Chapter 9

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Yuri's POV

"Today's aunt Fany's birthday so we're going to surprise her okay?"I said to PJ before picking her up and making our way out of the dorm with the rest of the members.

"Where are we going then?"PJ asked looking confused.

"Uncle Taeyeon took her out and we're going to wait for them at SM building and we're going to surprise her there."I said while we get in the lift.

"Ugh!"PJ groaned before burying her face on my shoulder.

"What's wrong J?"Jessica asked and the others turned their heads to us, looking worried.

"Feels weird."She She murmured and I looked at Sica confused.

"Hey, buddy. What does?"I asked her running my fingers through her hair.

"Being in an elevator."She said tightening her hug around me.

"Huh? What's wrong? You've never been in an elevator?"Jessica asked rubbing her arms around PJ's back while I stared at the indication of the level on top of the door, willing it to show ground level already.

"I've had, can't feel my stomach."PJ said squirming and the ding echoed around the elevator and I rushed PJ out of the lift.

"Papa, I'm going to throw up."She said looking pale and I immediately brought her to the comfort room in the lobby of our building. I helped her towards one of the stalls and she started throwing instantly.

"What's wrong?! Oh my gosh!"I heard Jessica said before rushing forward and rubbing PJ's back while I was holding her hair.

"Mama."She said weakly before turning around and wincing while clutching her stomach.

"Baby."Jessica said before picking PJ up and bringing her out of the stall leaving me behind to flush the toilet.

"Are you okay?"I asked as I walked out and saw PJ sitting on the counter while Jessica's making her wash .

"Yeah, I just got a bit dizzy."She said and I looked at Jessica who looked really worried.

"Do you want to go back up the dorm? We can just stay behind."Jessica asked PJ.

"No mama, I want to go to Aunt Fany's party. I'm okay now."She said with a small smile.

"Okay, but tell us if you're not feeling well okay?"I said before lifting her up again and taking her out with me and Jessica to the awaiting van where our other members are.

"Is everything okay?"Sunny asked worriedly when the van started moving.

"Yeah, I just got a bit dizzy. I'm sorry for making you guys worried."PJ said with a bow making me smile.

"It's okay J. We're just glad you're fine."Hyoyeon said with a smile and we went to the company silently.

"I can't wait to see the look on Tiffany's face!"Sunny said excitedly, while tightly clutching her gift to Tiffany in her arms.

"Ha! Her booming voice is so going to fierce our ears."Said Hyoyeon with a laugh, making us a laugh too.

"Wait,"PJ said making us stop.

"What's wrong J?"I asked and she started squirming and asking me to put her down.

"Umma!"PJ yelled before running towards a group of familiar looking people.

"J!"Jessica yelled but the kid had already reached the five girls standing at the hallway.

"Omo! PJ?"Victoria greeted before lifting PJ up in her arms and hugging her tightly.

"Umma! I miss you!"PJ said still in Victoria's arms.

"I miss you more baby."Victoria said and they started walking towards us.

"Hey guys."Sunny greeted.

"Hey unnies~"Krystal greeted and they all bowed to us.

"You know PJ?"Jessica asked Victoria.

"Uh, yeah. I've met her a few times before."Victoria answered, PJ still in her arms.

"Yeah, umma visited me a lot back in the states!"PJ said excitedly.

"You did? So you guys are close?"Jessica asked and I could hear the indifference in her voice.

"We are, I've played with princess a lot before eh?"She said kissing PJ's cheek.

If it's Victoria? Jessica will never find it as a good news.

Jessica's POV

The surprise was a success and Tiffany really loved it. We're still here in SM and the party is still going on and we have artists and staffs with us.

I watched PJ and Victoria interacting with each other. PJ looks really happy playing around Victoria.

"Why didn't you tell me about her knowing my daughter?"I asked my sister sternly.

"Well, I assumed that you would know since you know that Amber knows."She answered hesitantly.

"Are they really that close?"I asked with a frown.

"Well, PJ's really fond of Victoria umma."She replied and I looked at her to see her looking timid.

"Why her?"I asked and I felt my blood boiled when Yuri walked towards PJ and Victoria and started laughing with them.

"Unnie."Krystal called out warily and I felt her hand on mine.

"I'm fine."I said then I saw Yuri laughing with Victoria.


"Have you heard?"Tiffany asked me. She's a trainee in the company that came while Iw as away.

