
Bad Girl, Good Girl

Yoona woke up and looked to my room and I wasn't there. She ate breakfast alone. I woke up with my head on Donghae's chest with his arms around me. We were just covered by the white blanket. I looked up to him and i his hair. I could remember everything last night. I wasn't drunk if that he's thinking. I was aiming for a kiss on his cheek but he turned and it went to his lips.


Donghae: I wish it would always be like this. I would wake up seeing you first thing in the morning.

me: me too. Last night.

Donghae: let's just keep it to ourself. I love you.

me: I love you too. Let's get dressed and eat breakfast. 


We washed up and we went together downstairs with my arm hooked to his. Yoona was shocked to see us together.


Yoona: You're here?! You weren't in your room!

me: we stayed at the guest room. I don't like you to be bothered.

Yoona: The two of you!?

Donghae: nothing serious happened. 


He held my hand tighter. Will Donghae treat me the same? I gave him who I am. We ate breakfast. His phone rang.


me: she's calling.

Donghae: i don't want to talk to her.

me: then I will. *picks up the phone* Yeoboseyo?

Jessica: YAH! Why are you answering oppa's cellphone?

me: cause he's busy eating. please call later.

Jessica: Hey--

Donghae: good.

Yoona: who was that?

me: just the evil witch.

Yoona: she has returned?! The nerve of her.


we have to tell Yoona. I dressed up and left the house without saying anything. Donghae talked to Yoona.


Donghae: i'm sorry. My mother surprised us by telling us that i'm getting married to Jessica. 

Yoona: WHAT?!

Donghae: we tried to stop but _____-ah ran out before anything.

Yoona: what's up with her face?

Donghae: she said she had a fight with men.

Yoona: again. *oops*

Donghae: what do you mean by again?

Yoona: nothing.

Donghae: you mean she still get into fights?

Yoona: Donghae-ah, I shouldn't tell you this but, yes. Back in Australia, she was so rough because she'd always miss you. People would mock her and knowing her, she wouldn't let her guard down. She has actually beaten up some men when they teased me. Maybe yesterday, she was teased. She wouldn't hurt anyone without any reason.


Yoona and Donghae were sad about happened to them. I saw the guys. The ones who teased me and Yoona and the ones near the bar. I was shocked when they were more. I backed up but I saw they surrounded me.


me: what do you want?

guy1: simple. Revenge.

me: you never got tired, do you?

guy2: do you know how humiliating it is to lose to a girl?

me: no. I never lose. 

guy3: we'll see now.


They were 7 of them. 2 of them held me. I tried pulling myself away. I kicked the guy in front of me and stepped on the face of one of the guys. I bit the hands of the guys. I tried running but one managed to pull me. I turned around and he punched me on the face. I hit his ankle. I slid through the legs of some of the guys. One pulled my shirt and a part of it ripped. I charged but somone hit from the back. One person used a wood to knock me down. One guy pulled me up high aiming for a punch. I was so dizzy already. I was ready to get punched when he suddenly dropped me. I couldn't see what was happening. I saw Kyuhyun.


me: Kyu..hyun..ah..

Kyuhyun: you look like you needed some rest. 


kyuhyun brought me to our house. Yoona was there. Donghae had already left.


Kyuhyun: get some water.


Yoona did so. He wiped off the blood and dirt from my face.


Yoona: what happened?

Kyuhyun: he was surrounded. 

Yoona: what? 

Kyuhyun: she was alone. He was surrounded by 7 men. Don't tell Donghae.

Yoona: Don't tell him too. 


Donghae was at his house helping his mom. His mom bring up the topic about marriage but he would just ignore it.


omma: forget that girl. 

Donghae: omma, i love her. she's the only one for me.

omma: nothing can change our minds. your wedding day is in 3 months.

Donghae: what?!

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ChunZua_17 #1
Chapter 25: Yoona fits Siwon duh
omo yoona!
2027 streak #3
Chapter 25: A nice story... :)
pandawriter #4
nice fic! i luv it!
cute story.
sonelforever09 #6
I read it 2 times~~ kekeke ^^ nice story :D
childishae15 #8
HAHHA :DD COOL. Yah, That jessica. She's getting in my nerves! hahaha :D I LOVE it :DD
waa love it..:) <3
KyuAnnHae #10
Gonna read this tomorrow! :D