Chapter 3

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Back at the night where Yuri and Sica are going to tell the members.

Yuri's POV

"So what's up?"Taeyeon asks sitting down on the floor where everybody else is in a circle with her head on Tiffany's shoulder.

"We want to talk to you guys about something we decided about."I say clutching Jessica's hand in mine.

"Something wrong?"Sooyoung asks with a frown.

"It's not that it's bad, it's just that we think that we need your permission before we act upon this decision."Jessica replies holding my hand tighter.

"Our opinion?"Sunny repeats for confirmation.

"Yeah, our decision will affect the group you see. I don't want to be rude guys, but I plan on doing it weather you agree or not."I say bravely and I see Taeyeon straighten up with a frown on her face.

"It can't be that bad, right?"She asks skeptically.

"It's not bad, not for us at least."I reply firmly.

"What exactly it is?"Tiffany asks sounding impatient.

"We're taking her form my parents."Jessica says bluntly shocking everyone even me. I look over to see her with a blank expression on her face but her eyes tell me a completely different story.

"What?"Hyoyeon asks in disbelief.

"We're taking her here."I say firmly.

"A-are you sure?"Tiffany asks warily.

"Certain."I reply with the same tone.

"We can't stop you from doing that, but how are you going to deal with the company? The fans?"Taeyeon asks.

"I don't care about them right now. All I care about now is getting her here and asking you about it."Jessica replies anxiously.

"We don't think it's bad. She's your daughter, we didn't expect you to never take her here."Sunny replies with a smile.

"So you're okay with us taking her here no matter what effect it may bring to our group?"I ask hopefully.

"Of course, we're just worried on how are you going to talk to the company."Sooyoung says with a smile on her face.

"Thanks guys, that means a lot to us."I say, touched by their agreement.

"Hey! We're sisters right. I can't wait to see my niece! I'm so going to dress her up with so much pink!"Fany squeals loudly making us laugh except for Sica.

"Oh heck no! I'm cool with pink as long as it's not as much as yours!"She yells at Tiffany who turns to her midget for comport.

"No worries babe, I'll balance it out with blue."I joke before kissing her cheek.

SMEntertainment Building...

"And you're just telling us this now?"The president asks me and Sica with an unreadable look on his face.

"We were scared."Jessica replies looking down.

"We didn't mean to lie to you sir. We didn't have a choice, we were young and stupid."I say putting my arms around Jessica.

"You do know that this is not going to affect only you but also your members, right?"He asks still with the same look.

"We already talked to them."I reply as I feel Sica's shoulders starting to shake.

"I figured. I can't tell you not to do it, you can tell the world about her if you want, But I can't promise to let you keep your job if the people and your fans didn't have a good reaction to it. It's my job to protect my artists, not only you."He replies before walking out on us.

"Sica? Everything we'll be okay."I tell her wrapping my arms around her tighter.

"I'll leave you two, to talk. I'll be waiting in the car."I hear manager oppa's voice before the door opening and closing again.

"I'm scared Yul. I want to be with her so bad, but at the same time I'm scared of what will happen to our careers."She replies hugging me back and resting her head on the crook of my neck.

"I'm scared too, but I'm more scared of the idea of my child growing up without her knowing who I am."I reply honestly tightening my arms around her.

"Do you think she'll accept us?"She suddenly asks.

"At first it will be hard, but I'm sure that she will. We're her parents Jessica, we're going to have to try hard for her."I reply kissing the side of her head.

"I love you Yul."She says out of nowhere.

"I love you more baby."I reply before we leave the building and straight to our dorm.


"We can do this. I can do this! I can talk to your dad!"I say determinedly while clutching my phone in my hand.

"Yeah, be brave seobang!"Jessica cheered me on as we sat on my bed trying to call her father.

"Okay! Here we go!"I say before pressing the call button of the phone where her father's number is already in before putting it on speaker.

"Hello?"Someone answers in English on the other line after a few rings.

"Uh, yeoboseo? Is this Mr.Jung?"I ask nervously.

"Yes, it's me. Who am I talking too?"He asks.

"I-it's me sir, Kwon Yuri."I answer trying stop myself from stuttering.

"K-Kwon Yuri? What do you want?"He asks sounding stern.

"I-I uh, I have Jessica here with me sir."I reply glancing at Jessica for help.

"Hi dad."Jessica greets politely.

"Princess? What's the pronblem?"He asks this time in a softer tone.

"We want to talk you about something."She replies.

"What is it?"He asks.

"It's about PJ."Jessica says nervously.

"What about PJ?"There was an obvious hint of hesitation in his voice.

"I'll be honest with you sir."I say bravely before Jessica could. "We want to take her here with us."I continue trying to sound brave.

"Y-you what?"He asks this time sounding bewildered.

"I know it's sudden sir, but I realized that I want to be beside my daughter as she grow up and be the one to guide her through life."I answer honestly and I feel Jessica clutching my free hand.

"Do you even know what you're talking about young woman?"He asks with a higher tone of voice than the one before.

"I know I messed up before sir, but I want to fix it now. I want to make it up to her just like how I did to your daughter. I want to be able to take care of my daughter sir."I reply determinedly.

"What makes you think that I will just let you take her?"He asks firmly.

"You're a parent too, same as me who doesn't have my daughter here with me, so you know what it feels like to not have your daughters with you. It's harder for you because you've been with them before and you know what to yearn for when their away. I want my daughter to know who I am. I'm willing to tell her my mistakes and tell her how I did her mother wrong and be able to apologize to her for it. I want to able to say sorry to her for I wasn't there when she was born. I wasn't to there to support her mom. I want to able to make it up to her. So please give me a chance. I'm begging you Mr.Jung."I plead and I'm not aware that I'm crying till I feel Jessica who's also crying beside me wiping my tears with her thumb.

"I'll give her to you, but one wrong move, you'll not only loss PJ forever, but also my daughter."He replies before hanging up on us. I turn to Jessica and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug sobbing on her shoulder while she runs her hand on my back.

"It's okay, we can have her. We'll be able to meet her now."She keeps telling me those things through her sobs.

I know I messed up, but let papa make it up to you princess.

I know it's not that good, but no worries I actually don't have a plot for this part just the part where PJ's already with them. :D

Comment guys, any suggestion will be taken into consideration, but please forgive me if I didn't do them.



peace ..

Maki sighning out :D

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?