Chapter 18

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Yuri's POV

"How can you let something like this happen huh?!"Mr.Jung yelled at us. He and Mrs.Jung yelled this afternoon, and PJ still hasn't woken up since last night.

"Mr.Jung, we didn-"He didn't let me finish.

"I gave her to you because you promised that you will take care of her! So what is this huh?!"He asked walking towards me before grabbing my collar.

"Dad! Stop!"Jessica said holding her father's hands that are holding my collar. "Let her go!"Jessica yelled at her father, with tears streaming down her face.

"Mr.Jung, Sir. Please, it wasn't papa's fault! It was me who was driving, please don't blame papa because of what I did."Yoon pleaded while trying to get up but Jessica was quick and gently pushed her down again while telling her that it wasn't her fault.

"Well I'm glad that you know what you did! If it wasn't for you PJ wouldn't be lying down on that bed unconscious! Who did you think you are huh?! Driving so carelessly on the road! Why?! Did you think that because you're a celebrity people will make way for-"This time I was the one who had to cut him off.

"Mr.Jung! You can yell at me all you want! You can blame me for anything! But you don't have the rights to talk to my daughter like that!"I yelled shocking everyone in the room.

"This is what happens! You spoiled this kid too much and she turned into this! Are you going to do the same to PJ?! If that's the case, I'm taking my granddaughter back with me to the States!"He yelled and that did it.

"You are not taking my daughter from me! PJ's staying with us whether you like it or not."I said the last part calmly while looking straight to his eyes making sure that he will get the message.

"What can you do huh? Fight with me?"He said before laughing mockingly. "Don't make me laugh kid! You can't do anything about it, she's my granddaughter and she's going home with me and my wife where she can be actually taken care of."He said smirking.

"She's my daughter, and weather you like it or not, I have the rights to keep her with me way more than you do."I replied bravely.

"Keep her with you? Can you even take care of her? It hasn't even been 4 months and here she is lying on her own hospital bed unconscious."He said standing beside PJ's bed. "If you keep her with you, what's going to happen when you're working eh? You're going to get a babysitter to take care of her? Oh! Don't kid around with me kid. You are not capable enough to handle such responsibility. You can't even marry my daughter."He said with another laugh.

"PJ's staying with us! Yuri and I are more than capable enough to take care of our own daughter thank you very much!"Jesscia said, not leaving Yoona's side. "We owe you a lot for taking care of her when we couldn't, but we're old enough nw, I can guarantee you that PJ will grow us a great person and will have the happiness that she deserves."Jessica said determinedly shocking both her mom and dad and even Krystal who's been crying at the corner.

"You will regret this, I will see how are you going to deal with everything that's going to come at you after this whole ordeal. And when you're down, I'll make sure to have my granddaughter in my arms."He threatened before walking out of the room, dragging a reluctant looking Mrs.Jung with him. 

"Mama?"Krystal called out and I motioned for her to come to me instead and she quickly obliged.

"It's alright."I said kissing the side of her head. 

"Daddy's mad at us, that's not good."She said looking at Jessica.

"She's not mad at you Soojung, she's mad at me and papa, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that PJ's here with us and we're all complete."Jessica said trying to give Krystal a smile but it came out sad.

"I'm sorry mama."Yoona said looking up at Sica.

"Hey, I told you. It's not your fault. Whatever daddy said, he was just mad. He'll get over it."She answered leaning down to kiss Yoona's forehead.

"Get some rest Yoong, you'll need it."I said giving her a small smile and she closed her eyes.

"Soojung,  papa can give you a ride back to your dorm, or even to or dorm and you can sleep in our room."Jessica said looking concerned at the crying girl in my arms.

"I don't want too. I want to stay here till PJ wakes up."She answered stubbornly and Jessica just sighed before nodding.

Things are harder today. What happened yesterday turn the media into a frenzy. Not only was Im Yoona a part of an accident but 'Kwon Yuri's rumored love child turned out to be true', the only question left is, if 'Jessica Jung the mother of the said love child?'

Reporters had swarmed up all around the hospital and my parents had sent a security team to guard the place and the same thing is happening to our dorm so no one could go out and none of them were able to come back here. 

The only good thing about this is that many people mostly SONEs are supporting us. It was trending and the supports had been sent to us through UFO and Soshified. There's actually a group of netizens rallying in front of the hospital earlier saying that they support us and that they think we should continue being idols.

But there's also some fans who left the fandom because of the news. Jessica and I had apologized to the other girls already because of what happened. 

The company told us to just wait for the airing of Strong Heart's episode where we cleared up everything and apologized to our fans to for hiding this from them. And Jessica and I couldn't be more grateful to all those that are supporting us especially our sisters.

"It's on again."Krystal said taking me out of my thoughts and I sat on the sofa next to her and Jessica sat next to me.

"There's still no news from the SME company about what happened with their artist Im Yoona and how she is doing now along with the kid that many are calling PJ."The woman on the screen said.

