place is dangerous?" Onew said.
 Hara was surprise by the arrogant way of talking of this young men in front of her. She raise her face, "As I've told you---"
 But she didn't manage to finish her sentence since Onew stole the hat from her hand then gave it to the old man with him.
 "Please take care of her horse." he said and turn back to her, "Who knows what might happen to you here, let's go." he said.
 "What?" she raise her eyebrows.
 "You need to get out of here. You need help, I'm sure and we're kinda hurry too, miss. So let's go." he said offering his hand.
 There was a doubt in her eyes while looking at him, "But what about my Lucky." she said talking about her horse.
 "Don't worry. Nothing bad will happen." he said. Then he grab her waist up to his horse.
 "What do you think you're doing?" she protested.
 "The rain will definitely be strong, miss. And I'm sure nobody will passby here again to help you." he explained. Then he quickly jump up to his horse, sitting behind her.
 Onew doesn't even know why the hell he helped her. Somehow, he felt sudden urge to help her. Strange, but he wanted to protect those beautiful pair of legs, the slender waist and smooth arms of the beautiful girl which is in front of him and inside his arms.
 Then the horse started to galloped.

So here's the second chapter, I'm glad that there are interested in my story. Onew is one of my favorite in SHINee since they are my OT5 and that will be forever. Okay, Onew has the most charming smile that can make your heart melt. I love him and he is one of the reason why my bias list became mess >__<

Okay I may not update tomorrow since I'm busy. I'm turning 18 at last :))

So I hope you like the update :)

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Chapter 26: I love this fic soo much!! I don't know why?! But i do! Actually it took who knows how much! To find it again! Gorgeous really! I like that about villas and ranch! Makes me really think of gorgeous sights! I would be could if you could lets us have scene with jinki and hara at the river she found. Anyways i love it!!
Coffee2s #2
Chapter 25: I really liked this~
ordinarygirllove #3
Chapter 26: Sweet story!! :) ❤❤
humbugsebaek #4
nice story but too short! I hope secuel (? Anyway I like a lot your writing style :) fighting author
Chapter 2: I love it :)
locketblingermvp #6
Chapter 26: I loved the fanfic *sobs. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! HUAAAAAAA ONEWWW ;(
Your review is finally complete! I'm so sorry for the really long wait! Thank you for bearing it c:
onewjjang #9
Aww~~ What a happy ending.<br />
I love it. :D<br />
Glad to know that everything is settled. :D<br />
Thank you for writing this fanfic. :D
hara_ya #10
urmmm~ its ending ady..<br />
but it was sweet ending, everyone were happy n baby on the line..<br />
their baby must be cute..<br />
thnx for finishing the story..^_^