Chapter 12

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Yuri's POV

"You'll like it in there princess."I told PJ as we walked towards the room next to mine. 

We're still in my parents' house and we've been here for two days now and we won't be leaving till tomorrow morning. 

"What's in there papa?"She asked looking excited.

"You'll see."I said and  I put her down in front of the room.

"What's the passcode papa?"She asked turning her gaze upon me from the security device attached on the frame of the door.

"Guess it."I challenged with a smirk while crouching down to her level.

"Hmm."She said then walked over and typed a very familiar name. "Oh man! It's not it!"She groaned in English. Lessons are coming in handy now.

"Uh, uh. You're going to have to try harder."I teased.

"Why wouldn't it be mama's name?"She mumbled to herself making me chuckle.

"C'mon buddy."I said while having fun watching her face contorted to different expressions.

"Ah! I know!"She said before hastily typing another name.

"No sweetie."I more.

"Ah! Not mama! Not unnie! Just tell me already!~"She whined cutely and I couldn't  resist her anymore so I reached over and typed in the passcode.

"30, 18, 25?"She asked looking confused.

"Yeah."I said before standing up and grabbing the handle.

"Waeyo?"She asked and I looked and down and pushed her a little as I open the door.

"30 for unnie."I said then I clapped so the lights will turn on.

"25 for PJ."I said and looked down to see the look of awe in PJ's face.

"And 18 for mama."I finished before crouching down in her level again.

"This is papa's collection. Kinda like the one you had in the States."I said while chuckling at PJ who looked dazed.

"There's so many."She said while taking small steps with her head darting from one place to another.

"So you've shown her huh?"I heard a silk like voice from behind me and the door closing. 

"Yeah."I said turning around to see Jessica and Yoona standing behind me.

"Seems to me, she loves it."Yoona said before walking towards PJ who's running her fingers through a shelf where Mickey Mouse figurines are lined up.

"She must really love this room."Jessica said as I wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"I'm glad she does. This room is hers now."I said with a smile on my face.

"Have you told her?"She asked.

"Not yet."I answered while my eyes never stopped following Yoona and PJ. "I don't know why I ever thought about not wanting her."I said honestly with a sigh.

"Yul."Sica said reaching up to touch my face and make me face her.

"It's okay. I'm just saying."I replied before kissing her temple.


"Weird, there's school tomorrow so she should be sleeping now."I said to myself before answering the call.

"Hi baby."I greeted.

"Hey Yul. Are you busy?"She asked sounding anxious.

"No, why?"I asked hesitantly.

"Can we meet?"She asked.

"Well, I guess, but don't you think it's a little late already?"I replied.

"I know, but I really need to see you right now."She said and I swear I could hear her sobbing.

"Is everything okay Sica?"I asked concerned.

"Yes, it's fine. I just really need to talk to you right now."She said and told me where we should meet.

"Alright, I'll be there."I answered before pulling on a sweater and pants. 

I walked towards the park where we always meet and found Jessica sitting on the bench by the playground.

"Hey."I greeted and she turned around with a small smile on her face but I could see that her eyes were puffy and there were trails of dried tears on her cheeks.

"What's wrong babe?"I asked rushing over to hug her close.

"Yuri."She cried out while hugging me tightly.

"Love?"I asked, pushing her away a little to look at her face.

"What's wrong?"I asked hugging her close again with her head on my chest.

"I need to tell you something."She said through her sobs.

"Tell me baby, I'll be here."I said while running my fingers through her locks.

"Promise me you won't leave me."She said looking up at me with determined eyes.

"I will never leave you."I said wrapping my arms around her tighter.

"Promise me!"She demanded.

"I promise. I promise I won't leave you."I sealed it with a kiss.

"You need to know something."She said pulling herself away from me.

"Tell me."I said softly while reaching out for her hand.

"I-I'm. Yul I'm pregnant."She said and I felt like as if everything crashed down on me.

"W-what?"I asked, shocked by her words and letting go of her hand.

