Sweeter Than Coffee


He was tall. Handsome in fact. His hair and eyes matching the color of a bitter coffee bean. He was quiet too. But i guess thats how he was. Thats what people found him attractive. He was the coffee boy. Ordinary. Just like that one day.

or was it ordinary?


He was a dancer. Skinny, yet strong. Confident, yet inoccent. His hair the color of caramel, his eyes soft like mocha. The way he smiled and just like those movies, everything is in slow motion. The atmosphere seemed more happier.

But what happens when these two very different people meet? What happens when that tiny spark in their eyes just exploded?


For all we know it might just even be sweeter than coffee.





Hey guys!!~ im baaaccckkk~ and im aliiiiive!! :3 (Dont kill me~!)

Im so so so so so so so so so so so so so soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SORRRRRYYYYY!!!!!

many many many reasons why i couldnt be here!!

1. no computer. my previous laptop was ! i couldnt edit my stories well enough. Slow internet.....lol i didnt even have internet t-.-;;

2. School!! homework. project. homework. essay. projects. and all those fun stuff. and my dang geography teacher apparently loves seeing us suffer!! -.-;;;

but on the bright side, Im here!! got a new laptop for christmas!! (happy holidays guys~^^) and its winter break!!:)

so please keep supporting me, and waiting for more updates, i promise i'll keep up and catch up with my fics this time!

Love you guys!! you guys are the best!!






i think i should make this rated...knowing 2min...theres gonna be ;3


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Chapter 11: Yo! I'm still waiting( ^ω^)
Chapter 11: Hi... I think this story is really adorable and it would be a shame not to continue it... can you? please?
Chapter 11: Yay! 2min Fightingggg! :D Goshhh Minho is so adorable when he is jealous!! xD lol

I hope Sulli won't break 2min apart >_<
I'll be so heartbreak if something happen to 2min!!!!
Chapter 11: I am totaly for a Chanyeol fin <333 By ultimat Bias <3
Chapter 10: Awww so cute. <3 I just feel like I ate cotton candy now
justnormalme #6
Chapter 10: I feel like Taemin's mom wont like Minho...
more warmth I like it sooo far
Chapter 10: ;A; poor minnie
;3; but don't feel that way tae
minho loves yo ;3333333;
justnormalme #9
Chapter 9: Please update soon TT_TT