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"You did not have depression, you actually got amnesia" Kendall looked up to Emily who is explaining. It was all new to her, Amnesia? What cruel people would let her believe tht she has amenisa for five years. "Why did you hide it from me?" Kendall contiuned to in Emily's explaniations. "Your mother wanted to forget Korea, she was the one who went into depression. She is blaming Kai for everything, she clamis if he never convinced you to come to the dance tudio then you and your father wouldn't be in that accident. To be honest I wanted to tell you but ince I am only a helper in this house I can't afford to tell you if not my mother and I will be kicked out of this house and we won't have a place to stay" Emily explained. 

"So you're saying that I never had depression and it was my mum taking advantage of my amnesia?" Kendall reassured Emily. She was hurt that her mother did such thing, the feeling got much worse when Emily nodded her head slightly. it was finally clear, everything was. The times when Kai asked if you remember such things were actually did happen and you did not remember because of your amnesia. Kendall crunched her fist, she was mad that her mother could do this to her! Her mother may have been nothing but a pet in her life. But Kendall has been so patient with her for many years, she  respected her mother for being able to raise her by herself but now all the love and respect is gone. Her mother has just gotten a step out of line and wants her to feel the pain she is feeling. 

The feeling of being lied to lingers throughout Kendall, she feels destriot, cheeted on. She dosen't see her mother as her mother, but an evil woman who lied to her. "And you kept it from me?" Kendall whispers with a sense fof hurt in her voice. "I thought you were my friend, I helped you during the times my mother punished your mother and left you with no food, I paid for your grandmothers hospital bills with my money, I gave you a life and working conditions tht servants would kill for. and you repay me by not telling the most important thing about me... Emily I lived five years of my life thinking I had depression, but it wasn't. I couldn't remember because I had freaken amnesia!" Kendall completly lost it. 

Emily was now crying feeling guity, "I'm sorry Ken but your mother treathened us and everyone else..." Emily's voice faded. Kendall could complete understand, her mother would have done anything to keep it from her even if it included threathening another. Kendall was to mad to speak anymore, she mentally forgave Emily and her mother and walked away. 

She locked herself in her room, throwing herself on her bed. Sshe gets her phone out of her pocket, using the same old routine she dialls Kai's number but then stops herself to realize that there is no Kai and Kendall anymore so why would she call him? Instead of proceeding with the call she deletes Kai's number thinking she needs to start anew.

Kendall is a strong girl, ever since her father died she became a strong independent woman. Ever since her father has died she never would cry over things no matter how big the situation is, eariler she cried about Kai and her being lied to. But experiences from the past Kendall has learn't to be strong and pick herself up from the ground and work ard to regain her pride. 

It was just like when her father died, she again needed to pick herself up again knowing she needs make chnges in her life starting with Kai. If Kai dosen't want her then why should she associate herself with him? Finally remembering her past, Kai was the first guy she had ever loved. 

Kendall knew it wa going to hurt, even when they were together it was hard trying to stop thinking about him, but now Kendall was trying hard to forever take him out of her life. It was going to be hard but she knows one day, everything will be good again. 

The second thing she needed to fix in her life was her mother, Kendall threw her phone on her bed and angrily marched to her mother who is now having dinner. Kendall was going to say something when her mother cut her off, "Kendall have dinner" her mother simply said, like nothing happen. 

Kendall angrily breath in and out and sat down infront of her mother were the maids placed her dinner infront. She wasnt hungry, she dosnt know were to start with her mother. "Aren't you going to eat?" Kendall's mother said in  snobby way but Kendall just stared at her food. "Whats wrong with you?" Kendall's mother voice yelled. 

She was a very strict and posh woman that wanted everything perfect, seeing her daughter slouch was a burden to her eye. "What's wrong with me? I'm tried of you and this life!" Kendall raised her voice but still is refusing to look her mother in the eye. "Oh please stop being ridiculous Kendall May, I should be the one mad at you, how can you just disobey me and make me look like an idiot the Evan's". 

"you told them that I was okay with it?" Kendall suspected, but with the infamous glare her mother gave Kendall knew she did. "So?" Kendall's mother chewed on her food pretending like it was nothing. "This is what I'm taking about, I hate this life, I hate how you control it" Kendall cried. 

"I'm your mother and your still a minor" Kendall's mum pointed out. 

"But this house is owned by my grandma and I can tell her everything, so please move out of this house before I call the police on you" Kendall fought back, her mother raised her eyebrow. She then calls out a name and with it a body guard approached her. "I want you to lock everything and cut all internet and phone lines" Kendall's mother mumbled into the man's ear who was the head body guard of the house. 

Kendall could hear even though it was just a mumble, "Do that and I'll get my grandmother to fire you, I have another phone that I can call her with" Kendall threatened the man. Everyone in the house knew that Kendall's mother dictated everything, she was the boss but compared to Kendall's grandmother, Kendall's mother was nothing. Her powers were nothing againts the old lady, only because the old lady owned every single object in the house. Even the house itself was under her name so nothing was under Kendall or her mother's possession. 

Somehow Kendall's mother is hated by her mother in law but Kendall is loved very much by her grandmother. So pretty much Kendall can lie about her mother abusing her and her grandmother will believe it and will give punishment to her daughter in law. 

"What do you want?" Her mother glared at her daughte

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writing final chapter now :(


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Kaioverdose #1
Chapter 32: Awwww,... kai is so sweettt!!! ^O^... Kai@Kim Jong In hwaiting!! EXO hwaiting!! EXO and Kai saranghae!!! Yehet!!! Kai and EXO yeongwonhi!!
julianguyen1995 #2
Chapter 32: I love your story so much!!!! :) you should do a sequel of it!! :)
Kpoppsie #3
Chapter 27: are you freaking kidding me? This can not be true! *cryes her heart out because of a fic*
Chapter 25: Kendall must be a really patient and kind girl.
I'll kill myself if I have a mom like that. or probably kill my mom
Keep writing author-nim!! Hwaitingg!!!
Kpoppsie #5
Chapter 25: If I was Kendall, I would send my mother to Mexico and change my identity. For sure
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 12: I love the dress <3 _ <3
Heltsuu #7
Chapter 18: if i was kendall, i would've kicked her mothers allready
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaah I`m soo excited :D
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 6: It is not bad at all i really like it it is so surprising the idea of finding your bias in front of your door :) well done keep writing fightiiing !!!
Shanzeyh #10
Chapter 18: Please go on with this story, IT MUST BE A HAPPILY EVER AFTER! I need to read more.
OMO, the feels is too much for me. <3