11. A month and a half, gone and left.

I Will Show You.

[Chapter 11: A Month And A Half, Gone and Left.]

It was a saturday morning and Jaehyun was alone at home.

Dasom had gone for a family outing, Bora going out with her "Someone" or AKA Eli, Soyu helping her ooarents out at the company, Hyorin running errands.

Jaehyun was on the sofa lazing around, watching Music Bank; They were now showing BTOB's Second confession.

Jaehyun wass humming along until something caught her eye - a calender.

She swiped it off the desk and scanned the dates.

It then hit her: A month and a half has passed. It only meant that she left another month and a half of being Kris's 'girlfriend'

She was thinking hard whether will she miss the times they had.

"Ah..Molla.." Jaehyun sat up and ruffled her hair.

Jaehyun went to her study room to study so that she can take her mind off Kris.

Jaehyun has been studying for 3 hours but Kris was still on her mind.

Jaehyun glanced to the clock up on the wall; It read 3 pm.

As if the harmonize, her stomach grumbled loudly.

Jaehyun sighed. She change into more presentable clothes, to her phone, purse, earpiece and she wore a pair of flats.

She was walking down the usual street when she suddenly remembered her first meeting with that giant.(Chapter 03.)

She chuckled; he was clearly critisizing her height back then. She was only 155 cm while he was what, 187cm.

After eating some kimbap at a stall, she went to the market instead.

She pushed the trolley row by row, at the same time, thinking of what she had run out.

We're running low on rice. The Voice in her head said.

Jaehyun thought; she could not possibly carry a 5kg bag of rice and other stuff right.

But rice is a staple food. The voice in her mind reasoned with her.

Jaehyun sighed and got a bag of rice and placed it in the trolley and she continued walking to get some food items.

She was putting some vegetables in her trolley until someone bumped into her.

"Jaehyun?" The voice behind her said.

Jaehyun regconised the voice too well. "Hi Kris what are you doing here?"

"Why can't I do some grocery shopping?" Kris shot her a quizzical look.

"Nothing." Jaehyun smiled.

For the rest of the time, they were together talking together. They were doing it so naturally that no one could detect that they were not a real couple.

They finished paying for the groceries and were about to go seperate way until Kris saw Jaehyun's grocery bags.

"C'mon Jae, I will send you home." Kris offered.

"Ani, it's alright. I can manage." Jaehyun gave a small smile.

"Don't try to fool me Kim Jaehyun. You are only 155 cm tall and you have such a small (But hot-His mind) frame. And there's a 5kg bag of rice." Kris said.

Jaehyun pouted,"ara ara." Kris pinched her cheek.

"Kaja!" Kris said, picking the 5kg bag of rice. while Jaehyun helped with the lighter groceries.

After putting everything in Kris' car boot, Kris walked to the side and opened the door for Jaehyun before going into the driver's seat.

"Gomawo oppa." Jaehyun said as he drove to house.

Kris smiled as he drove.

The car was quite but neither bothered to liven the mood.

Both were in deep thoughts.

After they reached Jaehyun's house, he helped the groceries in to her house.

"wanna sit in my house for a while?" Jaehyun piped.

"Nah it's okay," Kris said." Another day bah."

Jaehyun smiled and waved at Kris.

Suddenly as if her heart got control over her body, she rushe to Kris and back-hugged him.

Kris and even Jaehyun was shocked.

Jaehyun released him and wave at him more.

Kris smiled and got into his car and drove off. Jaehyun went back into the house, and shut the door.

She slumped on the door.

What did I just do? Jaehyun. It's not real, why are you getting so immersed in it? Jaehyun thought.

Kris was in his car driving. He smiled after remembering what Jaehyun did.

"Why Is she so cute?" Kris said aloud.

Kris then suddenly remebered that they only left a month and a half to date.

Kris started really regret asking her for only 3 months. But who cares?

At least Kris could love her.

Actually, Kris had liked her even during her nerd days. It was a little crush. Though he did not know why he had developed a crush for her.

His crush grew into like and love after her transformation.

If only Jaehyun know that his life went upside down after her transformation.


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Chapter 23: This is just so amazing! I love it ;)
Chapter 23: Hyorin & taeyeon, my two bias. Nuuuuuu :'(
Exotic311 #3
Chapter 23: Great job author nim !!:)
Chapter 22: Ahhh.. Finally.. I can breathe properly. Luckily they didnt die. Minah,youre a life saver ^^
Chapter 22: Do like anyone care that 2 Kpop stars died cause I do
Chapter 21: Noooo!!!! Authornim,please pity my poor heart and soul :'( dont let my Xiuminnieee dieeee!!! Pleaseeee
Chapter 21: damn you yeonhee!!! -.-' what da hell is wrong with ya ?!
Chapter 20: Damdamdamdammmm... Yeonhee,whats wrong with you??
Chapter 18: New reader Update please
audreyyyy #10
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh I think I just died a little. DAT KISS! And HAHAHA Kim Troll Dae :D