"And the same thing about the rumors of Kwon Yuri having a love child and the question that many are wondering about f Jessica Jung, her fellow girl group member is the mother of the said child that many are calling PJ."The man next to the woman said.

"They will never stop till they get the whole truth."Krystal said turning off the TV.

"It'll be out soon."Jessica said wrapping her arms around me.

"Soojung go to sleep."I said motioning for her to go and lay down on the bed that Fany used when she was here yesterday, where Krystal also sleep on last night.

"Goodnight ma, goodnight pa."She said kissing mine and Jessica's cheeks.

"Goodnight sweety."Jessica called out.

"Goodnight Krys."I said and she smiled before turning away from us.

"I can't believe your father would say things like that to Yoona."I said sighing.

"He was just mad, he didn't mean what he said."Jessica defended her father.

"You already said that. But now, Yoona will never stop blaming herself about what happened."I said feeling my anger rising again after remembering the words he said to Yoona again.

"We just have to tell her that it's not her fault. We just have to remind her that all the time."Jessica answered sighing.

"It will take time. PJ hasn't woken up and Yoona's devastated and your father just add up into it."I said loosing any sign of respect for Jessica's father for the moment.

"Yuri don't say that. Dad will get over it, he'll realized that he was wrong."She said pulling away from me. "He's still my father Yul."She said looking me in the eyes.

"I know, but that doesn't give him the rights to talk to us like that. And for him to go that low to the point of threatening us on taking PJ away from us again?"I said running a hand through my hair.

"Again?"Jessica said standing up with a mocking chuckle. "He didn't take PJ away from you before, you didn't want PJ so he took care of her."She said and I was shocked and thought that I heard her right.

"What did you just say?"I asked standing up and looking down at her.

"You heard what I said Yuri."She said staring at me. "Maybe if you didn't deny me and PJ before, dad wouldn't have a problem in trusting you now."She said glaring at me.

"You're blaming me now for what happened?"I asked bewildered.

"For the way my dad is treating us? Yes, For the way he reacted now? You don't expect me to blame Yoona about that, now do you?"She answered confidently.

"I thought we've gotten over what happened in the past. You're the one who's always telling me that I made a mistake but I already made up for it. So what the hell are you talking about now Jessica?!"I asked raising my voice a little.

"Di you just curse on me?"She asked on a voice that under normal circumstances would have scared me, but right now, hitting something is more like how I'm feeling.

"It doesn't matter if I cursed on you or not Jessica!"I yelled at her. "What matters here is why on Earth are you blaming me now out of nowhere?!"I said frustratingly.

"Now you're yelling at me? What's next Yuri? Are you going to hit me huh?"She asked stepping closer.

"If you don't shut up about this nonsense of yours I might."I answered truthfully and I saw a flash of fear in her eyes but it quickly vanished.

"Go on then, because I'm not going to stop telling you that it's your fault that now my dad is mad at us. That my dad can't seem to have sympathy on us because you don't deserve it."She said and I could feel my blood boiling and my anger building up. "I won't stop telling you that it's your fault that PJ was bullied back in the States because she didn't have her parents with her, just because her father is a Goddamn coward. I won't stop telling you that you didn't want PJ bef- Go on Yuri! Hit me! Why did you stop?! Come one Yuri, slap me!"She challenged mockingly.

"Papa?"I heard a voice and Jessica turned around and saw Krystal looking at us, more specifically at my raised hand ready to hit her sister's/mother's face any second.

"Soojung."Jessica said stepping away and walking towards the bed, while I slowly brought down my hand, shocked with the fact that I almost hit Jessica.

"What's going on?"Krystal asked looking scared.

"Nothing nothing, papa and I are just talking."Jessica said caressing Krystal's hair.

"But she was going to-"She tried to say and I felt tears building up at the corners of my eyes.

"Shh, shh, c'mon lay down. I'll sleep next to you."Jessica said before getting on the bed and slipping under the blanket beside Krystal.

"O...kay."Krystal said and I looked over and saw her looking at me with questioning eyes. 

Jessica pulled her down before turning her away from her and hugging her from behind. And just like that, Jessica and I had fight bigger than any fight that we had since we got back together. 

I walked back on the sofa and took a pillow and lay down on it with my head resting on the pillow before putting my arm up above my eyes and letting go of the tears that I've been concealing, letting it flow from my eyes to the cushion underneath me.

And a muffled sob was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

No one's POV

"Pa-pa?" a small voice could be heard inside the room where five people lay.


Is the fight a little too random ?


Not going to ask anymore .. just comment whoever wants too and tell me what you think !!!

And, do you guys think I'm adding too much family stuff here ?

sorry for the lame poster .. I'm trying to do some editings .. tell me what you think ke?

But it's quite bad eh .. well, actually it's really bad.. heheh

can you guys check out my fic 'Patrick's life with the SNSD' no one's commenting and tell me guys if I should still continue it .. thanks :D

and 'That Unbreakable Bond' too



Maki out~

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?