Chapter 13

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Jessica's POV 

"So what's the plan?"Sooyoung asked as we all sat in a circle on the living room.

"Well, we're still thinking if where we should do it."Yuri said frowning.

"I thinking it's best you do it at your parent's house or in SM."Taeyeon said.

"Why not hire a place or something?"Tiffany suggested.

"It'll be hard to do it somewhere not private."Taeyeon said frowning.

"That's why we're going to hire it."Hyoyeon said in a 'duh' tone.

"Even so, paparazzi will somehow find a way in. We can't have that. So we're going to have to stick with Yul's parents' house or SM."Taeyeon replied.

"She's right. I think it's better we have it in my parents' house."Yuri said wrapping her arms around my shoulder and looking down at me probably asking for my opinion.

"Yeah, let's have the party there."I said with a smile while caressing her face.

"So who's in charge of..." 

The planning went on for hours with so much argument with who is to do and who is to do that. I still don't know how we managed to actually complete the planning. Now the only thing we need to do is to prepare for the party and make sure no one from the public will have an access to it.

"You had fun?"I asked PJ after sitting down beside her.

"Yeah, Vic umma and I played a lot."She replied and I had to suppress a frown.

"Really? You must had fun."I said wrapping my arms around her little body.

"Of course mama. Umma even bought me lots of toys."She said beaming.

"Do you love her more than mama?"I couldn't help myself.

"Eh? Silly mama! Of course not! You're my mama."She said turning herself around so she's facing me before wrapping hr arms around my waist and resting her head on my chest.

"Hey girls."Yuri greeted and sat beside us on the couch.

"Hey babe."I greeted before kissing her cheek.

"Papa!"PJ said before jumping off of me and straddling Yuri.

"Papa's girl."I mumbled and PJ turned to me.

"Mama's really silly."She said frowning.

"Yeah. Why don't you go to Yoong oppa and annoy her? Papa needs to talk to Sica mama."Yuri said before letting the kid off of her lap and turning to me with a serious expression.

"What was that all about?"She asked with a frown.

"Yul, you know I was kidding. I can't be jealous at you."I said with a chuckle of amusement.

"Not of me Jessica."She started. ! She just called me Jessica! "I meant the question you asked PJ before I came."She said sounding disappointed.

"What question?"I asked shocked that Yuri heard that.

"You know what I'm talking about Jessica. Ah!!! The name again!!!

"It's not like that Yuri."I said holding onto her hand.

"Is this about what happened between us before?"She asked looking worried.

"Not that, maybe a little. But it's just that we know that Victoria will always be a better mother than me. She's good with taking care of people. I was known for being the ice princess."I said looking away from her, then I felt her arms snaking around my waist.

"Babo! Our daughters love you so much Sica-ah. Both Yoong and PJ love you more than anything. Asking a kid that is just plainly stupid. You're her mother. It doesn't matter if she's better than you or whatever, PJ will always love you more than anybody! I mean, it's obvious that she's a daddy's girl but when she wakes up it's always you who can bring her out of her weirdo state."She said placing a kiss on my cheek. 

"Sorry."I said snuggling closer while tucking my head under her chin.

"How come you guys are always hugging and always leaving me behind."We heard PJ whining before looking up to see her stomping her feet towards us.

"Hey buddy, papa as a proposition to make."Yuri said with a mischievous grin on her lips.

"This is not good."I murmured while watching Yul lifting our daughter on her lap.

"What is it papa?!"PJ asked excitedly.

"What do you say about sleeping at Yoong oppa's room tonight?"She asked with that persuasive tone of her.

"Wae?"PJ asked frowning. The infamous Kwon charm doesn't  seem to work on another Kwon blooded person.

"You know, so you can play tricks on her when she's already sleeping."She said while wiggling her eyebrows. What the hell?!

"Yah! Don't teach my daughter that!"I said slapping her arms.

"Hmm."But the daughter seemed to be thinking about it. "Oppa! I'm sleeping in your room tonight!"She yelled while quickly getting down from Yul's lap and running towards Yoona's room. She's a Kwon.

"See? It worked."Yuri said proudly.

"So? Doesn't mean you're getting any."I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Mwoyah?! No way! I'm getting you to scream my name tonight weather you like it or you really do."She said huskily on my ear before winking at me while smirking before strutting towards our our room leaving the door open. Oh God! My y Black Pearl!

I practically run to our room before closing it with a bang and pounced on the tanned woman inside without bothering to say goodnight first to outr kids.


A door was opened quietly and a small body slipped in through the small crack. The kid walked towards the bed quietly before struggling to climb on it where two bodies, bared bodies lie peacefully in each other's arms.

"Mama and papa are always hugging and leaving me behind."The kid said pouting, before she started giggling to herself.

"Hehe, tongue uehehehehehehe."She said quietly before poking the tongue and making a disgusted face. 

Jessica's POV

I heard a familiar giggling before hearing that familiar voice.

