Yoona, the Angel

Pinky Promise

"Jagiya, why do you look so uneasy?" Seunghyun whispered in her ear.

It was getting late, and the family of three was watching television together.  Seunghyun and Yoona were the only ones awake as Yoogeun slept soundly on top of Yoona's lap.   Yoona encircled her arms around Yoogeun to support his sleeping body.  Yoona was biting her lip as she stared at the television.  When Seunghyun finally broke the silence of her anxious behavior, Yoona jumped up a bit.

"Huh?  I look uneasy?" Yoona asked immediately.

Seunghyun nodded slowly as he looked at the woman he loved.  The room was dimmed because the only source of any light was coming from the flat screen television.  The three of them were in their pajamas while they sat on the couch together.  Yoogeun was wearing his favorite pair of race car pajamas.  Yoona wore a robe lightly wrapped around her small frame.  Seunghyun had a tank top and a pair of boxers on.  

Seunghyun noticed Yoona's eyes getting wide as she carefully observed the television.  There were several commercials with Jiyong as the subject.  Seunghyun felt uneasy as he saw Jiyong's smiling face on about two commercials.  He knew that Yoona was thinking about him and that was why she was so out of it.  Yoona tore her eyes off of the television screen and brushed her fingers through her long, straight hair. 

She smiled, "If you didn't cancel that collaboration with Jiyong a couple of months ago, you would have been in that commercial, and I would have still been your stylist."

It was pretty awkward for Seunghyun when he told his management company that he didn't want to do the collaboration anymore.  Jiyong and Seunghyun only had one music video, two live performances, and two singles together, and after that, Seunghyun regained his memory and remembered his rivalry with Jiyong.  He withdrew from the collaboration as soon as he remembered everything.

"I wouldn't dare stand on the same stage as him again," Seunghyun spat bitterly, "He had the guts to ask for a collaboration when I didn't remember a thing.  He knew that I was in love with you, and he acted as if we didn't have competition in the past."

Yoona's head turned towards Seunghyun and she suddenly made a funny face.

"Yah," she pouted, "I am not something that resembles to a prize of a competition!"

"I know that you're not a prize!" Seunghyun assured her, "It's just that I always feel uneasy when I'm in the same room as him.  The tension is just so high, and I feel blood rushing through my veins as if I'm angry just by looking at him."

Yoona remained silent as she fixed her eyes back at the television screen.  The commercial had just ended and it went to another commercial.  The new commercial was advertising Jessica's newest concert.  It was a tour around Asia and Yoona was sure that she wouldn't be able to see Jessica for a few weeks because of that.  

Yoona gulped as she hugged Yoogeun tighter.  She felt guilty for keeping the stolen kiss a secret from Seunghyun.  If she told him that Jiyong had kissed her, he would be angry and do the unthinkable to Jiyong.  As much as she hated Jiyong for kissing her after her engagement party, she still could not erase the love she had for him in her heart.  It wasn't the same love as the love she had for Seunghyun, but it didn't change the fact that Jiyong was an important aspect in her life.  

Seunghyun stared at Yoona while she looked at the television.  She was trying to distract herself from an emotion and he knew it.  Whenever she tried doing this, she would blink several times and find something to do that would make it look less obvious.  In this case, she was singing along to the song Jessica was singing in the commercial.  Seunghyun didn't know what was bothering her, but he intended on finding out.  He just needed to know.

Seunghyun sat in his office chair as he played with the pen in his hand.  He was dazing off into space as the office chair twisted back and forth.  Yoona's behavior was still bugging him, and he knew that he couldn't function correctly if he was distracted about something in his head.  He reached over his wooden oak desk and took his office phone.  He dialed a number and within a few rings, the call was picked up.

"How's my jagiya?" he asked in a low tone.

Seunghyun had asked one of his bodyguards to watch over Yoona ever since her behavior had turned odd and peculiar.  Of course, Yoona had no knowledge of this, but he felt that it was for her own good.  He felt as if something was bothering her, and he thought that maybe she was being bothered because she felt unsafe with the fact that she was marrying one of the richest men in Seoul.   He also didn't want anyone hurting her.

