Chapter 16

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Tiffany’s POV

“When are mama and papa going home? ~”PJ whined cutely while laying down the couch.

“Don’t worry sweetie, they’ll be home soon.”I said running my hand through her hair.

“What’s taking them so long auntie?”She asked sitting up before resting her body on mine and nuzzling her face on my neck.

“They’re doing something very important PJ.”I replied while wrapping my arms around her shoulders.

“Important? What is it?”She asked looking up at me with big and rounded innocent eyes.

“They’re telling the world about their beautiful daughter who is, you.”I said kissing her nose afterwards.

“Wouldn’t it have been better if they had taken me with them?”She asked tilting her head to the side. This kid is really smart.

“It would have been. But after telling the world, lots of things will happen so it’s best that you stay here with us.”I said before I heard the door of mine and Tae-Tae’s room open.

“Hey Guys.”She said sitting down next to us and kissing PJ’s cheek before pecking my cheeks.

“Why do you guys always kiss?”PJ asked out of the blue and I felt my face heat up a little while Taeyeon smiled proudly at PJ.

“Do we princess?”She asked the kid.

“Yeah, just like mama and papa.”She replied with furrowed eyebrows, thinking.

“People do that when they love each other.”Taeyeon replied nonchalantly.

“So if I love someone, I should kiss them?”She asked and I giggled.

“Well it depends on how you love them.”Taeyeon answered with a chuckle.

“There are ways to love people?”PJ asked seemingly taken aback.

“Well yes. Like how you love your mama and papa as your parents. The rest of them members as your family, and there’s your friends that you love as your friends. And then we come to the way I love your Fany auntie.”Taeyeon answered and I wonder how she’s going to answer if PJ asks her about our-

“How you love Fany auntie? How do you love her uncle?”And I was right.

“I love your Fany auntie more than anything else in the world.”Taeyeon said before flashing me her charming smile.

“Oh! I love mama and papa like that too! And Yoong unnie, even if we always bicker.”She said and I had to suppress a squeal because of the sincerity of the words coming from the 7 years old kid on my lap.

“It’s different PJ.”Taeyeon said with another chuckle.

“How so?”PJ asked frowning.

“I love your Fany unnie like the way your papa loves your mama.”Taeyeon explained.

“So papa doesn’t love PJ like how I love her?”PJ asked frowning even more.

“No, papa loves you like you love her. But papa loves your mama differently.”Taeyeon said with a smile.

“I don’t get it.”PJ answered a long pause.

“You’re still young anyway sweetie, so it’s okay.”I said kissing her cheek.

“But mama and papa love PJ right?”She asked and I giggled.

“Of course, silly. They love you more than anything else.”I said while squeezing her.

“Yoong unnie too?”She asked hesitantly.

“You mean, if Yoong unnie loves PJ too?”I asked and she nodded. “Of course baby, she loves you very much.”I answered truthfully.

“Even though I always annoy her?”She asked hopefully.


“Even though I always ?”


“Even though I break her things?”


“And when I wake her up so early?”


“When I call her names whenever she beats me in a game?”


“And she still loves me whenever I hit her?”

“Even that.”I replied and she smiled instantly.

“Jinja?! I should thank unnie later when she gets home!”She cheered loudly before hugging me tightly.

“Yes baby, you definitely should.”I said giggling.

“I’ll do it later.”She said before frowning.

“What’s wrong J?”I asked.

"I'm hungry~"She said pouting, which made me and Taeyeon chuckle.


Yoona's POV

I'm currently driving my car with PJ on the  backseat since she's still not old enough to seat on the front, on our way to the group's favorite restaurant. I was asked to pick PJ up from the f(x)'s dorm where Fany unnie and Tae unnie left her earlier since they had schedules to attend to while the rest of us also have duties to fulfill.

"Unnie, are we close?"She asks while looking out the window.

"Yeah, just a few more minutes."I answer smiling at her through the rearview mirror.

"That's good to know, I'm hungry~"She says pouting.

"Don't worry, we're almost there."I reply before turning my attention back to the road.

"Oh! Unnie! I remember something!"PJ says and  I look back a little to see her beaming.

"Hmm? What is it?"I ask while taking a turn.

"Uncle Taeng told me something earlier."She replies, with that smile evident in her voice.

"What did she say?"

"She said that unnie loves me a lot too."She replies innocently and I couldn't help but smile.

"Really?"I ask smiling.

"Yeah, is it true unnie?"She asks sounding hesitant.

"Of course! Although I always tease you, it was only unnie's way of showing her love for you."I explain truthfully and I think I even hear the kid let out a sigh of relief.

"I love you more unnie."PJ replies and I look at her at the rearview mirror and give her a smile.

I was about to stop the car because of the red light but it turns green so I continue driving. When I was in the middle of the intersection, I hear a horn and see a car coming towards our direction. 

"PJ!"I scream PJ's name before I feel a shake and everything blacks out.


Jessica's POV

"I'm glad it went well guys."Tiffany says showing us a warm smile.

