Chapter 8

Love me.... Love me not....


‘I……I don’t understand….’ Suan pulled back her hand, standing up.

‘I know u understand…’ Ryeowook stand up, putting up one of his hand to stop Suan from leaving.

‘Ryeowook….let me go, I am tired…’

‘Don’t u intend to give me an answer?’ Ryeowook asked, holding Suan hand.

‘Ryeowook… I am sorry…..’ Suan pulled back her hand and shook her head.

‘Why…. Don’t u liked me?’

‘I do…. But not as how u think….’

‘No, u are lying…..’ Ryeowook grabs at Suan’s arms and forced Suan to face him…

‘Ryeowook, I am sorry… if I done anything to mislead u…. I….’ Suan try to push Ryeowook away but he hold on to her tight.

‘Suan…. Is there any reason behind this? Why?’

‘No reason….’

‘Anything u don’t like about me? I will try to change….’

‘No, Ryeowook, nothing wrong with u….’

‘Then why? Why can’t u love me??’

‘Cos I don’t know what is love…. And how to love….’


‘Ryeowook… to me, love will change…. Nobody can guarantee the feeling will still remain after a period of time…And things get ugly when the feeling change….’

‘Suan… we haven’t even started….’

‘So, we have to stop before heartache follows….’

‘Suan!!! Please have some confidence in me….’

‘I have no confidence in myself, Ryeowook…..’ upon saying this, Suan pushed Ryeowook away gently…But Ryeowook still holding on to her arm….


‘Please, Ryeowook…..’ Suan pulled Ryeowook’s hand away and made her way to her room….


Suan laid on her bed, looking at the ceiling…. She closed her eyes painfully, trying to fight back the tears that’s stinging her eyes….  She hated herself…. She shouldn’t cross the borderline of friendship with Ryeowook… If not, they will be still able to remain as friend now….. She keep wondering why that silly boy choose her when there is thousand and millions of girls yearns for him?




‘Ryeogaa….. Lets go…’ Heechul hugged Ryeowook’s shoulder and Ryeowook glanced at the spacious airport for one last time before he turned to check in….

Suan made some excuse about not feeling well and did not send Ryeowook to airport… Heechul and Ae Li roughly guessed the reason why and Heechul assured Ae Li that he will look after Ryeowook well….

‘Hyung….. I am tired….’ Ryeowook close his eyes once he is onboard and Heehul couldn’t get a single word out of him.

‘All right… rest…’ Ryeowook just nodded at Heechul with his eyes closed.


Ryeowook been kind of quiet after his trip from Malaysia and Heechul roughly tell the rest of the boys what happen back in Malaysia…

Ryeowook picked up his phone and SMS to Suan..

‘Suan…. I hope we are still friend…’

‘We are always friend… :)


‘Take care

*sigh* ‘Ryeowook lean on his bed, looking at his phone…. Friend? But things doesn’t feel the same again…. On the other hand, Suan looked at her phone, heave out a heavy sigh….




Days passed and week passed, Suan and Ryeowook still kept in touch with each other… Suan is careful as not to be too friendly with Ryeowook and Ryeowook feel awful… However, thing seem to get better and Suan is more relaxed nowadays…

‘Hahaha! Babo~’ Suan laughed at Ryeowook’s dorkiness when he told her about the things happen in studio….

‘Hey! How am I suppose to know Kyu is up to no good?’

‘He is always up to no good… unlike u, who is always so trusting…’

‘Am i?’

‘Yes, u sure are….Hahaha!!!’



‘Can I ask u a question?’

‘W..hat?’ Suan asked, she has a bad feeling about this question…


‘I… don’t get u…’

‘Why I can’t be the one?’


‘At least give me a reason!’

‘Ryeowook, I am going to hang up if u keep on like this…’

‘Suan… please…. At least we…’

‘Ryeowook, I think there no point of us carrying on like this. If u don’t want to stay as friend its fine with me…’


‘Thanks Ryeowook, u been very kind to me all these while…’

‘Suan!! Wait…’

‘Bye….’Suan hang up the phone and closed her eyes… she feel so tired, from inside…..