The bodyguard replied, "She went to her friend's house.  I believe his name is Wooyoung.  They talked for a bit in the front yard and then they went into his car.  She did not go into his house.  After about fifteen minutes of driving, they arrived at your son's school and went inside.  They were in there for about forty minutes, and she left the school by herself.  She was waiting for a cab, but then she stopped and had a chat with two women.  I couldn't see who these women were from afar, so I used binoculars and I figured that they were Miss Gyuri and Miss Hyuna."

"Gyuri and Hyuna?" Seunghyun asked abruptly.

Yoona smiled as she sat on a chair.  She was right in front of Jieun who was giving her a puzzled expression.  She didn't know why Yoogeun's mother was there.  She didn't know why she would visit during the kids' nap time.  Yoona looked confident about something.  Jieun was questioning her smile.

"Miss Yoona, why are you like this?  You visited during an unexpected hour.  You're smiling as if you just won the lotto, and you seem genuinely happy about nothing," Jieun told her.

Yoona smiled even wider, "Don't you think literature is an intriguing yet complex subject.  Just think about it.  One single poem, essay, or story can mean several things.  It can mean love, but it can also intend hate.  Isn't it just lovely?"

"Miss Yoona, you're very mysterious today.  If you want to say something, please just tell me directly," Jieun requested.

"I just wanted to tell you about a friend that I made while I was in Japan.  He's pretty famous.  His rival in writing is going to be my sister-in-law in a few years, but I'll have to admit that his writing is just phenomenal.  He just wrote a book about six months ago about the woman that he loved.  He said that her skin was as white as milk.  Her voice was sweet enough to put little children to sleep.  Her heart was kind enough to the point that she cared about other people more than herself.  She sounds like the perfect girl, huh?" Yoona asked.

Jieun tried to talk, but she ended up spluttering a series of words.  Her eyes grew wide as she thought about him again.

"Wooyoung," Jieun said in a high voice.

"Yes, that's my friend's name," Yoona grinned, "And he's outside waiting for you in the hallway.  He would come inside, but he claimed that he didn't want to startle you and make you run away."

Jieun didn't even reply to Yoona as she burst through the door and saw Wooyoung.  Before Wooyoung could even smile, she jumped up to him and gave him a hug that made up for all the years they had been apart.  Yoona crossed her arms and gave an admiring smile while she watched a new couple forming in front of her eyes.  She had hooked up a lot of couples, like Onew and Luna, Nicole and Key, and Seohyun and Seungri, but this one had to be her biggest accomplishment.

"I thought you wouldn't want to see me again," Wooyoung stated.

Jieun nodded, "I did say that, but then I matured and realized that I wanted to be with you whether you're famous or not.  I don't care if I won't have much of a private life if I'm with you.  I'm over it now, and I realized that you're the only one I want to be with."

"Then why didn't you...tell me so that we could have been together earlier?" Wooyoung questioned.

"I was too afraid.  I was so afraid that I expected you to find me.  I told myself that you would find me one day," Jieun admitted her cowardly behavior.

"I did try to look for you, but I was unsuccessful.  Yoona told me this morning that she found the woman I love," Wooyoung beamed.

Yoona walked out of that elementary school with a contented heart.  She finally helped a couple mend their problems and reunite after several years of absence.  Since the school was about four miles away from her home, she decided to take a taxi instead.  She sat on a bench as she waited for a taxi to pass by.  She would call a cab company, but her phone was dead on battery.  As she waited, her eyes began to wander at the scenery in front of her.

She looked around and noticed that the place was very pretty for a preschool. The flowers and the gardens were probably planted by Jieun since she loved flowers so much.  The grass had a healthy green glow to it as she saw the children run out of the classroom to the playground.  She smiled as she saw Yoogeun running with a group of boys.  She had to pick him up in two hours, but she didn't want to bother him at the moment.  He seemed to be enjoying himself.

Yoona looked forward as she maintained her straight posture while sitting on the wooden bench.  From across the street, she saw two fragile figures walking briskly as they held on each other for support.  Yoona narrowed her eyes and realized that those two figures were two familiar faces.  She quickly crossed the street, but it seemed as if the two were trying to get away from her.

With her handbag hung on her shoulder, she ran up to them and grabbed both of their wrists.

"Gyuri!  Hyuna!" Yoona yelled.

