Chapter 8

Fruit Of Our Mistake

Jessica's POV

"So, if I have 7 apples in one hand and 8 oranges in the other, what do I have?"I heard PJ read while doing her homework.

"Really, really big hands!"Yoona yelled and I face palmed myself. Oh God why?

"Shut up you lanky tall fool."PJ said with a glare. This two will never stop.

"Your unnie has a point though. You can't hold those things with small hands."Sooyoung joked but PJ only pouted then started writing.

We're currently in our practice room getting ready for a SMTown concert in Tokyo on the fourth of August. PJ came with us and brought her things to be able to finish the homework Ms.Lee, her teacher gave her that needs to be passed tomorrow.

"Let me see that J. Let's check if you got everything right okay?"Yul said when I was about to do it. I watched the two of them interact and I love how PJ really likes Yul. She idolizes her papa even after everything. I watched as Yul ruffled PJ's hair before kissing her forehead and giving her back the paper. I guess she got them right.

"Nice job J!"Sunny complimented before kissing PJ's cheek.

"Auntie gomawo!"PJ said before kissing Sunny's cheek too.

"Hey mama! I got all the questions right!"She said before running towards where I am and showing me her work.

"Let me see that."I said before taking the paper away from her and looked through all the items and see that all of them really are right. I looked down at her and puckered my lips and she kissed me before beaming at me with a smile so bright, only her can do it.

"Great job baby! Mama's really proud of you."I said the last part softly while caressing the back of her head.

"Thanks mama! I'm proud of you too! You're really famous and many people likes you!"She said brightly making me smile.

I stared at her face before kissing her forehead and wrapping my arms tightly around her body. It had already been a month since we took her from my parents and there are still times when I would ask myself if this was reality or I was only dreaming. I'm scared that if I wake one day she wouldn't be here with us and still with my parents already grown up and unknowledgeable about us.

Whenever I see her face I still can't believe that she was the same new born baby I held in my arms for the first time back when I was 16.


"Ms.Jung! Just a little more! You can do it! The baby's head is already out!"The doctor yelled loudly and I tried my best to force the baby out of me. With one final a baby's cry broke out in my room and the doctor brought out a baby out of the cloth around my legs. "You have a baby girl Ms.Jung. She's really beautiful, she even have a small cleft chin."The doctor said enthusiastically before cutting the cord and handing the baby to the nurse beside us and taking her to one side of my room probably to clean her up. A cleft chin huh? Definitely her's.

The doctor cleaned me up and left my room saying she will talk to my parents. I gave birth in our house and paid a private gynecologist to help us since we didn't want anyone outside the family to know about it. I had to fake my sickness so the company will let me have a break from my training for at least a whole year.

"Here she is mom."The nurse said after sometimes before handing the baby to me. I looked at her and saw her small eyes staring back at me, although I'm quite sure that she can't see me yet. She has her eyes and her nose. I kissed her forehead and I felt my tears building up.

My parents came in afterwards with Krystal and my dad who had been very disappointed to what I did seemed to have forgotten all that the moment he saw his first grandchild but instead he started bawling saying something about the baby looking so much like him. Krystal was ecstatic saying something about finally being an auntie especially to a very beautiful baby. She said she'll take care of her for as much as she can before she has to go to Korea to start training. We gave her the name Patrick Jane, because Krystal wanted to be creative and won't stop asking to let the kid have Patrick as her name and then Jane to balance out the femininity of the name while at the same time naming her next to my mother's name Jane.

I didn't like the idea of a boyish name but when I remember her father is, I thought it will just be fair although she turned her back to me, to give her credit by naming the kid that somehow represents her even in the farthest way possible.

I spent three months with PJ before going back to Korea after making sure that I'm okay to go travel. I remembered crying so much and keeping PJ so close to me on my last night here that I could be with my daughter.

"I love you baby, you understand mama right? I hope someday you will be able to forgive me somehow. You know although you may never know who your papa is, I want you to know that she is a really nice person. I guess she's just still young so she's scared of such a big responsibility like taking us in her care. But don't worry, when the right time comes mama will be here for you no matter what. Forgive me someday okay. I love you JJ, I love you so much."I said as tears continued on pouring down from my eyes.

*End Of Flashback*

"Aish! MAMA!"PJ yelled in my ear loudly making me jump form my position and lie on the floor while the others laugh at me.

"Hey! That's nice young lady!"I scolded PJ before sitting up again.

"Well it's not nice to ignore your daughter too."She said with a mehrong.

"Aish! You! Jinja! Hmm, if you weren't so cute, I will hit you."I said playfully pinching her cheeks.

"Ma-ma MAMA! I rather you hit me than doing that! It hurts!"She said caressing her reddening cheeks while pouting.

"Aigoo, mama's sorry J."I said before kissing the top of her head and caressing her cheek to help ease the pain.

"Papa and I are going out to get some ice cream, do you want to come with us?"She asked with wide innocent eyes.

"No sweetie, you and papa can go."I said smiling at her.

"Oh well, do you want anything?"She asked.

"Any flavor is cool with me."I said honestly.

"Cucumber?"She asked playfully.

"Sure, but only if you eat one too."I teased back in a challenging manner.

"Eck!"She said before running to Yuri who scooped her up in her arms easily.

"Be careful you two!"I yelled behind them.

"Neh MAMA!"They both scream making me chuckle and shook my head at their dorkiness.

