Public Humiliation

Pinky Promise

A smile appeared on her face at just the thought of his presence.  She was right there in front of him and she could not believe that she was the first person he wanted to see.  They haven't seen each other in two years, and Yoona saw physical changes.  He was taller.  His face looked manlier and his voice was a little deeper.  Yoona hid her smiles as he continued to talk about America and how great it was.  Jiyong talked about his debut performance, the city life, and the parties he attended along with big stars like Angelina Jolie, Brad Pit, Adam Sandler, and Natalie Portman.  He spoke of how superhuman he felt when he performed on stage.

"Yoona, it was just great.  I can't believe how much you've missed.  You should have went with me when the management company offered you the same opportunity a few years ago!  You would have been a great singer," Jiyong gushed.

Yoona shook her head and laughed, "I'm mediocre in singing."

"No, I like your voice.  It's gentle, but I think your dancing is more dominant, honestly!" he said, "When people see you dance, they get up on their feet just to applaud you."

Yoona laughed.  She missed these moments with him.  She remembered having long talks with him until the sun would set.  Jiyong remembered something and walked over to a table and returned with a box in his hand.  He handed Yoona the box and grinned at her.  Yoona opened the box and found a pair of diamond earrings.  She gasped at the thought he put into selecting the gift.

"I saw these earrings in Tiffany's down in Beverly Hills, and I thought you would like them.  I thought you deserved it too.  You're a great friend," he said as he hugged her.

Yoona was still surprised, "Thank you, oppa.  They're beautiful."

It was still morning and Jiyong looked exhausted from the flight.   Yoona looked at her watch and saw that class was going to start in less than half an hour.  She got a text from Seunghyun asking if she still wanted him to pick her up for class.  She texted back that she still wanted him picking her up, but gave Jiyong's address instead because she wasn't at her condo.   Jiyong's phone rang and it was his girlfriend.  He ignored the call and planned to tell her later that he was sleeping because of his exhaustion from the jet lag.

"Go ahead and answer your phone call.  I wouldn't mind," Yoona smiled, "I need to get going in a few minutes anyways."

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'm going to go to class in a few minutes.  A friend is just going to pick me up," Yoona informed him.

She was going to wait outside, but was stopped when he grabbed her wrist suddenly.  She turned around and he gave her a gentle smile.

"It's cold outside.  Just invited your friend to come inside.  I would love to meet your friend," Jiyong offered.

Yoona nodded in agreement as she took out her phone to call him. Jiyong began to wonder who her friend was while she talked to him.  She called him Bingu and oppa.  Her friend was a guy then.  He hated to admit that he was jealous that someone else had gotten closer to Yoona while he was gone.  He thought that he was going to be the only man, aside from her father, that would be important to her.  Within a few minutes, a knock was heard on the door.  Yoona signaled him that she would get it and he nodded and sat back down on the couch.  A tall figure entered the house and Jiyong's eyes widened.  He never thought he would see him again.

"Ch-Choi Seunghyun," he stuttered.

Seunghyun nodded and bowed.  Jiyong bowed back nervously.  The two men were friends until an unfortunate incident.  Seunghyun walked up to Jiyong and shook his hand.  Jiyong had a million thoughts rushing through his head.  He snapped out of it reluctantly as he tried to cover up the suspicion Yoona was starting to feel with a smile.  

"It's been a long time," Jiyong said solemnly.

Yoona's eyes widened as a big grin appeared on her face.  She honestly thought that these two would not get along, but it gave her hope to know that the two were already acquainted.  They were just so different.  Seunghyun was more composed and quiet while Jiyong lived life as if he was the life of the party.  She grabbed both of their hands as she gave them both a happy smile.

"I'm so glad that you two already know each other.  It would be cool if the three of us can hang out one day!" Yoona hoped.

"Yeah, that would be nice," Jiyong said quietly.

Seunghyun looked at his wristwatch and cleared his throat, "Jiyong, it was nice seeing you again.  I'm going to start the car so the heater can warm up.  Yoona, I'll be waiting in the car for you after you say your goodbye."

