Meeting the Family

Pinky Promise

The winter air surrounded the both of them as they reviewed for an upcoming test.  They have been friends since the first semester of the school year, and they have been inseparable since then.  A lot of people thought that they were dating, but the accusations were put to rest by an irritated Yoona.  Yoona was reading a literature book and looked at Seunghyun.  They were in a park and he was just staring out into space.  He looked like he was in deep thought, but Yoona knew that he was just daydreaming.  She waved her hand in front of his face, but he didn't respond.

"You really are the one and only Bingu!" Yoona grinned.

Yoona had been calling him Bingu because of all the times he'd space out when he was with her.  He snapped out of his thoughts and put down the book that was in his hands.  He was tired from all the studying, and he needed to rest.  Because of him, Yoona was more serious about her school work and she was more responsible.  Although she was still mean to others, she was becoming a better person each day.  She even started to do some charity work with him.  In fact, she was going to go to a retirement home to volunteer right after they studied.

"Let's get back to studying.  The volunteers will be looking for us in a few minutes," Seunghyun said as he started to read lines from a book.

The routine that the two had was that Seunghyun read the sentence in English and Yoona had to repeat it.  Seunghyun coughed to clear his throat and took the book into his hands.

"He fell in love with the woman, but not on the spot.  He fell in love with her slowly, and because he did, he loved her more than a man that fell in love at first sight can," he read aloud.

Yoona recited the sentence flawlessly.  Seunghyun smiled and looked at Yoona.  She was facing the trees while watching some birds singing on the tree branches.  

"He was in love with her because he was in love with her inner self.  He was in love with her personality, her flaws, and her habits.  If she wasn't as beautiful as she was, he would still love her.  He personally thought that the looks she attained was just a bonus.  It was nice to have, but he would still love her through everything.  He loved how her smile resembled the crescent moon.  He loved how when she talked, everyone's attention was on her.  He loved how her aura brightened him up on a gloomy day just like how the sun emerges from the horizon," Seunghyun said slowly.

Yoona looked at him and gave him a stare.  How could she repeat all that?  She hasn't read the book that Seunghyun recited it from, so she figured the story was about love and romance.  

"Are you sure that's in the book?" Yoona questioned.

"Huh?" Seunghyun asked.

Yoona retorted, "Well, that book looks like it was written from more than a century ago, and the diction that you just recited was modern."

Seunghyun took out his phone and ignored her question.  He checked the time on his phone and cleared his throat.  He stood up and helped Yoona up to her feet.

"We need to go.  They're waiting for us," Seunghyun said.

Seunghyun and Yoona walked to the retirement home which was about four blocks away.  On the way, Seunghyun sensed that she was cold because her teeth was chattering, so he bought her a hot cup of coffee on the way.  Yoona thanked him and offered to pay him back, but he refused.  Yoona warmed her freezing hands with the heat of the coffee cup as she sipped it happily.

They arrived at the retirement home and Seunghyun opened the door for Yoona.  She was coughing from the cold weather and her hands felt numb from the temperature.  She started to feel a little lightheaded, but she ignored it.  Seunghyun and Yoona changed into more suitable clothing provided by the retirement home.  Yoona went into a room and Seunghyun went into the room across from the room Yoona entered while pushing a cart of food.  They needed to feed some of the senior citizens.  Yoona walked in and heard a cry of happiness.

"Yoona, you're finally here!  I've been waiting for you since last week!" the senior citizen cried.

She was an old lady that was half Korean and half American.  She was in her late sixties and she was the one that Yoona was the closest to.  Yoona gave her a quick hug as the woman smiled at the beautiful Yoona.  Her name was Sophia and she was left in the retirement home a few years ago because her daughter didn't have the time and money to care for her.  Yoona started to set up the food as Sophia began to talk.

"Oh, Yoona I have missed you!  I've been waiting for  you to visit for a week now.  It's just so boring here," she complained.

Yoona smiled at her, "Sophia, it's not boring here!  There's a spa day here, a yoga class, and there's bingo!"

Sophia shook her head in rejection at the thought of the place being fun.  Sophia heard Seunghyun talking to a senior citizen that was across the room from Sophia's.  Sophia nudged Yoona on her side and raised her eyebrows teasingly.

"Tell me that you and that boy are finally dating," she smiled.

Yoona shook her head quickly, "Ajumma, we're not dating!  We're just friends!  And plus, I don't think he would ever want to date a brat like me!"

Yoona took her revenge, "How are things between you and Hyuk Jin?" 

Hyuk Jin was the man that Seunghyun was accompanying at the moment.  Sophia and Hyuk Jin were each other's first loves, but went their own ways once they went to college.  Hyuk Jin was different because sometimes he would remember his past with Sophia, but most of the time, he didn't remember his past love with her and only knew her as a neighbor in the retirement home.  He was so old that he had began to forget things.

