Chapter Two

A Marriage With The Arrogant Woo Jiho
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Chapter Two 

A week passed sooner than she thought possible, Jun-min had enrolled in preschool and she made sure to know the location and the teacher to know her number so she's easily reachable if a problem arises. It felt weird to think that she was actually moving to her husband's house. She was only 17 and she was getting married, having to just deal with another person was a different story and what's worse is that she didn't even know this guy. She was just hoping that he wasnt a complete and was actually a decent person, from the stories she had heard the correlation between a rich boy being an is highly likely. She hoped that this time it wasn't the case.


"Mina! The car is here for you!" Her mother's voice yelled, taking a last look at her room she grabbed her backpack and went downstairs.


A black limousine stood outside their house, she's never seen one so up close, so the family must be pretty wealthy to have a limousine just to pick her up.


'Umma, I made some side dishes yesterday for you guys. It'll probably will last for two weeks so dont forget about it! I hope you guys keep your health, I'll try to come and visit as soon as possible." Mina said with a weak smile on her face, she didn't want to leave them. "Come here Jun-min, give your noona a hug before I leave." Mina's smile widened a little as her little brother waddled towards her, his eyes were crescent shaped with a bright smile spreading across his face.


"I'll miss you noona! Come back and play with me as soon as possible!' Jun-min said as he wrapped his arms around his sister.


"I'll make sure to, dont eat too much candy when Im gone." Mina smiled as she kissed him on the cheek. "Mother I'll miss you dearly as well. Ill call you when I get there." Mina enveloped her mother in a hug as well before she got into the car and waved her last goodbye to them.


Mina didn't know how long the car ride was considering she had fallen asleep since she was extremely exhausted from her shift of the previous night.


Opening her eyes she saw that she has arrived to a big white gate that was slowly opening, it felt like the gates of heaven was opening up to welcome her. As the limousine entered the graveled lot she could see a matching white colored house coming into view, although th word mansion would be more fitting for the building infront of her. It was simply elegant and was breathing takingly detailed, from the top of the roof to the pathway that lead to the front entrance.


"We are here Miss, you can go ahead inside I'll bring your luggage in shortly."  The driver said as he got out of his seat to open Mina's door.


"Oh no! Let me bring it in. It's only one suitcase, Im sure you have other business that you have to attend to. Thanks for bringing me here." Mina said as her lips curved into a delicate smile. The driver seemed to be taken aback a little, this was the first time anyone he has worked for him has been genuinely kind to him.


"Oh no

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Jjongshi #1
Chapter 40: I love it!!!!!!!!! perfect~~~ they have twins and i hope i have one tooooo~~~
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 40: awww.....such a cute story, 2 fathers huh? hehehe, anyways done reading this one, looove this ;)
Chapter 40: You are amazing, author-nim! Let me give you a virtual hug for making such a wonderful story >:D< I'll be patiently waiting for another Jiho story~
dyumic #4
Chapter 40: It's been a wonderful ride reading your stories.. feel so happy to see a good ending for all parties even Woo Bin :)) thanks author!!
Chapter 40: Keke... even though this story ended, it was an amazing and happy ending! So thank you SOO much for writing this story till the end!!

Jongsuk and Sora are SOOO cute though!! I can just picture Woobin yelling at him for him to not fall over... hahaha... so cute...

I'm glad that everything is perfect now... especially with Woobin and Jiho and them....

Goodness though!! I wish I can see the photos!!!! My phone permits for some weird reason >.<

Gah... this story ended... I still cant believe it.....

Hwaiting on your future Jiho stories!! <3
Chapter 40: U.U This story ends u.u Thank you for making an amazing story author-nim. I Love You :3
Chapter 39: This chapter was so beautiful!!! Jiho got his sweet little princess (which I think is SOO cute how you said he wanted to spoil her >.<)... They're happily married and Woobin is an AWESOME MAN NOW!!! THATS AMAZING!!!!

Ukwon and Junhee are together forever now! Kekeke...

Thank you so much for this long chapter!!
Chapter 38: Thanks for updating author nim :3 Anyway, Happy Late Birthday author-nim :3
KeylVeh #9
Chapter 38: Great! I'm a silent-reader~ Once again, ur fanfic was great!! xD I wonder what's the conversation that Jiho and Woobin had? Also, where's Jay? I missed his character, too much T_T Anyway Happy Late Birthday from me~ xD
zarahaha58 #10
Chapter 38: ohohot new update<3, ahh after longtime, finally i can smiles in joy x3. Btw nice update and happy late b'daaaaaaay<3