Yuri's POV

"So what do you want J?"I asked as we both stated looking around the nearest grocery store from the company.

"Hmm, I want chocolate."She said absent mindedly while looking at something in one of the shelves. I looked closely and saw her looking at a pack of gummy worms.

"Do you want that sweetie?"I asked bending down so we could be the same eye level.

"Can I?"She asked biting her bottom lip.

"Sure thing."I answered ruffling her hair.

"Can I get the bears too papa?"She asked hopefully.

"Of course."I answered and we got them both and looked at the ice cream section and started getting everyones favorite, before I could even take Taeyeon's vanilla, a group of teenagers walked towards us and PJ quickly hid behind  my legs and I closed the freezer first.

"Annyeonghaseo Yuri-ssi!"They all greeted.

"Oh! Annyeong!"I said with a small smile while I could feel PJ holding tightly on my shirt from the back.

"Can we get your autograph?"Asked one of them and I said yes without hesitation. We took photos too and some of them even asked for ones with PJ in it, and she agreed although looking really awkward. But hey! My baby's still cute.

"Kamsahamnida!"They said altogether with  a bow before leaving.

"Does something like that happen all the time papa?"PJ asked as I started getting everyone's ice cream again.

"Well, yeah."I answered and we both walked to the counter to pay for everything we got and also taking some crackers and chip and drinks along the way.

"Doesn't it get tiring?"She asked sounding so serious that I had to look down to make sure that I'm still talking to the same kid.

"Well, I guess, but we chose this life."I answered honestly while we both join the queue to the cashier.

"Don't you want a normal one?"Asked the curious kid in front of me.

"Of course we do, but, we gave that up the moment we entered this business."I said and I saw her frown. "What's wrong J?"I asked bending down a little, thankfully no one is behind me or that will be so awkward.

"It's just that, when you start working and you became busy again, are you going to send me back to grandma and grandpa? It's not like I don't like th-"She started babbling but I quickly scooped her up in my arms despite the things I'm holding.

"Don't ever think like that ever again."I said placing her head on my shoulder and hugging her tightly.

"Papa."I heard her say.

"Mama and I will never leave you again."I said before pushing her away a little from me. "I know we might become busy once we go back to actually working but I promise that papa will never lose time for PJ."I said before pecking her lips.

"I love you papa."She said wrapping her arms around my neck and resting her head on my shoulder.

"I love you more princess."I said and we remained silent till we got back to the building and the practice room.

"PJ asked me if we're going to send her back to your parents, once we start working again."I said to Jessica after sitting down beside her on the floor with our backs on the wall behind us while eating our ice cream.

"Oh! What did you tell her?"She asked looking worried.

"No worries, I already told her, that we'll never leave her again."I said wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I don't want her to think that we will leave her again someday."She said placing her head on my shoulder.

I decided to lighten up the atmosphere by joking with something that will surely tick her off.

"You know baby, she really likes gummy worms and bears oh and she really really love ice cream."I said and she looked up to me.

"Oh, really?"She asked and I nodded faking a frown on my face.

"You sure Taeyeon doesn't have a share on her?"I asked and she immediately glare at me and breathed through her nostrils.

"SHE WASN'T EVEN A TRAINEE HERE YET DURING THAT TIME!"She bellowed and started smacking me anywhere n her reach.

"What's going-"Sunny was cut off when someone started coughing vigorously.

"OMO! TAETAE! Kwenchana?!"I heard Tiffany's worried voice through Jessica's smacks.

"Mama and papa are weird."I heard PJ's small voice through out the ruckus.

"Yeah, and they're your parents, it runs in the family I guess."Yoona said sounding nonchalant but I know that she was trying to piss PJ off but somebody else answered to her teasing.

"You still wouldn't be able to deny the fact that they're the ones who raised you."I heard Seohyun's monotonous voice before feeling an opened falm smack on the side of my head. I was off guard.

"YOU JERK!"Jessica yelled while straddling me and started hitting me again.


Hey guys ! What do you think ?

Please leave your comment, and if you have some violent reactions, feel free to throw virtual stuffs at me :DD

the Father-daughter moment is dedicated to YulOnlyForSica .. I hope you like it buddy !!

Gomawo ~

Annyeon ~

Wait please check out Patrick's Life With The SNSD .. I just updated it now .. Leave a comment okay .. :DD

By the way .. sorry about the POV's I got them wrong ..


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guys .. this isn't a sequel from my other story .. it wouldn't make any sense at all .. :(


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PJParalejas #1
I am so sorry everyone 😔😔
Chapter 25: 2021 still waiting for updates
mascott #3
Chapter 25: 2020 and I'm still waiting hahahahaha sad~
Chapter 25: Bro, try to update this, this fanfic is fantastic!!!!! Poor PJ....
Chapter 25: I just read this story, it's really cool, who's that woman that was with Yul? is Yul cheating on Jessi? and what did JaeJoong oppa to Jessi? I'm realy curious about a lot of things :( I hope you can come back to this story and continue it please.

thanks author ^-^ I really like it, I'll be waiting to read more about it ^-^ good luck
Chapter 25: Pleaseeeeee update!! That story is so good! I miss it :(
Chapter 25: I want u to continue this....
Chapter 25: Si. Que tiene que ver la oreja?... Muy sensible?
SinBaee_ #10
Chapter 25: When will you continue this story?