They shamefully looked back with discontented eyes.  Yoona couldn't even count how many times they bowed to her.  It was as if their bad attitude had been stripped of them.  Gyuri was the one that pretended to be a good girl in the past so that she could get into Jiyong's wallet.  Hyuna was the woman that pretended to be the love of Seunghyun's life so that they could get married.  Yoona was supposed to hate them, but she couldn't.  Their image had shattered from spoiled, women with rich boyfriends to nothing but women living in poverty.  Their eye bags were extremely visible, and Yoona noticed their waitress uniforms.  With light stains on the apron of the uniform, it seemed as if the both of them were now working together.

"Hey, what happened to you guys?" Yoona asked with concern.

They both shook their heads as they looked down at the pavement.  Yoona lifted up their chins and gave a look of worry for them.  Even the people she hated didn't deserve to live such a hard life.

"It's nothing, Yoona sshi," Gyuri whispered.

"We need to go now.  We still have five miles to walk.  We have to get to the bus stop and then we need to ride on that bus for about twenty-seven miles," Hyuna stated.

Yoona's eyes widened as she heard that Hyuna had just said.  Hyuna was telling the truth, but she tried to conceal a major factor to their story.  Yoona grabbed Hyuna's shoulders.

"Don't think I'm stupid!" Yoona yelled, "I know where you two are going!  That place is illegal!  It's an underground whorehouse!"

"Yoona sshi..." Gyuri said weakly, "I would have never thought you would know where that is."

Yoona remembered driving by that place as she saw a variety of women walk in with the most provocative clothing ever.  It was obvious that it was a whorehouse and she always wondered why the cops had never raided the place.

"Has it gone to this low in life that you have to sell your bodies?  You do know that if you enter that place, you'll have to work there for the rest of your life?  You'll never get to escape!" Yoona cried out.

She didn't know why she cared so much about the both of them.  She figured it was because of the growth she had in herself because of them.  Although they antagonized her love life, they gave her lessons and forced her to grow from a spoiled daddy's girl to a mature, independent woman.

Gyuri began to cry softly, "I just can't take it anymore.  Jiyong blacklisted me and made sure that no company would accept me as an employee.  Seunghyun did the same thing for Hyuna.  The best job that we could find was as a waitress in a bar, but the men in that bar make us feel so degraded and uncomfortable.  We figured that if we're going to be treated like that, we might as well sell our bodies and get more money so that we can at least pay for our apartment and some sufficient food."

Yoona felt the blood under her skin boiling as she heard that Seunghyun and Jiyong had blacklisted the both of them.  She grabbed her bag and took out her phone.  

"What's your number?" Yoona asked.

Hyuna replied, "I have a phone, but it's a prepaid phone since we can't afford one with a contract.  We're sharing it."

Yoona repeated, "Please give me your number."

Hyuna took Yoona's phone and punched in her digits and saved it as 'Hyuna and Gyuri'.

"I have a proposal for the both of you," Yoona announced, "It's more of a deal."

Hyuna listened with an open heart as Gyuri nodded at Yoona's announcement.

"When I both met you, you two were the biggest pains in the .  Hyuna, you stole my identity and pretended to be the woman that Seunghyun had loved in the past.  You were okay with the fact that he was a father and even with that in your brain, you still wanted to get married to him.  Gyuri, you pretended to be such a good girl when I met you.  You cut my leg with the blades of your ice skating shoes, and you framed my best friend so that he could marry you for his money.  You two probably don't deserve anything as of now.  I fully understand Seunghyun and Jiyong's decisions," Yoona admitted.

Hyuna and Gyuri burst into tears as Yoona patted their backs.

"Being a devout Christian myself, I believe that no one deserves this kind of punishment.  Seunghyun and Jiyong shouldn't be the ones to punish you.  God should be the one.  Because I am blessed in this life, I believe I should give back.  Since Seunghyun and Jiyong won't let you have a job in 95% of the places in Korea, I'll give you two a job.  You two will be working for me at my fashion empire.  You two won't be models, photographers, or even designers.  You two will work a variety of jobs.  It will include cleaning the building, running my errands, and being the receptionist in the front desk.  It's not a high paying job, but you two will be able to afford a small, but nice condo and maybe an economy car.  I have all of my full-time workers covered under health insurance, so that part is a relief for the both of you," Yoona announced.

