Chapter 17

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Jessica's POV

I stare at Hyoyeon as if I can see another head growing from her neck when she said that we have to go to the hospital.

"Jess, calm down okay. Breathe in, breathe out."I can hear Tiffany says while I feel a hand rubbing my back, whoever's? I have no idea.

"Okay, we need to go guys."I hear Sooyoung says and I feel someone pulling me up from my seat and guiding to wherever.

I don't know what happen next. 

All I can remember is Yuri hugging me and hearing her cry. 

"Sica? Sica talk to me! Babe!"She yells while shaking me and I blink.

"Y-Yul? Where are the kids?"I ask hoping to hear a good answer.

"They're still inside. No one has tell me anything yet."She replies softly and I feel my knees buckle.

"Jess!" "Sica!" "Unnie!"

"I'm fine, I just- the kids Yul! Oh my gosh! What are we going to do?!"I try to hold myself together, but I can't, so I yell frantically, while grasping Yuri's shirt for support.

"Baby! Baby, listen to me! Everything will be okay. Our kids are strong. They're ours remember. Nothing bad will happen to either one of them."She says cupping my cheeks with both her hands.

"Do everything, I can't loose either one of them!"I voice out my fears.

"We're not loosing anyone!"She says before pulling me into a tight hug.

We waited for an hour before a doctor walks out from the emergency room.

"Doc! How are our kids?!"Yuri asks immediately standing up and pulling me with her.

"They're both out of critical conditions, and they're both okay now. Yoona injured her knee and her ankle though, but they only need time to heal, but PJ, she needs an immediate blood transplant."The doctor explains.

"What's her blood type?"I ask impatiently.

"AB negative. It's the rarest out there and we don't have any stock here in the hospital."He replies with a frown.

"I'm an AB, but I'm not sure if I'm negative or positive."Yuri answer immediately.

"Anyone with a negative Rh can donate to her."'The doctor says, and Tiffany raises her hand, lightning speed.

"I'm an O- , means I can give right?!"She says hopefully.

"Yes, but we're going to need 2 pint."He says and Yuri quickly answers.

"Check mine! I might an AB negative."Yuri says and they both follow the doctor quickly. "Everything will be fine."Yuri whispers to me before they leave. 

After a few more minutes the emergency room's doors open and a gurney rolls out. We quickly stand up and see Yoona laying there with some patches on her face and one of her leg from the knee to her ankle wrapped in a .

"How is she?"Sunny asks.

"The doctor will answer your questions ma'am. We're taking her to her ward."The nurse answers.

"Stay here, we'll go with them."Sooyoung says placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Tell her we'll be there when she wakes up. And that PJ's okay. Don't let her blame herself, Sooyoung-ah."I say, afraid that Yoona might think that it was her fault.

"Don't worry, we got her, we have Hyunnie with us."She replies before walking to where the nurses brought the gurney.

"We'll stay here with you Jess."Nicole says rubbing my shoulder.

"Guys! *huff* Finally!"We hear Taeyeon's voice and we turn to see her panting while walking towards us.

"What happened to you?"Hyoyeon asks staring at Taeyeon confusedly.

"I was stuck in the traffic because of the accident, then when I got here, the elevator was broken so I had to run from  the first floor up to here. a 3 floor marathon isn't very easy."She says in between huffs. "Wait, where are the others? How are the kids?"She asks standing up straight.

"Yoona's okay now, she only has a sprained ankle, and she was already brought to her ward. As for PJ, she needs blood transplant and Yuri and Tiffany are on it."Hyoyeon explains while I just sit on the plastic chairs, silently praying that PJ will be okay too just like Yoona.

"Everything will be fine SIca."Taeyeon says wrapping her arms around me.

"I know Taengoo. Yuri says so."I say not loosing faith, not when my lover says so.

"That's good to know, you have nothing to be scared of."She says and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"Taengsic shidae!"I hear Hyoyeon cheers probably to ease up the mood.

"Yeah, whatever. Let go of my woman shorty."I hear my Seobang's voice and I quickly stand up to see if she's okay.

"Babe? How did it go? Are you okay? Is PJ going to be okay?"I ask nervously.

"Everything will be fine now. The doctor just enter the emergency room, so everything will be fine. But one thing though."She says turning towards Taeyeon.

"Hmm? Where's Fany?"Taeyeon asks nervously.