Yoona's lips formed the shape of an O as she heard that Seunghyun was going to warm up the car.  He was driving!  He lied when he said that he didn't own a car.  Yoona laughed out loud as she grabbed his wrist.

"Oppa, I knew that you knew how to drive!" Yoona victoriously smirked.

Seunghyun smiled at her and Jiyong never seen him smile like that.  She looked like a happy child on a Christmas morning.  He snapped out his thoughts before he bowed to Jiyong again and left the house to start the car.  Yoona and Jiyong were left alone in the house.

"I really missed you, Yoona," Jiyong told her.

"I really missed you too, oppa.  Someone was too cool to write back!" Yoona stuck her tongue out.

Jiyong never got any of her letters and quickly assumed that his managers hid the letters to keep him on track and keep him away from any distractions.  He just smiled at her as she got up signaling that she was going to leave.  Before she could leave, Jiyong pulled her into a tight embrace.  He had never been so jealous of seeing Yoona close to another guy.  He knew that Yoona would develop feelings for him in time.  He kissed her cheek and she pulled away from him with surprise.

"Oppa, you have a girlfriend," Yoona told him.

Jiyong corrected her, "Yes, but there is nothing wrong with a friend kissing another on the cheek."

Yoona looked around and just nodded.  She bowed and left the mansion.


Two hours later...

Yoona continued to cry in an empty room she found.  Her eyes were swollen and she had successfully managed to run away from Seunghyun and the rest of her friends.  They were probably still looking for her.  It was already lunch break and Yoona laid down on the couch in the vacant room.  She stared at the ceiling as she continued to think about how something like this could have happened.  She heard footsteps and became alarmed.

"Yoona, what are you doing here?" Hyori asked her.

Yoona reflected that question, "What are you doing here, Miss Lee?" 

Hyori laughed as she sat next to Yoona.  She had a sandwich in her hands and took a bite in it.  

"This is the staff lounge.  Most of the teachers eat out, so I'm usually here alone," Hyori answered, "Now tell me what's wrong."

Yoona told her everything and burst into tears.  Hyori patted her back to comfort her.  

Hyori took out her phone and handed it to Yoona.

"I know a way to get to the bottom of this.  Call your dad and tell him that you want an assembly today.  Ask him for the surveillance room key also," Hyori told her.

Yoona was flustered, "You're going to help me?"

"Of course.  I went through a similar situation when I was your age," Hyori grinned.


The whole school was herded into the large auditorium.  Yoona peeked through the curtains to find Seunghyun, Hyun Joong, Jaejoong, and her friends in the front row.  Every student was curious about what the assembly was going to be about.  They never had any unexpected assemblies, so it was a first.  Each seat was filled as Hyori walked out on stage with a microphone.  She rolled her eyes as all the male students began to cheer and scream while breaking into applause.

"Quiet down, everyone.  I'm here to talk about a serious matter," Hyori said.

Everyone quieted down as Hyori tapped her heels on the stage.  It was so quiet, you could hear a pin drop.  Hyori smiled because they obliged and held the microphone closer to her lips.  Yoona took a deep breath from the side of the stage.

"I'm pretty sure that all of your have seen what was posted around the school this morning.  There were posters this morning hung around the lockers, the library, the classrooms, and the hallways displaying pictures of Im Yoona wrapped in nothing but a blanket while a man wrapped his arm around her.  She was asleep in the picture and the man's face was not shown," Hyori told everyone.

Everyone began to chatter about the pictures around school.  You could hear people laughing and giggling at the sight of the picture.  Yoona closed her eyes and tried to compose herself.  She was going to go out in front of the whole school in a few seconds.  She wanted to look unaffected.

"Quiet down!" Hyori demanded, "I just wanted everyone to know how stupid and disrespectful it is for someone to do that to a fellow student.  Most of you thought that Yoona would skip the whole school year because of her embarrassment, but being the strong willed person she is, she's here to talk to all of you."