"Yoona ah, you're an angel!" Hyuna burst into more tears.

"I have exceptions," Yoona raised her hand in front of her, "Excuse me for my language, but I don't want anymore bull going around here.  Gyuri, you will never lay eyes on Jiyong again.  He's my best friend and I don't want him getting hurt again.  You will never try to get back with him.  He deserves a better woman.  Hyuna, you will never think of winning Seunghyun's heart again.  You will never look at him because he's mine.  He's mine and I don't share my man.  Finally, you two have to agree to never enter that whorehouse.  I want you two to turn around and walk back to your apartment.  Once I find out you two broke any of these rules, you two are fired and I will never give you two a chance in life again."

"O-Of course!" Gyuri stuttered.

"Thank you, Yoona sshi!  Thank you!" Hyuna bowed with Gyuri over and over.

"Go to my building at eight o'clock in the morning...sharp.  I don't want my employees even a second late," Yoona informed them with authority in her tone.

Seunghyun couldn't wait to go home.  He always felt this way at work.  His wedding with Yoona was in a few days, and honestly felt as if he could spend the rest of his life with her.  He heard a knock on the door, and he saw Taeyang walk in with a small smile on his face.

"Ah, Young Bae," Seunghyun smiled.

"Hyung, I wanted to have a drink with you in the bar on the bottom floor," Taeyang admitted.

Seunghyun gave a skeptical look as he looked at his brother.

"You want to go for a drink?  You never drink," Seunghyun smiled.

Seunghyun and Taeyang got to the bar, and much to Seunghyun's expectations, Taeyang just ordered apple cider as Seunghyun took a glass of red wine. 

"What did you want to say?" Seunghyun questioned.

"You see...I didn't want to tell you this at home because I wanted to tell you and then give you a few minutes to think it over," Taeyang confessed.

"What are you talking about?" Seunghyun was bewildered.

Taeyang sipped his apple cider and looked down.  He hated to be the one to give him the news, but as a brother he had to.

"Daesung and I were walking around the mansion after your engagement party.  Seungri was drunk and he was trying to play 'hide-and-seek' with us.  We were looking for him outside to avoid a chance of him hurting himself, but we discovered something else," Taeyang started, "We saw Jiyong talking to Yoona by themselves in the front yard.  Jiyong was giving Yoona some news about Gyuri losing the baby through a miscarriage.  Then, Jiyong announced his love for her.  He claimed that the only reason why she was getting married to you was because you are Yoogeun's father.  If you weren't Yoogeun's father, Jiyong claimed that Yoona would be his bride instead of yours.  Then...he kissed her."

Seunghyun stood up from the bar and threw the glass of wine against the wall.  He loosened his tie and took a keep breath.  He walked towards the exit.

Taeyang threw a fifty dollar bill on the table and ran up to Seunghyun.

"Hyung, what are you doing?" Taeyang asked with concern.

It didn't go the way he wanted it to go.  He wanted Seunghyun to think about it for a few minutes and then talk to Yoona about it, but it seemed as if Seunghyun jumped into action quickly.

"I'm going to teach that punk a lesson," Seunghyun growled.

Lol, I thought I updated this on Wednesday, but I found out that the "Hide Chapter" was still checked.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  I hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

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TheFourMaiden #1
Chapter 6: my aunt told me about your beautiful stories and i love it
Skyscraper1202 #2
Chapter 34: I really love it.
Skyscraper1202 #3
Chapter 34: Thank you for this story authornim
yoongie_exo #4
Chapter 34: I love it ♡
steiyoon #5
Chapter 34: I love your stories....specially if it's TopYoon! I have a great & fun time time reading this over & over again. When are you going to make another TopYoon story again Sunshine94? Please make one for us again...
Anzasims #6
Chapter 34: Love it to the max~
ggy_erd #7
Chapter 34: love it :)
ggy_erd #8
Chapter 19: i love this sooo much...
lvyoon #10
Chapter 34: Wow... your story is so great and awesome! I cried for 1 hours because of the problems that yoona gone through. I just love how strong yoona was. You did a great job authornim!! Please write more of TOPYoon fanfics.. thumbs up! :)