My teacher is a Boyfriend!

SooKyung POV:

I woke at 6:30 in the morning. why this early you ask? cuz i had to go to school and it was the beggining of the 2nd semester.

i took a shower...

ate breakfast...

brushed my teeth...

and headed out the door.


i was at my seat in homeroom...luckily my desk is next to the window so i could daze off, like right now...

"annyeong, SooKyung-ah!!" i turned around and it was my best friend, Hyuna. (not from 4minute)

"oh, annyeong..." i said with a deprest tone.

"SooKyung, you ok?"

i sighed..."my grades are failing, and if i dont get them up soon, my parents are gonna take everything away from me..and to make it worse, we have a test today!!" she was about to say something but the bell rang...


me and hyuna wer walking to our next class, the class that we have a test in. we sat down on our assighned seat as the teacher was handing out the test.

again i was next to the window, hyuna was on the next row to my right and 3 desk down. she turned around and put up a fist in the air...

"hwaiting!" she mouthed. and i did the same.


after school ended i walked back to my house and waved goodbye to hyuna.

when i came home, the house was silent. i came into the kitchen and saw my parents wer waiting for me with disappointed expression on their face...

"waeyo?..." i said with a shaky voice and a worried face.

"SooKyung, you failed your test... again." i had a shock look on my face...ANDWAE!! MY LIFE IS OVER!!

my parents arent the serious and strict type. but when it comes to my grades it needs to be perfect.

"SooKyung-ah, your father and i decided to give you a tutor till your grades are all As and Bs..."my eyes grew wider.


"This is the only way yo give you a second chance..." i nodded my head cuz i liked the sound of that. but i really dont want to have a tutor...

"arraso omma." i kissed my mom and dad on the cheek and went to my room.

i got dressed to my Pjs...

and jumped on my bed.

i was laying on my stomach and my head was turned to the left.

i sighed and whispered to myself "a tutor..eotteke..." after a few minutes i drifted to sleep waiting for a new and refreshing day tomarow...


The next day...

Youngmin POV:

"ne, arraso manager-nim..." i smiled as i looked at the note he gave me. it was an address to our next photoshoot place for our new album 'boyfriend'.

everyone took their own private taxi to the place. i sat down inside the taxi and gave my taxi driver the address.

"104304 korean drive 34927" (fake address) he nodded his head telling me he understood.


when i arrived at my assigned location, i looked at the building infront of me...

"this place looks way to small for a photoshoot looks like a regular house..." my eyes wer still glued to the small house. then my taxi driver spoke....

"youngmin-sshi, i'll be back to pick you up, just call when you need me back...." but before i could say anything he drove away...


i was about to knock on the door but i looked at the address manager-nim gave me:

104304 korean blvd 34927 -------

i looked up in confusion and tried to remeber what i said...


104304 korean drive 34927

-end of flashback-


"AISH!!.." i slapped my forehead with my hand in disbelief. " i was about to call my taxi driver but the door behind opened revealing a married couple in their late 20s and early 30s.

"omo!! your finaly here!! your so late!!" the women said. i tried to cover my face with my jacket so they wont notice im from the boygroup 'boyfriend'

"theres no need to be shy...come on in..." but before i could say a word. she grabbed my hand to pull me inside the house. looks like they dont notice me...phew.


i came inside and like i said it was like an ordinary house.


"BWOH!!  T-TUTOR!!?" i turned looked at the women in shock the women looked at me in disbelief and a smiled began to appear.

"haha dont be joking! your the tutor right?" i was about to say my name but then they really might recgonize me of my name, so i decided to play along. well, if you think about top student in the class with all As..

" the tutor.." i looked straight and theres this cute girl with a skinny body and a pretty face.

"annyeong~ im your tutor." i smiled shyly. she just tsked at me and looked away with her arms crossed. so much for her pretty face image...


the door bell suddenly rang and the father opened it to reveal a man...

" the tut-" but before he could finish hes sentence he yelled...

"we dont need you, i dont want anything your selling...LEAVE!!" and he shut the door. and walked back with a smile on his face. i thought to myself..omo! that must be the real tutor!!! i let that thought slide, cuz im the 'tutor' now.


"YAH!! are you really my tutor you look kinda young..." she said with a pissed off face and and angry tone.

"SooKyung! dont talk to your teacher in that kind of tone..." i felt 2 hands on my back and the mom pushed me closer to her. i blushed slightly cause i was too close to the pretty yet pissed off girl.

"Now you go to your room and study!" the mom said and rush me and the girl, SooKyung upstairs...


AISH! youngmin, what have you gotten yourself into...

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yea we all love the mental picture of youngmin taking his clothes of ^^
KC_cHoI #2
i love it!!! nice story
babols_princess #3
love ur xtorii
new reader here!!! :) it's going good in the first chappie!!! of course I'll subscribe!!! ^^
aigoo~ im so sorry~ :(<br />
i'll fix that~
3am?? ._. 3 IN THE MORNING? Are you sure about that... lol
one of those fics <3
a sequel!
b) make a sequal~
jjkpop #10
pls make a sequel!