The crowd calmed down as they saw Yoona make her way to the center of the stage.  Her tears were replaced with a confident smile as she stared out at the crowd.  Seunghyun and her friends were concerned because she left after seeing the posters.  She ran away from all of them without a word.  She placed the microphone closer to .

"As all of you guys know, I'm labeled as the new school ," Yoona said in a monotone, "I would like to say something to all the people who helped spread those papers around:  I got you."

Yoona had a DVD disc in her hands while the student population watched her slide it into a DVD player.  She looked at the middle of the crowd and gave a little grin.  She pressed the pause button and began to continue to talk to her peers.

"Everyone knows that no one is supposed to play with me, Taeyeon, Jessica, Tiffany, Sunny, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Sooyoung, or Seohyun.  You guys know how much power we hold in this campus.  We're in charge of the student body, athletics, and almost every club in this campus.    People fear us and admire us at the same time.  Someone tried to challenge me, and I'll respond to that.  The first thing that the person should know is that they're going to pay," Yoona said with a smirk.

"Without a further ado, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to call up Jang Hyunseung," Yoona boomed.

Everyone looked at Hyunseung and he tried to hide under his scarf.  He had no intent on going up, so he just sat there and stared at Yoona.  Yoona gave him a deadly stare and he tried to avoid her eye contact.  He continued to sit there as the whole school waited for him to go up on stage.  They have been waiting for about a minute.  Seunghyun finally lost his patience and stood up.

"Listen to the woman already!" he said while standing up and pointing a finger at Hyunseung.

He saw that Hyunseung made no attempt to get up.

Seunghyun glared, "If you don't get up, I'll have to come up and get you!  I still have that anger from the time you punched me when you were drunk!"

Hyunseung got up and shamefully walked to the stage.  Yoona gave Seunghyun a smile and mouthed a thank you to him.  He nodded and sat back down on his chair.  He was pretty sure that it was going to be a good show.

Yoona played the clip and everyone saw in the big screen that Hyunseung was posting up pictures of Yoona all over the school.  The crowd was gasping as they booed Hyunseung.

"How could you?  You weren't even in the list of people I hated," Yoona spat.

Hyunseung felt guilty, "It was all Hyuna's fault!  She bribed me that if I get your reputation down, she would be mine!"

The crowd pointed and laughed at Hyuna who was trying to hide her face.  She was embarrassed because she practically sold herself to put Yoona down.  She was just very desperate to have Yoona suffer that she sold her soul and body.  She started to tear as she covered her face with her hands.

Hyori spoke to the microphone, "According to the student handbook of rules, Miss Hyuna could be expelled."

Yoona saw everyone else laughing at Hyuna, "STOP!"

Everyone quieted down.  

"I want Hyuna to talk and tell us why she did that.  The pictures were not real.  I want to know why she photoshopped my picture," Yoona said, "If you answer truthfully, I'll forget this whole thing and you won't be expelled.  I know that your parents would be disappointed if you were expelled."

Hyuna shyly got up and spoke out loud, "I photoshopped those pictures because I wanted you to look bad."

"LOSER, LOSER, LOSER!" the crowd chanted as some people threw balls of crumpled paper at Hyuna.

Hyuna got up and fled the building.  Yoona crossed her arms and just watched her run away.


Yoona was in a bookstore as she waited for Seunghyun.  They were supposed to hang out today.  Yoona looked through the books and saw the book "Dracula."  She hasn't read it yet and she reached for it.  Another pair of hands reached the book first, and Yoona looked to her left to see who it was.  She smiled and covered .

"Jiyong oppa, what are you doing in a bookstore?  You don't even like reading!" Yoona said.

Jiyong rested his hand on his chest as if he was hurt, "I like to read during my free time!  You're the one that was always avoiding book assignments in middle school!" 

"Sure oppa," Yoona rolled her eyes.

"So, I see that you're alone.  Do you want to hang out today?" Jiyong offered.