"Hehe, tongue uehehehehehehe."

"J?"I called out before turning towards her to see only her outline of her features. I reached for the lamp at the bed side and I saw PJ looking down at me grinning.

"Mama, what is that?"She asked looking down at me with curiosity pooling on both her eyes.

"What?"I asked before looking down to where she's pointing and was shocked to see both of my melons or Sicalons as what Yul likes to call them in broad sight of my 6 years old daughter. It took me time to remember the situation, before hastily covering myself up wondering why on Earth is my lover being a freaking sleepy head now.

"Uh... baby, it's uh. Wait okay."I said while sitting up and holding the covers up to my chest and she nodded innocently. "Yuri wake up!"I leaned down gripping the covers to my body. "Yul! Seobang! Babe!"Finally I got enough so I reached down and pinched where I know it will hurt a woman.

"OW! Mooooooooooooore!"She yelled before and turning to me and gripping my nape and pulling me in for a deep kiss. I started pushing her away. "What?"She asked looking irritated and I pushed her head to look at the other way to see PJ who's currently on her knees looking at us with an innocent grin on her face.


After 5 awful minutes of getting dress and Yuri nursing the bumped on her head caused by the what was once a working alarm clock on the side of her bed...

"Why are you still up PJ?"I asked PJ trying to sound stern.

"Before we went to sleep I heard you screaming papa's name. I was going to come in here and see if you guys are fighting but Yoong unnie told me that I shouldn't meddle and made me sleep so early."She explained while pouting.

"Oh, we weren't fighting princess. We were just, uh we were... Mama! What were we doing again earlier?"She asked me giving me an oh so innocent smile while I subtly retaliated with one of my deadliest glares so PJ wouldn't see me.

"We were just... doing YOGA!"I said excitedly. "Yes! Thank you Lord!"I whispered to myself while doing a fist pump.

"Oh! thank God! I thought you were fighting."She said before hugging me tightly.

"We would never fight like that baby."I said wrapping my arms around her and kissing the top of her head.

"Oh mama what are these again?"She said before pointing at my chest. "You didn't tell me earlier."She said pouting and Yuri looked at me questioningly. 

'She saw them earlier.'I mouthed and she bit her bottom lip. I was about to answer when I felt  pressure on my left exactly where my bud is making me yelp in surprise and unconsciously slap hardly whatever is putting pressure on it.

"Mama?"I heard PJ's quivering voice and looked down to see her big teary eyes looking up at me.

"Oh! No baby I'm sorry!"I said before quickly pulling her close and her head on my chest.

"Mama didn't mean to."Yuri said trying to sooth PJ too.

"I'm sorry."PJ said pulling away and looking up at me.

"It's not your fault. Just don't do that okay baby, it's rude. Don't do that to anybody."I said while running my hand through her locks.

"Yes mama, but it was soft though."She said and I heard Yuri chuckled so I reached over and pinched her stomach making her wince.

"It really is princess."Yuri said with a smirk that was hidden from PJ's view.

"How come I don't have them?"PJ asked with a pout before turning towards Yuri and crawling towards her.

"Well, you're still you-"What I was going to say was interrupted when PJ stopped.

"Oh! What's that?"She said before lifting the covers off and pulling out a familiar looking object. "What's this? It looked like an egg, and it's a bit sticky. Oh! and it smells weird."She said before turning it around while Yuri and I looked at each other with panic written on both our faces. "Oh! What's this button for?"She said and mine and Yuri's eyes widened even more if that was possible when we heard a familiar buzzed. 

'Oh !'Yuri mouthed with her eyes closed tightly.

"Can I keep it?"She asked and it was all that took me before I snatched that thing away from PJ and telling her that it was time to sleep. 

"Oh! What's this now?!"She asked before sitting up and Yul and I followed suit then PJ took whatever it was that she was lying on she was lying on. "Eeeew! What's that?! It looks weird mama!"She said while pointing at it. "Take it away papa!"She said and with shaky hand Yuri picked it up and tossed it probably under the bed. "It looked like an eggplant. How come you didn't noticed that in there?"She asked before we all lie back down. And just when we thought that everything's already okay she asked us something again. "Mama? Can I join you guys doing Yoga?"she asked and Yuri fell down the floor. 

"Yuri!"I yelled before looking over PJ to see Yuri sitting up and looking ta us with an awkward smile on her face. 

"I'm okay."She said before pushing herself up and trying to get on the bed.


"We should ask Yoona unnie too."She said and I never felt so awkward before. "Maybe the other girls too!"PJ said and a loud thud was heard and there sprawled on the floor is the infamous y Black Pearl of Girls' Generation.

"Omo! Papa?! Kwenchana?!"


Sorry about the planning !! I know it !! But I hope the awkward moment of the Kwon Family-Yoona made up for it !!!

And I'm sorry about my absence !! Sorry for making you wait !!! Tell me what you guys think okay !!!



Annyeong !!!

Maki Out

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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?