"He's the same old man.  He didn't remember me today," Sophia looked down.

"I find it destiny that you two live in the same retirement home after fifty years.  Maybe you two were the ones that were meant for each other," Yoona guessed.

Sophia shook her head, "Yoona, you need to stop imagining things and experience some love already."

Seunghyun and Yoona left the retirement home within an hour, but as soon as they exited the building, it started to rain heavily.  Seunghyun took out his umbrella, but he knew that she was cold.  On a regular day, he would walk her home after their volunteer work, but the rain stopped them.  Yoona began to cough roughly as she rubbed her hands together to keep them a little warmer.  Seunghyun took off his jacket and gave it to her.  He was guessing that she was going to get sick if she didn't keep warm.  He began to worry and concluded that they could not walk in this weather.

"I'll call one of your friends to pick you up," Seunghyun told her.

Yoona waved both of her hands side to side, "No, they can't.  They're actually in a student body meeting.  They won't be back for another hour."

Seunghyun rubbed his chin, "How about your father?  I'll ask him to pick you up and I'll just walk home."

Yoona shook her head, "He's in Busan visiting his best friend from high school."

"Aish," Seunghyun cursed.

"Oppa, I'm cold," Yoona confessed weakly.

Seunghyun began to worry because she was starting to look pale.  Her light skin was turning even whiter.  She coughed and covered it with her arm.  Seunghyun sighed and took out his phone.  He called one of his brothers to pick them up.

"Where are we going?" Yoona asked.

"We're going to my house," he told her.

Yoona smiled under her scarf.  Seunghyun had never allowed her to visit his house because he claimed that his house was an embarrassment.  Yoona was smiling in victory.  She was being a little dramatic on purpose so that he can feel bad and find a warmer place to stay, which is his house since her house and her father's house wasn't available.  Yoona thought that even if his house was small and simple, she wouldn't judge him.  He always gave off hints that he was poor, but Yoona honestly didn't mind.  She just wanted to meet his mother.

Within five minutes, Taeyang picked them up and Yoona took a seat in the back.  Seunghyun was shifting uncomfortably in the front seat as they got closer and closer to his house.  Yoona was surprised that Taeyang was driving a Lexus.  Seunghyun always gave off that his family was a commoner family, but Taeyang's car was a contradiction.  Yoona's jaw literally dropped after seeing their house out the car window.  It had to be bigger than her own house with her father, and her father's house was considered to be one of the biggest in Seoul.  Yoona nervously swallowed as she entered the house with Seunghyun and Taeyang.

She walked in to see Seungri dancing on a game with a Wii console.  He noticed Yoona's presence and stopped the game immediately.  His eyes were surprised that Seunghyun had bought Yoona along.  Seungri walked up to Yoona and hugged her.  A frown then appeared on his face.

"Seohyun looks exactly like you," he moped.

Yoona giggled, "Did she ignore your calls again?"

Seungri fell to his knees dramatically as Taeyang and Seunghyun shook their head in disapprovement.

"Am I ugly?!  She never answers my calls!" he dramatically yelled.

"Get up!  You're embarrassing us!" Taeyang commanded.

The four of them froze to hear a loud scream.  Yoona covered to conceal her giggles because she saw Daesung running out of the room while a mid-aged woman chased him with a giant fly swatter.  Daesung's face was smeared with some facial cream and it seemed as if he put it on himself neatly.  

"Why did you use my facial cream?!" the woman shouted, "It's imported from Switzerland and it's $400 for a seven ounce jar!  You used half of it already!" 

The woman continued to smack Daesung in his with the fly swatter as Daesung tried to dodge her.

"Mommy, stop!  I needed it!  I saw a pimple on my nose this morning!" he cried.

The two stopped after noticing that they had company.  The woman smiled as she let go of the fly swatter and approached Yoona.  She gave Yoona a hug and held her hands.

"You must be Im Yoona!  My boys always talk about how pretty you are!  Daesung, Taeyang, and Seungri told me that you're the woman that Seunghyun's probably going to marry in a few years!" she joked.

Yoona's eyes grew wide as Seunghyun turned red from the humility.

She laughed, "I was just kidding, dear!  My name is Choi Misun.  I'm their mother."

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Yoona smiled.

They family had dinner together and it was delicious.  Misun had cooked the dinner and Yoona complimented that it was savory and scrumptious.  Misun brought Yoona to the living room again and this time, Yoona looked at some picture frames.  Seungri, Daesung, and Taeyang began to giggle to themselves as Yoona picked up a picture frame.  Yoona assumed that it was a cousin or nephew.

"Who is this little boy?  He's so cute and cuddly!" Yoona grinned.

A chubby little boy was seen on the frame and the three brothers were in shock that she wasn't making fun of the picture but was admiring it instead.  

"That's Seunghyun, darling," Misun boasted, "He was so fat back then, right?"

Seunghyun was embarrassed and covered his face.