"Yeah, we're glad too. Thankfully the other members were there with us."I say showing Sunny, Sooyoung, Hyoyeon, Nicole and Seohyun an appreciative smile.

"That's what family is for right?"Sooyoung says with a shrug.

"Sorry we couldn't be there guys."Tiffany says with a pout.

"It's okay with understand. Even Krystal wanted to come but I told her that I needed her to look after PJ. And by the way, I hope she didn't give you and Taengoo a hard time."I reply assuring her, and also hoping that my little ball of sunshine didn't give the two of them as much trouble as she gives Yuri and I most of the times.

"No, she was actually really sweet. Besides the constant whining of where are her mama and papa, she was just behave, and a bit clingy for the first time...towards me!"Tiffany say the last part with a tinge of proudness in her words.

"PJ can be a bit clingy sometimes you know. It's really cute when she starts acting like a cat nuzzling her face on my stomach or my neck."Sunny says squealing.

"She does that a lot right?!"Hyoyeon says excitedly.

"Yeah, then she will kiss your cheek out of nowhere."Seohyun adds in with a bright smile on her face.

"Is that what she was doing earlier? That's why you said that she was sweet."I ask with a proud smile on my face.

"Well actually....."

Tiffany finished telling us the whole conversation between her, Tae and J this morning, before they brought PJ over to the f(x)'s dorm.

"She thought Yoona doesn't love her?"I ask with a slight frown.

"Yeah, but when we told her that her unnie does, she was really happy and even said that she will thank her unnie later. She probably have done already. They're on their way right?"Tiffany says then asks.

"Yeah, they should be near."I reply then Yul and Taeyeon walks in with a pitcher of water and glasses in their hands.

"They're fixing our foods. They'll bring it in soon, so we can start eating when PJ and Yoong get here."Yuri replies sitting down next to me.

We waited for another 20 minutes and the foods have already arrived but Yoona and PJ still hasn't come. 

"Babe, they should have been here probably 10 minutes ago. I'm getting worried."I tell Yuri honestly and I can see the frown on her face too.

"They're probably just got stuck on traffic or something."She replies but the frown on her face is still there.

"Yeah, don't worry. Try calling, I'm sure Yoona will answer or maybe let PJ answer it since she's driving."Nicole says giving me a smile and I smiled in return before pulling out my phone from my pocket and dialing Yoona's number, but I couldn't reach her.

"Her phone's off. Yoona doesn't turn her phone off."I say, the lack of response from Yoona adding up to my worries.

"Maybe her battery died or something unnie."Seohyun says trying to assure me.

"She texts either me or Yuri if her phone's about to die so we wouldn't worry if we can't reach her."I say turning to Yuri. "Seobang do something."I say getting scared.

"Try calling her again, sometimes signals have some failure."Yuri says and I'm about to dial Yoona's number again when Tiffany spills water from the pitcher while pouring some in her glass sending it to my lap from the table making me squeal in shock because of the coldness and sending the phone from my hand on the floor.

"Oh my gosh! Jessie, I am so so sorry!"Tiffany says and I stand up and reach for the phone and see that it was back on the home page where the wallpaper is a picture of my three girls. I feel sudden nervousness creeps through my body when I see that the parts where Yoona's and PJ's face are, are cracked while Yul's side is perfectly fine.

"Yuri, go and try to find the kids."I say almost begging.

"What? What's wrong?"She asks holding my hand and I show her my phone and she frowns before pulling out her phone form her pocket and starts tapping on the screen. 

She presses the phone against her ear and another frown appears on her face after a few seconds.

"I'm going to trace the way from the f(x)'s dorm t here to see if I can find the kids on the way. Stay here okay, don't think too much. I'm sure everything will be okay."She says before guiding me back down on my seat and placing a kiss on my forehead.

"I'll come with you Yul."Taeyeon says standing up and kissing Tiffany's cheek.

"You guys eat. We'll be back. I'll call you right away when I find them."She says then kisses my forehead once more before walking out of the private room we rented.

"Jessie calm down, I'm sure that they're fine."Tiffany says standing up from her seat and sitting next to me.

"Yeah unnie, PJ's with Yoongie, I'm sure that they're fine."Seohyun says but I can feel her being anxious.

"I can't help it. I mean Yoona's not answering her phone, then suddenly this happens."I says before looking at the broken screen of my phone. "I mean, instead of dying, it just got a broken screen and right at my babies faces."I say feeling even more worried once again.

"Yuri and Tae are already out there. They'll find them."Hyoyeon says trying to give me a smile.

"Why don't we all eat first, don't worry, they'll be here soon."Sooyoung says and they all starts eating while I just play with my food since I lost my appetite and can't really eat because of my worries.


Yuri's POV

"What's the deal with this jam?! Maybe that's why Yoong and PJ can't get through."I say trying to assure myself that the kids are okay.

"It's probably that, I wonder what's going on, since we're really not moving."Taeyeon says.

I roll down the window on my side and put on my shades before looking out to try and see if I can find the reason with the heavy jam.

"I feel bad for whoever those people are."A man riding a motorbike says while talking to a man who's also trying to see what's going on.

