Final- Prom

Prom- ies
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"I'm sorry" Kendall's mother apologized, after two weeks Kendall finally let her mother in her sight again,

"Apologize as much as you want but I don't think I can forgive you, but since you're still my mother I'll let you live here, I'm leaving for Juliard in New York anyway. Kendall finally made the decision of going to Juliard. At first she didn't want to take it, but since she hasn't been accepted to any college yet she deiced to take the offer, and continue her dancing career. Everything was planned,  she found an apartment in New York City and will be moving in by herself. She couldn't thanked Kai enough, it sadden her that since she deleted his number she has no contact with him. But it was for the best, Kendall's focus had to be on graduation and her move to New York, the city she always dreamed of living in. "I know you're mad at me, but I promise that I will try to regain this mother daughter relationship one day" Kendall's mother explained but Kendall was not in the mood to keep promises she knows she probably cannot keep. 

Today was Kendall's prom, the night she was ment to be truly happy but Kendall wasn't For Kendall she just wanted this day to get over and done with so she can move to New York as soon as possible to start a new. Kendall got ready for her prom, instead of hiring people to do her make up and hair Kendall decided to do it all herself showing she really isn't interested in going. If it wasn't for Luke convincing her she wouldn't have done. The prom and the atmosphere just reminded her to much of Kai, Kai was meant to be here to take her to her prom but he wasn't here. 

Kendall has stunning features, even without make up, her hair was done up in a messy bun, with smoky make up she recently learnt from YouTube and the dress she brought with Kai bringing memories. The memories float back in, looking at her beautiful self in front of the mirror, she whispers herself to try to not cry but she just couldn't. After whipping her tears and re doing her make up Kendall put on her beautiful expensive accessories and shoes that match the dress. It was official Kendall looked like a goddess and 

Kendal walked downstairs to find her best friend, and date for the night, Luke, waiting for her with her mother. "You look beautiful" Luke smiled. Kendall just nodded forcing a smile but she just couldn't, she couldn't smile at all and it was because of Kai, even though she promised that she dose not want anything to do wit him, she surely did miss him dearly. "Can you do me a favor?" Luke asked Kendall as he put on the corsage on Kendall's wrist. "I know you're going through so much at the moment, the last thing you want to do is go to this prom but please do this for me, have a great night tonight because later on you'll regret it" Luke was right Kendall though, she needed this night to have fun before she goes off to the big city to start a new life. 

"Ms bush can you take a picture?" Luke asked giving Kendall's mother the camera as Luke and Kendall snuggle up to each other for a classic prom pose. For her best friend sake Kendall smiled for the photo showing off her beautiful face. After taking a few photos the two friends left the house and went to their limo which was waiting outside of Kendall's house. Automatically Kendall's mood became hype when her she saw her friends and their dates already in the limo ready to go to their prom. This automatically made Kendall forget about everything with her mother and Kai. 

Kendall was the president of the prom committee, even though she was absent from school a lot because of her being in Korea a lot, the turn out of the prom ended up being beautiful as to what she had planed. Everything was perfect and everyone was enjoying themselves, as Kendall walked into the fairy tale like atmosphere Kendall was greeted and thanked by her fellow classmates for organizing a beautiful prom. Kendall was glad that everyone is enjoying the creation she made, and she is especially thankful to her best friend for taking her, if not she wouldn't be having as much fun as she is. 

"Luke thank you so much, I'm having a fun night" Luke danced with Kendall on the dance floor, it was a slow dance and since Luke is Kendall's date, he wouldn't let his best friend not experience a slow dance. "I'm glad, but it saddens me that you're going to leave me here in LA" Luke sighed making Kendall laugh. "I'll come back for visits don't worry" Kendall assured Luke. Luke hated the fact that his best friend is leaving him but he knew it was for the best, he is happy Kendall is finally spreading her wings and now is ready to follow her dreams of becoming a dancer. 

Kendall was happy that this day has come, she could feel her father's presence cheering her on knowing that he is happy for her. She loves Luke a brother but se just wished that dance is more meaningful to her, she just wanted Kai to be the one in Lukes position, but this is reality ad in reality you can't always get what you want. Kai was once her bias and is now her past, for Kendall New York was a metaphor of forgetting her life in both Korea and LA and starting new. 

"Hey, I have one last present for you before you leave New York" Luke whispered. "What is it?" Kendall asked happily, excited what this present is. 

"Its kind of big and something you will remember me by when you're in New York, hold on I'll get it" Luke lets go of the awkward hold between him and Kendall. It was already bad tha

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writing final chapter now :(


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Kaioverdose #1
Chapter 32: Awwww,... kai is so sweettt!!! ^O^... Kai@Kim Jong In hwaiting!! EXO hwaiting!! EXO and Kai saranghae!!! Yehet!!! Kai and EXO yeongwonhi!!
julianguyen1995 #2
Chapter 32: I love your story so much!!!! :) you should do a sequel of it!! :)
Kpoppsie #3
Chapter 27: are you freaking kidding me? This can not be true! *cryes her heart out because of a fic*
Chapter 25: Kendall must be a really patient and kind girl.
I'll kill myself if I have a mom like that. or probably kill my mom
Keep writing author-nim!! Hwaitingg!!!
Kpoppsie #5
Chapter 25: If I was Kendall, I would send my mother to Mexico and change my identity. For sure
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 12: I love the dress <3 _ <3
Heltsuu #7
Chapter 18: if i was kendall, i would've kicked her mothers allready
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaah I`m soo excited :D
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 6: It is not bad at all i really like it it is so surprising the idea of finding your bias in front of your door :) well done keep writing fightiiing !!!
Shanzeyh #10
Chapter 18: Please go on with this story, IT MUST BE A HAPPILY EVER AFTER! I need to read more.
OMO, the feels is too much for me. <3