"Heard what?"I asked while wiping my sweat.

"You know that Chinese girl? Victoria? I think."She asked and I nodded in response. "I heard she's going out with that hot tanned girl Kwon Yuri."She said and I felt myself stiffened.

"W-what?"I asked wishing Tiffany would say that she was kidding.

"Yeah, they've been going out for the a month now."She said and I felt my heart break even more than it already was. "Are you okay Jessie?"Tiffany asked and I only murmured in response.

The rumor turned out to be true when I saw them making out in the comfort room. Yuri was shocked to see me there and Victoria quickly apologized. I bowed my head down and left even before I could use the rest room and away from them.

I continued my life trying to ignore the pain that I feel everyday knowing that there's already somebody else out there making her happy. I guess, there's nothing I could do now, she's happy with Victoria so why should I ruin that right? It's bad enough that one of us is suffering right.

I told myself to just ignore her no matter what but fate seemed to be playing with us because she was assigned to help me with my dancing.

"So, I'll be going. Thanks Yuri."I said bowing before quickly walking out of the practice room.

"Wait Sica."She said holding on my wrist. I turned around slipping my wrist out of her grip.

"How are you?"She asked and I looked up to see her looking tense.

"I'm fine, although I'm obviously having a hard time with my dancing, everything's good. And you're already helping me anyway, so everything's okay for now."I answered politely with a smile.

"Th- uh The... how did it go?"She asked nervously

"How did what go?"I asked feigning innocent.

"The baby? When you gave birth. Are you okay?"She asked and I was taken aback by her boldness but I regained my composure.

"Everything's fine, I'm fine, and she is too."I answered trying to play it cool.

"So she's a girl? What does she look like?"She asked with a small smile on her face and I swear her eyes are sparkling.

"Here."I said before rummaging through my bag, pulling out my wallet and pulling out a picture and giving it to her.

"She's beautiful."She said admiring the picture.

"You can keep it."I said with a smile.

"Really? Thank Sica."She said with a bow.

"Well, I should go. I'll see you tomorrow Yuri."I said before starting to walk out of the room again.

"Wait! Sica!"She called out again and I turned around one more time.

"Yuri?"I asked.

"It's pretty late and it's not really safe going home alone. So, can I walk you home?"She asked sounding hopeful.

"I'll be fine, I'm taking the bus anyway."I said smiling.

"Either way, just let me take you home. Please."She said almost pleading.

"I don't think Victoria will like that Yuri."I answered honestly.

"Victoria, she's, whatever you saw the other day was nothing. She's not my girlfriend."She answered desperately.

"So, you were making out with her and you're telling me that there is nothing about that?"I asked. I know I sound like an accusing girlfriend but I couldn't help it. I guess I feel like I'll always have that kind of authority over her since I gave birth to her first child.

"It's not like that, she's just a friend."She said.

"With benefits I guess."I said and she shook her head.

"It's not like that. I don't love her Jessica, but I love you."She said, I don't know what shocked me more, her words or the tears that accompany those words. "I made a big mistake Jessica. I shouldn't have turned my back at you. I was just being a coward a stupid, foolish, coward."She said without bothering to wipe her tears and I couldn't say anything as I watch her break down in front of me. I gasped when she fell on her knees in front of me. "I know it will take so much more than this for you to forgive me for my mistakes, but I'm willing to do anything, I'll give you everything if you'll take me back and let me a part of our daughter's life."She said and I noticed that she was clutching on the baby picture.

I tried to speak but I couldn't say anything, so I did what I could. I ran away from there and tears started pouring down my eyes the moment I stepped out of that room where Kwon Yuri is, the mother of my daughter kneeling on the floor crying.

*End Of Flashback*

Yuri was true to her words back then. She didn't stop trying to get me back. I dated somebody else trying to forget her because I was scared that she will hurt me again. But she stood by my side the whole time. I broke up with the guy after three months of lying to myself that I could date someone other than Yuri.

We went back to being friends, and I only took her back 2 months after we were told that we're going to debut together in the same group where some of our friends like Yoona, Seohyun, Tiffany and Hyoyeon are included along with Sooyoung and two more girls that we didn't know yet. And one turned out to be our leader while the other turned out to be the president's niece.

"Sica?"I heard Yuri's voice and I looked up to see her holding PJ in her arms.

"Hey."I greeted monotonously and she frowned but that quickly vanished.

