Forgive and Forget

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Silence filled the dance studio as Kendall sat next to Kai who refused to look at her. Yes Kendall flew all the way to LA to talk to Kai because its better to talk to him face to face then over the phone. "Kai.." Kendall whispered but Kai did not move at all. Many thoughts flowed into his mind, same as for Kendall, she did not know where to start. She planned what to say on the plane ride to Seoul but everything was erased when she is now confronted by Kai. 

"Why are you here?" Kai finally spoke up after several minutes of keep quiet. 

Kendall looked at him, "I know the truth, I know that my mum blamed you for my fathers death.." Kendall's voice faded when Kai finally looked at her with worried eyes. "I'm sorry Kendall, I know that its my fault and.." but before Kai could speak Kendall shook her head, "No, don't say that, Kai it as never your fault it was my mother. I understand her and how the love of her life died and I understand that she needed to vent her frustration to someone. I'm sorry that person had to be you" Kendall sighed. 

Kai was surprise, Kendall was the one apologizing asking for him forgiveness when he thought it was the other way round. "Kai, I beg of you to forgive me, Emily didn't tell me much but I never had depression, it was amnesia al along and my mother hid it from me. That is why I don't remember anything but a few days ago my memories finally came back to me and now I remember everything from the past" Kendall explained. 

"I remember the late nights I helped you dance, how you wanted to be an idol while I wanted to dance in Juliard and become a famous ballerina. I remember the times where I would stalk you from the bushes, or the times that I would catch you staring at me in class. I remember bumping into each other when our friendship groups would come together and we would always walk away from them and just talk about everything. I remember how shy you were asking me to b

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writing final chapter now :(


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Kaioverdose #1
Chapter 32: Awwww,... kai is so sweettt!!! ^O^... Kai@Kim Jong In hwaiting!! EXO hwaiting!! EXO and Kai saranghae!!! Yehet!!! Kai and EXO yeongwonhi!!
julianguyen1995 #2
Chapter 32: I love your story so much!!!! :) you should do a sequel of it!! :)
Kpoppsie #3
Chapter 27: are you freaking kidding me? This can not be true! *cryes her heart out because of a fic*
Chapter 25: Kendall must be a really patient and kind girl.
I'll kill myself if I have a mom like that. or probably kill my mom
Keep writing author-nim!! Hwaitingg!!!
Kpoppsie #5
Chapter 25: If I was Kendall, I would send my mother to Mexico and change my identity. For sure
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 12: I love the dress <3 _ <3
Heltsuu #7
Chapter 18: if i was kendall, i would've kicked her mothers allready
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 7: waaaaaaaaaah I`m soo excited :D
Xiahyunjae #9
Chapter 6: It is not bad at all i really like it it is so surprising the idea of finding your bias in front of your door :) well done keep writing fightiiing !!!
Shanzeyh #10
Chapter 18: Please go on with this story, IT MUST BE A HAPPILY EVER AFTER! I need to read more.
OMO, the feels is too much for me. <3