"That's the thing. I'm an AB positive so I couldn't give blood to PJ. Tiffany insisted that she will give two pints. I'm sorry Tae, I tried to stop her but she wouldn't listen to m-"Taeyeon cuts Yuri off.

"Babo, PJ's our niece. It's okay. She's fine anyway right? I'll just check on her."She says patting Yuri's shoulder, then she turns to me. "Don't worry okay, everything will be fine."She says patting my head before walking away.

"How's Yoona?"Yuri asks wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"She's fine, but she has a sprained ankle and some bruise on her face."I answer resting my body against hers.

"Shouldn't we be calling her dad? And yours too Jess?"Nicole asks and I just realize that I have too face my parents too.

"I'll call Yoona's dad. Call Sica's parents Nicole."Hyoyeon says and Nicole quickly obliges. 

"She knows your parents' number?"Yuri asks sounding confused.

"Yeah, she met them before, remember?"I reply while wrapping my arms around the arm that she has around my waist.

We spent another hour there before the doctor walked out telling us that PJ's okay and her shoulder's in a but they will put it in a cast when we leave the hospital next week, the same goes for Yoona's foot.

"Oh! Tiff? Are you feeling better?"I ask as Yuri and I enter the room  where Yoona already is and Fany's lying on another bed while the gurney where PJ is, is rolling in front of us.

"I'm fine, no worries. Just need a little rest."She replies giving us a weak smile.

"Thanks Tiff, a lot."I reply smiling at her.

"Hey, it's for my first niece. All is cool."She replies coolly.

"Well, you should rest first."Yuri says and we both sit on the seats between PJ's and Yoona's beds.

"Hmm, night."She mumbles, making us chuckle before she slowly fall asleep.

"They're safe, they're okay."Yuri says wrapping her arms around me and placing her head on my shoulder.

"Have you told Krystal yet?"Yuri suddenly asks pulling away from me.

"I did unnie, but I told her that things are already okay. She wanted to come here and leave practice but I told her that she should just come afterwards since PJ and Yoong are still sleeping."Seohyun who's sitting on Yoona's other side answers.

"Oh thank God! She would be really mad that we didn't inform her."I reply while taking a hold of PJ's good arm.

Krystal arrived after an hour, while the girls went home later on, but Sooyoung and Hyoyeon came back to bring us some of Yoona's and PJ's things. 

Yuri is out buying dinner for the three of us, while Yoong and PJ are still sleeping.

"I'm really glad they're okay now."She says while sitting next to me.

"Yeah, I was really scared earlier."I reply wrapping my arms around her from the back and she leans back and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Mama, are dad and mom coming?"She asks and I place a kiss on the side of her head.

"They're going to catch the first flight tomorrow."I reply.

"I wonder, if how they are going to react when they hear me calling you mama and Yuri papa, papa."She says with a giggle, making me chuckle.

"You think mom will be jealous?"I ask playfully, and she giggles.

"I think so, but I'm more curious of how dad will react. First, papa took you from him, and now me? It will be a funny and odd set up."She replies laughing.

"I know right, your papa's going to have to do a lot of explanations."I reply also laughing.

"Wait, does that make them my grandparents now?"She asks turning her head a little to look at me.

"I want to see you try calling umma halmoni."I reply laughing at the thought.

"Hmm, she'll cut off my allowance and ground me for the rest of the year."She replies giggling.

"Spot on."I reply then the door opens and Yuri walks in holding plastic bags.

"I got foods!"She cheers loudly.

"Yah! You're in a hospital! Keep your voice down!"I scold and she smiles sheepishly.

"Whatchu got there papa?!"Krystal asks excitedly running towards Yuri.

"I got you guys your favorite."She says and I stand up to prepare the foods.

"Thanks baby."I say kissing her cheek before taking the bag from her.

"I'm just going to pee. Get them ready babe?"She says and I nod in response while she walks inside the comfort room.

"Papa's really great. She even knows our favorites."Krystal says while taking a bit of her food from her container.

"When did you get that?"I ask while taking our mine and Yuri's and readying them for eating.

"When you were talking to papa."She says before taking another bite.

"Aigoo."I say with a chuckle. All my daughters are shikshins.

"Thish ish shooo debag!"She says with a mouth full.

"Yah! Swallow first before you speak!"I scold glaring at her and she shows me another sheepish smile.

