Chapter Forty

A Marriage With The Arrogant Woo Jiho
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 Chapter Forty


U-Kwon and Junhee were both constantly busy trying to plan out their wedding, it was to be due in three months and they still a lot of things to do on their list. Between those three months Mina gave birth to two healthy and beautiful babies at 5am on a breezy spring night she was rushed to the hospital. Jiho was frantic as he tried to soothe her pain, sweat beading on his forehead as he tried to drive as fast as the law let him to the hospital. Thankfully they were admitted to a room fast and as they waited for the time to tick by the pain got worse, although Mina tried her best to try and endure it.


It took eighteen hours for the birth of the two, the boy came out first; they named him Jongsuk. As for the girl she came out a few minutes after her older brother and was named Sora. Both of their swelled as their eyes fell upon the birth of their two children, both of them were so small and precious and Mina couldn't help but let a few tears fall. Soon after their birth they called their friends and family, they all slowly arrived to congratulate the birth of the Jongsuk and Sora, happy smiles plastered all over their faces.


Woo Bin couldn't help but tear up as well as he held his little boy in his hands, the child was so fragile and he would do anything in the world to never let anything hurt his child. He laid a gentle kiss on Jongsuk's forehead and glanced back up at Mina and Jiho, who were both intently watching Woo Bin. Both of them gave a gentle smile at Woo Bin, the couple's and Woo Bin's relationships were now steady. There were still a distance put between them but they tried to become as close as family now for the sake of Jongsuk, they needed to be a family so that Jongsuk grew up to be a great man. Even though Sora wasn't Woo Bin's child his heart still swelled at the sight of her, every feature on the child's face reflected Mina's beautiful ones.


Two months passed and U-Kwon was finally having his wedding, with a racing heart he entered the wedding hall and waited for his bride to enter through the doors. He had slicked his back and was looking handsome as ever, he smiled a broad smile at the familiar faces of family and friends. Mina beamed a smile at U-Kwon as well as she held Sora in her arms, Jiho beside them trying to fix his tie. Woo Bin was also there and was trying to lull Jongsuk into sleep but the effort he was putting in wasn't working out well. Woo Bin gave a weak smile to Mina as if asking for help, she nodded as if she understood, handing Sora over to Jiho she held Jongsuk in her arms. With a mother's touch Jongsuk immediately quieted and his eyelids started to fall.


Everyone soon hushed up as the door opened, Junhee's father was beside her as she held a beautiful bouquet in her hands, she then started to walk down the aisles. The dress that she wore was stunning and it hugged her body perfectly, the jews nicely giving her a fashionable sense but also not too much over the top. Mina had helped Junhee pick out the dress as Junhee had done for her previously but it was much easier this time around since Junhee knew exactly what kind of dress she wanted. Junhee smiled over at Mina's family as she passed them, looking up at her groom she couldn't help but stop in her tracks. He was looking brilliant, her heart pounded in her ears; her father ushering her to continue walking.


U-Kwon's smile captured her heart, she couldn't help but give him a smile back. U-Kwon outstretched his hand for her's, she kindly took it and stood in front of him. U-Kwon couldn't take his eyes off of his bride, he never knew she could look more beautiful than she already was and surely he was wrong. Junhee in her wedding dress was something else, she looked absolutely breath-taking and he couldn't wait to slip the wedding ring on her finger and to officially call her his forever.


With heart felt vows U-Kwon and Junhee finally exchanged rings, they leaned in for a soft kissed and even with the slightest touch there were a million different sparks going off. The rest of the day was blissful for them as they greeted old friends and chattered with their family, having a delicious meal and drinking to their content. U-Kwon had a surprise for Junhee and was taking her to another country for their honeymoon and he hoped that she would love it as much as he would. He couldn't wait to spend three whole weeks with his new bride, the tropics was definitely something they both need after the stressfulness of planning out their entire wedding.



Mina finally opened her bakery and her mother helped her out most days since her mother didn't want to just stay home for nothing. Mina was very successful when she opened her bakery, a lot of customers came to love the different and unique items that she put out for sale. Jiho would sometimes swing by and help her as well when he had time or sometimes he just wanted to see her. Jiho's company was doing well and he soon became business partners with Woo Bin, their joint company would make them even more successful. The three of them had left their pasts behind them and looked forward to the future, Woo Bin got a house closer to Mina's so he would be able to let Jongsuk be with his mother on some days. Even though it was odd to strangers their family was perfect in their eyes, they learned t

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!!!!!!! perfect~~~ they have twins and i hope i have one tooooo~~~
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: awww.....such a cute story, 2 fathers huh? hehehe, anyways done reading this one, looove this ;)
Chapter 40: You are amazing, author-nim! Let me give you a virtual hug for making such a wonderful story >:D< I'll be patiently waiting for another Jiho story~
dyumic #4
Chapter 40: It's been a wonderful ride reading your stories.. feel so happy to see a good ending for all parties even Woo Bin :)) thanks author!!
Chapter 40: Keke... even though this story ended, it was an amazing and happy ending! So thank you SOO much for writing this story till the end!!

Jongsuk and Sora are SOOO cute though!! I can just picture Woobin yelling at him for him to not fall over... hahaha... so cute...

I'm glad that everything is perfect now... especially with Woobin and Jiho and them....

Goodness though!! I wish I can see the photos!!!! My phone permits for some weird reason >.<

Gah... this story ended... I still cant believe it.....

Hwaiting on your future Jiho stories!! <3
Chapter 40: U.U This story ends u.u Thank you for making an amazing story author-nim. I Love You :3
Chapter 39: This chapter was so beautiful!!! Jiho got his sweet little princess (which I think is SOO cute how you said he wanted to spoil her >.<)... They're happily married and Woobin is an AWESOME MAN NOW!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!

Ukwon and Junhee are together forever now! Kekeke...

Thank you so much for this long chapter!!
Chapter 38: Thanks for updating author nim :3 Anyway, Happy Late Birthday author-nim :3
KeylVeh #9
Chapter 38: Great! I'm a silent-reader~ Once again, ur fanfic was great!! xD I wonder what's the conversation that Jiho and Woobin had? Also, where's Jay? I missed his character, too much T_T Anyway Happy Late Birthday from me~ xD
zarahaha58 #10
Chapter 38: ohohot new update<3, ahh after longtime, finally i can smiles in joy x3. Btw nice update and happy late b'daaaaaaay<3