17. Unknowingly Decided

I Will Show You.

[Chapter 17: Unknowingly Decided.]

{Flashback; Jaehyun POV}
After the waiter left, I turned back to Kris, waiting for his answer. Kris was eating I just stared at him until he looked up.

"What's wrong?" He asked, eyes showing concern.

"What were you saying Yifan?" I asked. I was sitting comfortably but suddenly, I felt weird in the stomach as if giving me the cue that it will be soemthing bad.

"Hmm....That. I will be telling it later. Eat first." He smiled. I smiled back, gibing him a reassuring look and picked up my chopsticks and ate a piece of sashimi.

Dinner was most of silence than the usual chatter we had. This only made my stomach worse but it felt better after the food went in. Curiousity carried on burning me as we took a walk around.

After the walk, he drove us away from the mall. I could not take it. I turned to him and asked.

"Kris please please tell me what you are going to tell me.."I pouted a little.

"We will be there in a few moments time." Kris said and focused on driving once more.

I didn't know that we were going another place instead of my house. I must've been to focused on what Kris was going to say that I wasn't observing the road.

Few minutes later, we were at the beach where Kris brought me here the day we had dinner with his father.

I carefully got out of the car and he locked it immediately after I got out. He walked to wards the direction of the sand.

I tried keeping up with his steps; he was taking big strides and for his size he could easily walk twice my normal walking speed.

He stop and I caught up shortly. I tried to keep my breathing normal.

"Kim Jaehyun." He spoke to the sea.

I lifted my face to see his expression.

"I have been holding in this for too long. I have liked you since the first day I saw you." Kris answered.

I was taken by suprise "Tell me you're joking right? How can you even lay your eyes on me during my nerd days?"

He turned to me "I'm not lying Jaehyun." I looked into his eyes and the orbs of his told me it was true. "And that was why I wanted you to pose as my girlfriend."

"So your father is okay after all?" I asked, a slight tinge came out. Even though I should feel blessed, thankful, flattered that someone likes me during my nerd days but I hate it when I'm lied to.

"Nope. He's dying soon." He answered, looking to the sea.

"Sorry." I muttered and looked down.

"Jaehyun, can we real instead of what we are now." Kris asked.

I had expected myself to say Yes but nothing came out. Only a "I don't know, give me a few days." I mentally facepalmed myself.

"Sure." He said and walked off. I raced forward, in front of him and hugged him, not by the back but the real hug.

"I don't know what I'm feeling right now so I can't tell you. But I can say one thing. I like you too."

We stood there, hugging until he break the hug and held my hand, leading us back to his car.

{End of flashabck, Narrator's POV.}

Jaehyun came out of her house and saw Kris grinning widely. After locking the house door, Jaehyun walked to him. As she neared, he gave her a wolf-whistle. Jaehyun shot him a look.

"Lookin' great babe."Kris smirked.

Jaehyun pretneded to blanch but said,"Stop trying to act y." Jaehyun had folded her arms and was infront of the giant.

Kris gave her a quick peck on the head before gesturing her to get into the car.

What in the world is wrong with him today? Did he ate the wrong medicine or soemthing? Jaehyun thought.

Kris drove to the wedding ceremony location site. When they got there, they were greeted by the Kim Siblings( Minus Taeyeon)

"Annyeonghaseyo Hyorin unnie, Xiumin and Chen oppa!" Jaehyun chirped.

"Annyeong Hyorin, Chen and Hyung" Kris greeted bowing a little.

"You two look great today! Thanks for coming to Taeyeon's wedding. It means a lot to her and us." Hyorin said.

"Go and sit first." Xiumin told the couple.

"Arasseo!" The 2 said and headed in.

The 3 Kim siblings exchanged glances

"Unnie, Jaehyun is here." Hyorin whispered into her walkie talkie.

"Thank you Hyojung." Hyorin could hear Taeyeon, trying to supress a sob.

"Unnie, don't cry..." Hyorin said. "Noona don't cry....now~" Xiumin and Chen sang into the walkie talkie.

"Okay Okay!" The 3 smiled when they heard their sister gave a smile.

Not long, the ceremony started and Taeyeon was walking in by herself. After saying their vows, they kissed and the audience gave a round of applause.

Not long after that, the ceremony ended and they were socializing. Kris phone rang. He looked disturbed. "What's wrong Yifan?" Jaehyun asked.

"I don't think appa can hang in there a while more. Come with me." Kris said and she followed him.

Kris took a few stpes and caught the arm of a person who turns out to be Hyomin.

"Noona, I got a call form the hospital." Hyomin's eyes widen. kris took Jaehyun's arm and the 3 took off to Kris Car.

The 3 headed to Seoul International hospital. "Sunghyun ah, where are you? app- Oh you're on your way too? good CAUSE PPALI. !" Hyomin screamed into the phone and both Jaehyun and Kris cringed a little.

They reached the hospital and headed to the ward to see Kevin inside.

"appa!" Hyomin and Kris said.

"hello, my kids, great to see you." Mr Wu gave a fatherly smile and Hyomin broke down.

"Appa, don't leave us..Jebal..." hyomin choked in between her tears

"I can't hold it soon anymore. I just wanna say a piece, my last words. Kris, take care of Jaehyuna dn don't break her heart. Hyomin, Love woohyun with all your heart and be good to him. Kevin, do well with Soyou. I wish all of you the best. and Jaehyun, I really want you as my daughter in law..." Mr Wu said.

"appa..." Kevin said, tears, forming in his eyes.

"Think of it as Your mum won't be lonely anymore. After more than 10 years, I can finally reunite with her again. Take care kids." He said, breathlessly.

As if it was on cue, the line beeped. Hyomin cried even harder while Kevin looked away. Jaehyun felt her own tears threatening to spill out. Kris on the other hand, punched the wall.

"Kris..." Jaehyun said, holding him back to prevent him from doing anything reckless.

5 hours had passed and Woohyun and Soyou had come to lighten their companion's burden. Kris brought Jaehyun to the same beach they had been to last night.

Jaehyun followed him wordlessly again and she stopped only when he stopped.

Suddenly, he swung her into a tight hug, Jaehyun's hands naturally hugged back. her face was on his chest.

When they let go,Jaehyun grabbed his neck and pulled him into a kiss full on the lips. Kris was taken aback.

"This should tell you my true feelings." Jaehyun looked at him before walking back to Kris' car.


AN=Guys, please comment on what you think on the story please??
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*changed the poster...


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Chapter 23: This is just so amazing! I love it ;)
Chapter 23: Hyorin & taeyeon, my two bias. Nuuuuuu :'(
Exotic311 #3
Chapter 23: Great job author nim !!:)
Chapter 22: Ahhh.. Finally.. I can breathe properly. Luckily they didnt die. Minah,youre a life saver ^^
Chapter 22: Do like anyone care that 2 Kpop stars died cause I do
Chapter 21: Noooo!!!! Authornim,please pity my poor heart and soul :'( dont let my Xiuminnieee dieeee!!! Pleaseeee
Chapter 21: damn you yeonhee!!! -.-' what da hell is wrong with ya ?!
Chapter 20: Damdamdamdammmm... Yeonhee,whats wrong with you??
Chapter 18: New reader Update please
audreyyyy #10
Chapter 18: Oh my gosh I think I just died a little. DAT KISS! And HAHAHA Kim Troll Dae :D