"Mianhe~"She says cutely.

"Yoona thought you that?"I ask with a raise eyebrow.

"No mama, I was already doing that before."She answers smugly with a smirk.

"Refreshing~"Yuri says stepping out of the bathroom.

"Come seobang, let's eat."I say motioning for her to sit beside me.

"You like it Krys?"She asks Krystal who's sitting opposite me.

"Yeah, daebak! Thanks papa!"She says excitedly making Yuri chuckle.

"You're welcome."Yuri says, reaching over to ruffle her hair.

"Here babe."I say offering her a bite of my food, which she quickly takes.

"Hmm, thanks baby."She says kissing my cheek after swallowing.

"I remember, I should really get a new phone."I say, noticing Krystal's phone on the table.

"Yeah, you need a new one babe."Yuri says while nodding in agreement.

"Get me a new one seobang~"I say putting my head on her shoulder while shaking my body from left to right trying to act cute.

"On second thought your phone's only damage is the crack on the screen, it can still work properly."She says nonchalantly making me almost fall from my chair. I'm about to hit her head when her phone starts ringing.

"Yoboseo?"She answers the phone before taking another bite from her food.

"KWON YURI! HOW CAN YOU NOT INFORM US ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED WITH OUR GRANDDAUGHTERS?!"Sounds Kwon umma's booming voice making us cringe especially Yuri pulls the phone away from her ear and clutches her ear with the hand she was using to hold her chopsticks earlier.

"Oh !"She curses, while Krystal stares at her with jaw hanging down and eyes wide open.

But before Yuri could answer, we hear a grunt coming from the direction of the beds.

"Yah! Yuri-ah! Jessica!"I hear Umma's voice but we couldn't pay attention to them when we hear Yoona speaking.

"J? J?! Mianhe! Jinja mianhe! Unnie didn't mean too! Wake up J!"We hear her starts wailing in her sleep, and we all run towards her immediately.

"Baby? Sweetie, it's okay. Everything's okay now, PJ's okay. Mama and papa, are here now."I say taking her hand in mine and leaning down to whisper in her ear.

"M-ma-m-a?"She calls out before opening her eyes. Tears spill from them instantly.

"Baby? It's mama, how are you feeling?"I ask and she only gulps.

"Mi-anhe, m-ama .... mianhe."She says through her stutters.

"Shh, don't say that, its not your fault. Don't say that. PJ's okay now too, look."Yuri says before pointing towards PJ's bed.

"J?"Yoona calls out PJ's name.

"She's still sleeping, but she's okay."I tell her while caressing her hair and placing a light kiss on her forehead, so I won't hurt her bruise on it.

"I'll call a doctor mama."Krystal says and I nod in response, and she quickly run out of the room.

"Yuri? Are you still there?"I hear umma's voice and Yuri starts talking to her while I stay beside Yoona who's eyes are still spilling tears.

"Shh, baby, it's okay. Don't cry, everything's fine now. Tell mama if anything's hurting ara?"I say while placing light kisses on her face to stop her from turning her head towards PJ's direction.

"She's okay?"She asks and I place lingering kiss on her forehead before answering.

"She's fine, she's okay now. She's strong, just like her unnie."Ir eply before giving her a smile as I feel the tears I was holding back leave my eyes. "I'm so glad you're awake now."I reply placing another kiss on her forehead. 

"When is she waking up?"She asks looking at PJ's side, but I turn her head away from PJ's direction, because I know that she's still be blaming herself for what happened.

"We don't know, but the doctor said that she's okay."I reply, avoiding telling her about PJ's wound. She doesn't need to know that yet.

The doctor walks in with two nurses and Krystal followig him. I step away from Yoona, and I feel Yuri wraps an arm around my shoulders while Krystal clings to my arm.

"I'm glad one of them is awake now."Yuri says sounding relieve.

"I wish PJ will wake up soon too."I reply, while looking at the bed where PJ is laying.

"She will, she just needs more rest."She replies and we watch as the doctor, while silently taking God for waking up one of our daughters soon, and also praying for PJ to wake up already too.



I can't let them suffer for long.

hehehe .. 

Sorry for the lame update .. I'll make it up to you guys !!!

About the mistakes, gramatical or typhograpical ...


I'll be waiting for your comments !!!




Maki out~

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?