"We need to go home, PJ's warm."She said warily and I quickly got nearer and touched PJ's forehead and felt that it was really warmer than normal.

"Let's go. Have you told the girls?"I asked while gathering my things.

"Yeah, I already told Tiffany and told them we're going ahead first and Taeyeon gave me the keys to her car and said that they will just go with the others in the van."She said and we started making our way out of the room but I heard a voice calling for us.

"Mama!"I heard Yoona's voice and I turned around to see her running towards us. She stopped in front of us catching her breath first before speaking.

"Yoong, don't run! You're exhausting yourself!"I scolded while rubbing her back.

"Sorry, I got worried when Victoria unnie said that PJ's a little sick so I quickly followed you out here."She said through heavy breaths.

"No worries, I'm okay."PJ said but you could hear that she sounded weaker.

"Yeah, we got her buddy. Just enjoy the party okay, but behave,"Yuri said the last part sternly.

"Okay papa. Take care PJ."Yoona said before kissing PJ's forehead. "Bye papa."She said before kissing Yuri's cheek. "Bye mama."She said before kissing mine and started walking away with one last remark. "Drive safely papa. If our girls got hurt, I will hurt you too!"She said those words so sweetly that it sounded creepy.

"She's talking as if you guys aren't girls."PJ murmured with a pout making both Yuri and I chuckle.

We went out of the building and saw some fan with banners telling Fany to have a happy birthday. Some fan tried to get autographs and pictures but we had to decline as we tell them that we were in a hurry because PJ wasn't feeling well, and they thankfully understand the situation. But we had to stop because the car was in the parking lot so Yuri left us in front of the building with me carrying PJ while she hurried towards the parking lot to get the car and I know it will take her longer since she probably didn't know where the car is parked.

"Who is she Jessica-ssi?"A fan asked referring to PJ.

"She's our baby."I said and I felt PJ tightened her limped arms around my neck and tried to bury her face deeper on my shoulder.

"She's your daughter?!"One fan asked after a gasp.

"We'll tell you guys who she is next time okay?"I said with a teasing smile.

"She's beautiful. She looks so much like Krystal and Yoona! Oh! And Yuri too, and actually a little bit of you. Please don't get offended but if I didn't know any better I would have assumed that she is yours and Yuri's daughter."A fan said excitedly. Oh a royal shipper? Oh honey! You have no idea!

"It's okay, and yeah. She really does look like us huh? Completes the Kwon family, don't you think?"I teased them a little more.

"Oh my gosh! Best Yulsic moment ever! Anneth's going to love this!"A fan holding a camcorder spazzed. Don't you just love royal shippers?

I was going to answer but I saw a car emerged from the underground parking lot and noticed that it was Taeyeon's.

"Oh! We have to go guys! Mianhe!"I said before rushing towards the car where Yuri got off and opened the backseat where I settled in with PJ.

I saw Yuri waving at fans before entering the car and leaving the vicinity of the company.

"They asked if who PJ is."I said while caressing PJ's hair, which is currently sprawled out on my lap since the owner is lying down with her head on my lap.

"There had been lots of photos of us with PJ. Everyone's spazzing about it, especially the one where we were in Lotte World with Yoong and Soojung."Yuri said her focus still on the road.

"Hey, what happened anyway? You guys were playing with Victoria earlier. And PJ looked fine to me."I asked.

"I don't know, PJ suddenly said that she was dizzy and Victoria felt her forehead and noticed that it was warmer than it was supposed to be.

"Hmm."I acknowledged Yuri's response before looking down on the kid on my lap. "How are you baby?"I asked.

"I'm just a little sleepy mama."She said and I noticed that her eyes were drooping close.

"Go to sleep, you need to rest."I said placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I love you mama, I love you papa."She said before snuggling her face towards my tummy.

"I love you more princess. I love you mama."Yuri said the last part playfully looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"I love you more baby."I said before placing another kiss on PJ's forehead after tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "I love you more papa."I said in a sweet voice but I looked seductively at Yuri through the rear view mirror and I saw her smirk smugly. ByunYul

Yedura Annyeong!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, I was quite ... occupied .. keke ;)

Another glimpse from the past ? Did you guys like it ? I'll let you see the rest of the past through the upcoming chapters okay ?

I'll let you know the person Jessica dated and show how he will affect their current relationship and how Jessica and Yuri are going to tell the world about PJ .. Please anticipate :D

Annyeong !



Maki signing off XD

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?