08. What.

I Will Show You.

[Chapter 08: What.]

The next few days were simply auditioning.

In every course, Jaehyun always had a satisfactory smile as either at every auditon, Yeonhee failed to get in or she was a notch below her.

"Did you see that Yeonhee was always below Jaehyun?" Dasom said; they were now at Bora's and Dasom apartment.

"She only managed to get into acting. But she is definitely way below us." Hyorin said.

The other 4 girls agreed.

"Oh yeah, Hyorin, you forgot to tell us why you had been taken away by Soohyun." Bora said.

"Errrrr............"Hyorin said.

The other 4 were waiting patiently for her answer.

"Alright, I am his fiance.." Hyorin said.

"MWOH?!" the 4 girls who had been waiting for her reason only recieved shock.

"How long have you guys been dating?" Jaehyun trying to calculate their age.

"When are you guys getting married?" Soyu asked.

"Whoa chill guys, the reason why he took me out the other day was because he proposed to me." Hyorin told them."So now, we are engaged. But hold your horses and trumpets. I am not getting married at the age of 22."

"Then when?" The 4 other girls echoed.

"2 to 3 years?" Hyorin cocked her head sideways.

"WE SHALL BE YOUR BRIDESMAIDS!" The 4 girls chorused.

Hyorin could only face-palm.

It was a saturday night and they were all home.

Soyu had turned in for the day only because she was going on a date with Kevin the next day.

Jaehyun, on the other hand was playing with her phone, something the old nerd girl won't do.

Jaehyun felt sleepy and was about to put her phone on the side table when suddenly she the shock of her night.

Her ringtone and vibration went crazy. And to add on it, she could hear a ear-splitting breaking of glass from her next-door neighbour's apartment

The call was from Kris.

Jaehyun's heart was beating like crazy as she slide her phone to answer the call.

"Annyeong Jae-ya!" Kris chirped.

"Annyeong...Oppa." Jaehyun said, beating her chest to calm herself down.

"What's wrong girlfriend?" Kris said.

"You and glass." Jaehyun said.

"What did I do and why glass?" Kris asked quizically.

"You had to call when I was about to sleep and right after an ear-splitting glass breaking sound came from my neighbour." Jaehyun answered; finally calmed down.

"How are you girlfriend?" Kris asked.

Jaehyun slapped her forehead.

"Okay so why do you want to call me?" Jaehyun asked, sitting on her bed.

"You're my girlfriend that gives me the right to call." Kris asked.

"Stop beating around the bush oppa." Jaehyuns said, crossing her arms.

"I wanna take you out tomorrow. I will pick you up at 9.30." Kris said,"So go and sleep now and dress pretty for me tomorrow, night Jaejae."

He hung up not waiting for an answer.

"How can he just ask me out not waiting for my answer?" Jaehyun muttered, chargng her phone and going to sleep.

The next morning, Soyu had left the house, early in the morning but left a bowl of bibimbap on the table of Jaehyun.

Jaehyun had just finished her bibimbap when the doorbell rang.

Who's here so early? Jaehyun thought.

She glanced to the clock and it read 9.30.

Oh shoot

She opened the door to reveal Kris.

"Morning Jae." He looked at her from top to bottom and saw that she was not ready yet. In his mind, he thought how could she have such a perfect figure?

"Jae-ya, didn't I tell you that I was going to pick you up at 9.30?" Kris said.

Jaehyun sighed and dragged Kris into her house.

Once the doors was closed, she pushed Kris down to the sofa.

"Seriously Kris Wu, how can you ask a girl out without waiting for her reply? What's more, this isn't the first time.." Jaehyun's voice trailed as she headed to her room.

"Wait for me there!" Jaehyun turned and shouted at Kris.

Kris shook his head but smiled.

Jaehyun was ready 20 minutes later, make-up done, contacts in and hair let down.

She wore a camisole under a off-shoulder top tucked into a shorts.

She took a long cardigan , and took her phone and purse.

She took her sky blue sneakers and wore them telling Kris that she's ready.

"Kaja Jaehyun." Kris said as he hold her hand.

Jaehyun sighed and shook her head in disapproval, locked the house door and followed Kris to his car.

"Kris, where are we going?" Jaehyun asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out in 30 minutes." Kris said as he drove.




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Chapter 23: This is just so amazing! I love it ;)
Chapter 23: Hyorin & taeyeon, my two bias. Nuuuuuu :'(
Exotic311 #3
Chapter 23: Great job author nim !!:)
Chapter 22: Ahhh.. Finally.. I can breathe properly. Luckily they didnt die. Minah,youre a life saver ^^
Chapter 22: Do like anyone care that 2 Kpop stars died cause I do
Chapter 21: Noooo!!!! Authornim,please pity my poor heart and soul :'( dont let my Xiuminnieee dieeee!!! Pleaseeee
Chapter 21: damn you yeonhee!!! -.-' what da hell is wrong with ya ?!
Chapter 20: Damdamdamdammmm... Yeonhee,whats wrong with you??
Chapter 18: New reader Update please
audreyyyy #10
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh I think I just died a little. DAT KISS! And HAHAHA Kim Troll Dae :D