Yoona frowned, "I'm sorry, oppa.  I actually made plans with Seunghyun today.  I don't think that you would want to tag along since we are going to a museum of art."

Yoona's phone then rang and she took her phone from her bag.  It was a message from Seunghyun.

I can't make it today.  I'm sorry!  I hope you're not mad at me, but I have some important business to tend to!


Yoona looked up and was amazed that Seunghyun had blown her off.  She put her phone back in her bag.  She gave an awkward smile to Jiyong.

"Hmph, Seunghyun can't make it," Yoona was trying to let it sink in, "I guess I can hang out with you then if it's still okay with you."

Jiyong nodded and smiled.  He pulled out his arm for her to hold.  She nodded and took his arm as they walked out of the bookstore together.  

Yoona cancelled her original plan of going to the museum because she knew that Jiyong was not going to be interested in it anyways.  He would just walk around and pretend as if he found the paintings and sculptures fascinating.  He was more into music and fashion.  They both went to the movies.  When they finished the movie, they went to a nearby mall to shop for some clothes for the winter.  Jiyong claimed that he didn't have enough jackets despite his collection of fifty jackets just for the winter.  The two went to get a shake, and Yoona led him to a food court.  Jiyong told her that he wanted a vanilla shake.

"Hm, mister, can I have two vanilla shakes?" Yoona asked.

The man looked as if he was in college.  He gave Yoona a smirk as he nodded his head.  Once he got the order ready, Yoona reached out to her purse to pay for the shakes.  He stopped her by reaching over the counter and placing his hand over her hand.  She froze and stared at him.

"It's okay, cutie," he flirted, "This one is on the house."

Jiyong walked up to them and slapped the guy's hand off of Yoona's.  The man yelped and shook his head.  Jiyong took a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet and slammed it against the countertop.  

"Keep the change!" he yelled as he grabbed Yoona's hand and led her away from him.

"Aish, the pretty girls are always taken," the cashier mumbled.

Yoona and Jiyong were walking around the mall.  Jiyong wore a pair of glasses, a large scarf, and a hat to conceal himself from the others. Yoona was just glad that she could be herself without being trampled by adoring fans.  Yoona began to sip on the shake that they had just bought.  Jiyong gave a sour look after thinking about the cashier.

"I can't believe he has the nerve to flirt with a customer!" Jiyong's face scrunched up.

"Oppa, calm down.  He was just being friendly," Yoona laughed.

Jiyong shook his head, "Nope, he was not being friendly.  Believe me; all guys don't act like that for nothing.  They want something in exchange!"

Yoona looked at him and looked down at her drink.  She used to believe that too until she met Seunghyun.  Seunghyun protected her and bought her so many things without her request despite her refusals.  He didn't want anything in exchange.  All he wanted in exchange was her friendship.  Yoona ignored Jiyong's remark.

Yoona felt as she was walking by herself and looked back at Jiyong.  He had paused and just stood there as if he was a frozen block of ice.  Yoona skipped to him and she saw his jaw drop.  He was filled with laughter as he pointed at a shop's display window.  Yoona looked in the direction that he was pointing at and she dropped her shake to the floor.  Just like her shake, her jaw dropped.  

In a bookstore's display window, she saw Hyuna and Seunghyun on the other side.  Yoona felt her blood boiling as she saw Hyuna pull his collars and plant a kiss on his lips.  Seunghyun's head shot up with alertness.  He said some words to her, but she just smiled.  Yoona couldn't hear the words, and all she could see was his mouth moving.  Seunghyun's eyes drifted to Yoona and his eyes grew wide.

"I didn't know that Seunghyun was back to his old ways!" Jiyong clapped while laughing, "I thought he changed for good when he moved back to Korea!" 


I'll go ahead and post this kind of early since I'll be busy today.  I hope you guys liked it, and please comment and subscribe! ^^

And I personally don't hate Hyuna.  I really like her, but the poll demanded that she is the better villain.  And I think she makes a good bad girl. :D

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)