"I know, they say that there were only two people and they're both still very young especially the passenger who's still just a kid."The man in the car says and I feel my heart starts racing. I roll the window back up before turning to Taeyeon.

"So what's going on?"She asks looking at me.

"Tae, stay here with the car. I'll try to get to where the accident is."I say while reaching for my hoodie that's on the backseat.

"Accident? There's an accident? But why are you going there?"She asks looking confuse, while trying to get her seatbelt off.

"The men outside said that there's an accident and two young people are involve, and one of them is a kid."I say as I feel my body shaking while my mind's running with different thoughts.

"Don't think like that Yul."Taeyeon says while I put on my hoodie.

"I don't want to. But I have to make sure that my kids are okay."I say desperately.

"I'll be here. Call me when you see what's going on."She says and I nod in response before hastily getting off and ignoring the other motorists staring at me.

I walk at the sidewalk and start picking up my pace till I'm running in full speed.

"Oh my gosh! I wonder if how are her members going to react! I hope she'll be fine!"A teenage girl says sounding horrified, making me stop from running.

"I know right! Especially the kid! She's so young!"Another girl says and I start running again and find the source of commotion. 

I feel my knees almost give up under me when I see a familiar car in the middle of the intersection one side crash by a truck that's still beside it. I run and try to get through to the rescuers.

"Excuse me miss! You can't go in there!"The man says blocking my way.

"You don't understand! You have to let me in there! Those are my kids in that car!"I yell, hastily pulling of the hood from my head and my shades off, hoping he will recognize me and will let me through.

"Omo! Yuri-shi!"He says shock and I didn't say anything else. Instead I side-step around him and run towards the car where I can see the rescuers pulling out a small body from the backseat.

"PJ!"I yell before kneeling down next to a rescuer, but away from the car to avoid getting in the way, although I want nothing more than to carry my daughter in my arms at the moment.

"Miss! You can't be- Yuri-shi!"He gasps.

"How are my kids?! Where is Yoona?!"I ask desperately when I notice that no one is in the driver's seat anymore.

"She's already on the way to the hospital in the ambulance Yuri-shi!"Another rescuer answers.

"She's out! Paramedics! I need oxygen here!"The rescuer who has PJ in his arms says and I quickly make my way towards them.

"Tell me she's okay!"I says immediately, before looking down at PJ who's body being lower down on the stretcher and see patches of blood on her shirt and some gashing from her shoulder. I don't know if I should be relieve that I didn't see some form her head.

"Yuri-shi! Please step aside!"The man says and a rescuer pulls me from the spot as the paramedics start crowding over PJ's body.

"Get her in the ambulance! We need to get her to the hospital quickly!"The paramedics yells after a few minutes.

"Let me come with you!"I yell running after them towards the ambulance.

"What's your relation to the patient?"A paramedics stops me.

"She's my daughter!"I yell and I hear some people gasps.

"Let her in! We have to go!"A paramedics in the ambulance yells.

"Get in! Palli!"

I immediately get in and sit beside PJ's body and take her hand in mine.

"She's going to be okay right?!"I ask the paramedics hopefully.

"There's no critical damage, but since the rescuers had a hard time getting her out of the car, she lost a lot of blood."The paramedics answerd while treating PJ's wound on her shoulder.

"Do you need blood?! I'll donate mine! Take everything you need!"I yell holding onto PJ's hand.

"Do you know the blood type of the patient?"He asks and I realize that I don't. "Don't worry, we'll find out in the hospital, if you have the same type."He says before continuing his job.

"Pa-pa?"I hear a voice and I quickly look down to see PJ looking up at me through half lidded eyes.

"Princess! How are you feeling?! What's hurting?!"I ask immediately.

"Every-t-hing hur-ts papa."She says through whimpers.

"Shh, don't say anything. Everything will be okay! You're strong right? Just like papa."I say trying to give her a small smile, and kissing her forehead.

"This should let her sleep so she won't feel the pain. Her head's wasn't hit badly so it's okay to let her sleep."The paramedics says before injecting something in PJ's body.

"Un-nie."PJ mumbles before falling to slumber once again. 

We reach the hospital quickly and they rush PJ inside the emergency room and I make my way back to the front desk to ask about Yoong.

"She was rushed in the emergency room Yuri-shi."The nurse answers and I bow before running back towards the emergency room where both my kids are. 

I quickly pull out my phone and dial Taeng's number. I told her what happen and she says that the jam's already gone and she's on her way. 

Then I dial Hyoyeon's number to tell them the bad news.

"Yul? Where are you?" 

(Hyo? Is that Yul? What happened? Did they find the kids?) I hear Sica's frantic voice at the background.

"You guys need to get to the hospital. Tell Sica that everything will be okay. Please get here quickly."

I hung up and sit down on the plastic chair with my elbows on my knees and my head on my palms praying to everything that is holy to let my children be safe.



Comment guys!

What do you think will happen ?! 

PJ's out ! 

Tell me what you think ! Ke ?!

Annyeong ~

Maki out~

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?