"I miss Seunghyun as a child.  Even if he was fat, he'd still dance just to make me happy.  He changed so much.  Ever since he lost all that weight, he became more serious," Misun reminisced.

Seungri stood up from the couch, "Yeah, he used to always dance to make umma laugh!"

Seunghyun hit his forehead with his palm to see that all three of his brothers were copying how he used to dance ten years ago.  He was embarrassed, but Yoona was clapping her hands happily. Misun joined her in the applause as Seungri, Taeyang, and Daesung danced together in front of the two women.

Yoona's laughter began to escalade as Misun began to tear from the laughter.  Seunghyun stepped in and pulled Daesung and Seungri by the ear to stop.  Taeyang scratched his head and sat back down on the couch.  Daesung and Seungri yelped in pain as Misun and Yoona's laughter died down.  

"Do you want to see Seunghyun's bedroom?" Misun asked randomly.

"Oh, sure!" Yoona nodded.

"Mom, she doesn't want to!" Seunghyun defended.

Misun pointed at the direction in which Seunghyun's room was.  Yoona knew that Seunghyun was going to stop her from entering his room, so she made a run for it.  Seunghyun saw the petite girl run towards his room and chased her in hopes of catching her before she can go inside.  The two disappeared when they reached the second floor.  Misun had a satisfied smile on her face as she began to giggle to herself.

"Those two should be a couple," Misun said.

Yoona opened the door and went inside his room.  It was twice as big as her room in her father's house.  It was as big as her father's room.  She cleared as her eyes wandered around the room.  She found a lot of toys in his room.  She found action figures and robotic toys.  She waved her finger at him as he flopped on his bed while trying to hide his face.  She sat on his bed and laid back while stretching.

"I don't understand why you didn't want me coming to your house.  Your house is beautiful," Yoona complimented, "As a friend, I'm going to be honest and tell you that I thought you were on a scholarship because you gave it off that you were poor.  It's the opposite!" 

"Aish, I just don't want anyone knowing about this.  I already have enough fake friends," Seunghyun mumbled.

Yoona playfully punched him on his shoulder.  Her eyes widened as she pinched his arm.

"Are you saying that I'm a fake friend?!" she gritted her teeth.

"NO!  You're not a fake friend!  It's just that if people knew how wealthy my family is, they would try to be my friend, but not for me.  They just want to be my friend because my family is rich.  I had that happen in Los Angeles," he confessed.

Yoona nodded understanding what he meant.  She would hate to have some fake friends, too.  That was why she kept her amount of her friends to a limit.

"I think your family is really cool.  I don't understand why you didn't want me to meet your mother," Yoona confessed.

Yoona's phone vibrated loudly which alarmed the both of them.  Yoona took her phone from the bed and answered it.  She heard a familiar voice and she began to choke on her own saliva at the thought of that person calling her.  She sat up quickly and held the phone more securely in her hand.

"O-oppa," she stuttered.

Seunghyun couldn't do nothing but listen to Yoona talk to the man she had been in love with since high school.  He rested his head on his arms as he stared at the ceiling.  He heard Yoona's tone go from surprised to ecstatic.  She hung up and got closer to Seunghyun.  She gave him a hug after he sat up.  He fell back at the force of her hug and she was on top of him for a few seconds.  She quickly got off of him as she pumped her fists in the air.

"Oppa is coming back to Korea!  He's on the plane already!" Yoona grinned.

"Oppa?" he asked.

"Yes, oppa is returning!" Yoona repeated, "I don't know if you know him.  His name is Kwon Jiyong.  He's a singer in America."

Everyone knew who Kwon Jiyong was.  He was the most successful Korean singer to make it into the American industry.  Seunghyun knew Jiyong on a different level.  They were actually friends for a few years.  Seunghyun swallowed hard and began to fidget out of the bed.

"Jiyong is the guy that you have a crush on?" Seunghyun asked.

Yoona mentioned in her sleep that she was in love witih Jiyong.  She didn't know that he knew.

She blushed, "Who told you that?" 

"You sleep talk too much," Seunghyun answered.

"Well, all I could say is that he's a close friend.  He wants me to visit his house once he comes back!  His parents are in Japan for a year, so he said that we can finally catch up again!" Yoona clapped her hands together.

Seunghyun became alert.  He honestly didn't know how he was going to face Jiyong.  What if Jiyong loved Yoona, also?  He looked down as Yoona patted his back.  She gave him a smile.

"Bingu, don't worry!  He's a close friend, but you'll always be my best friend.  I'll have more time for you than I'll ever have for him!" Yoona assured him.

"Yeah," he tried to smile.


A/N:  Jiyong's going to make his appearance in the next chapter!  :)

Since I'm looking through Big Bang and SNSD GIFs, I'm going to spam you guys with some adorable GIFs.  Enjoy and sorry if it's annoying!

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)