"I'm pregnant Yul."She said while this time she was the one who was to hold onto my hand but I took a step back.

"Yuri?"She called out with fear written in her eyes. 

"It- it can't be. Yo-you can't be. My father! The company! What will happen if they find out?!"I yelled at her, and her body shook but I could careless. My father's going to kill me. I'm going to lose my dreams.

"Seobang will get through this! The two of us."She said while still trying to reach out for me.

"No! You can't! I can't, I can't do this!"I yelled.

"No Yul please, don't leave me!"She pleaded with tears freely falling from her eyes.

"Are you even sure that, that is mine?!"I yelled without thinking and next thing I know there was a stinging pain on my cheek and Jessica's staring at me with wide eyes and her hand on .

"Oh my gosh! No baby! I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to! I was just shock! You know I'm not that kind of girl! I've only given myself to you! You know I lov-"I didn't let her finish with what she was going to say.

"Don't- Stay away from me! My parents can't know about this! Don't you ever tell anybody about me being a part of- of that!"I yelled before turning away and walking hastily.

"No Yul! Come back! Seobang!"I heard her pleading for me to come back and her haste footsteps going after me, so I quickly run away.

"Seobang you promised!"She yelled then suddenly I heard a thump and her yelp. I looked back to see her on the ground holding onto her knees. I debated against myself if I should go back and check if she was okay but the coward inside me stopped me from doing so. I quickly dashed away from the place and ignored her cries of my name.

I avoided her since that night. I would always turn away whenever I see her coming near me. I tell my friends that if she ever look for me, tell her that I wasn't there. I moved out of my apartment and told no one beside my best friend Son Anna. She got tired asking my friends about my whereabouts eventually and I was somehow relieved.

A week after that night, I was told by Anna that Jessica took a leave from the company for a whole year and I knew exactly why. I was guilty, I expected her to abort the baby because of her dreams but she didn't. 

I came to her dance lessons hoping that I could talk to one of her friends and ask how she was doing and I was greeted by a glaring Hyoyeon. 

"If it isn't The Great Tanned Knight."She said mockingly.

"Hyoyeon, where is she?"I asked hopeful for an answer.

"Now that she's gone, you want to know where she is."She said menacingly.

"Hyo, didn't Jessica told us. It was her fault anyway that she broke up with Yuri."Sooyoung said and I was shocked and even more guilty.

"Oh right. Why don't you guys leave us for a moment."Hyoyeon said and the rest of their friends left us to talk privately. I watched them walk out of the door and turned back to Hyoyeon only to be greeted by a knuckle on my face.

"This is all your fault. You ruined her life. You took away everything from her."She said leaning down on me since I was down on the floor because of her punch.

"Don't think I didn't know the truth. I listened to my best friend cry herself to sleep every night and now I will make sure that you will suffer till I'm satisfied that you've suffer enough to compensate with all your sins."She said before taking her things and hastily walking away.

*End of flashback*

Jessica came back exactly a year after and that was the only time that Hyoyeon stopped making me remember my mistakes and it was a mystery to me how Jessica never found out how Hyoyeon almost drive me out of my sanity the whole year she was away. It was not till our debut days did Jessica found out what had went down the time she was away.

"Hey, are you okay?"Jessica asked and I looked down with a forced smile, shaking away those thoughts from my head.

"Never better."I answered truthfully after catching a glimpse of both Yoona and PJ playing around with two remote controlled cars with one Mickey mouse each as a driver. "Everything's perfect now."I said before turning to her and leaning down to kiss her lips.

I know it's lame but I've been quite .... occupied this past few days .. 

Forgive me .. heheh

Comment guys !!!

Thanks to the subscribers and Voters !!

 Keep the comments coming okay !!

Sorry unreplied comments !! I'll get to them tomorrow !! Pomise !!

I appreciate all of them !! I was actually talking about you guys giving actual comments as if they announced such thing in real life .. but it's cool .. I'll try and play tih the words a little .. arasso :D




Maki out~

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?