‘Suan……….’ Ryeowook looked at his phone and keep on muttering her name….




Suan been rejecting Ryeowook’s call ever since she told Ryeowook she doesn’t want to remain as friend with him anymore. The only thing that Ryeowook do is sending SMS, e-mail and keep on dialing her number…. But not a single respond from her… The rest of his hyung, is worried sick at Ryeowook unusual quietness and been taking turn to watch over him….

‘Yah, Ryeowook, what are u doing?’ Teukie asked, sitting down beside Ryeowook.

‘Nothing…..’ Ryeowook put down his phone and turned to face his hyung, forcing out a smile.

‘Hahaha!!! Don’t just sit here… lets go and have a drink shall we?’ asked Teukie. Patting his leg. He knew he still miss her, he saw it…. He saw Ryeowook is still keeping and constantly looking at her photograph, although he always say he is fine, and never ever mention her name or try to contact her anymore but they knew it, they knew deep down inside he still can’t put her down… The memory between them still haunt him and it making him miserable…

‘Yes, hyung….’ Ryeowook answered, maybe it would be good if he could get drunk… maybe he can feel lesser pain…. Maybe he will forget…. Or maybe this is just a dream, and everything will be fine after this… maybe….




‘Chul?’ Ae Li picked up the call from her husband and looked at Suan apologetically. Suan shook her head and gesture her to carry on with her phone call and started to tidy off the documents after their long meeting on the coming project and walked out to allow the couple to have some privacy….

‘What? Drinking with Ryeowook? Do u think it will helps?’ Ae Li asked with a worried look, rubbing her bulging tummy as she do so...Suan happened to turned back to get some document, and happen to hear this heart winching news….

‘…………………’ Ae Li is surprised to see Suan standing at the doorway, looking miserable and there are tears in her eyes.

‘Suan…. U ok?’ She knew she must had overheard the conversation between her and Heechul…

‘He is not fine, right?’ Suan asked.

‘He…. Suan, he has his hyung….so…’

‘Babo……’ upon saying this Suan burst into tears, covering her face with her hands. Ae Li shook her head and pull Suan into a hug.

‘U are a babo too…. Do u know u are torturing both of u?’Ae Li said while patting Suan’s back.

‘Ae Li…. I can’t… and u know it!’

‘I don’t know… but nobody can force u anything…’ Ae Li said, sick and tired of this topic. She been trying to talk some sense into her but no avail…




‘Teukie hyung~ I love U!!!!’ Ryeowook said as he pounced over to hug Leeteuk.

‘Sungmin Hyung, I love u!!!!’ Ryeowook said to Sungmin, hugging him and he did that to everyone….

‘Heechul hyung, I love u!!!’ Heechul is Ryeowook’s last target… He is leaning on the wall looking at the whole commotion and he is the most sober one among the boys, he hardly drink that night and he been watching over Ryeowook all the while… Ryeowook drink like there’s no tomorrow and its making him worried, and angry..

‘Yah!! Ryeogaa… U!!!’ Heechul is angry, angry that he couldn’t help his dongsaeng… angry that he couldn’t lessen Ryeowook’s pain….angry that he ever encourage Ryeowook to confess his feeling, and now is all his fault that the innocent eternal maknae got hurt...

‘Heechul hyung….. y? u don’t love me?’ Ryeowook asked, in a drunken stupor…

‘Ryeogaa!!’ Heechul grabs at Ryeowook’s arm, shaking him. Teukie went over and pulled at Heechul’s hand, shaking his head. ’Aish…. ara ara… I love u too!!’ Heechul said, looking at Ryeowook.

‘Hahahaha!!! Yeah!!! Everyone love me….everyone…. No…. Not everyone… she don’t love me!!! why don’t she love me?’ upon saying this Ryeowook started to sob and its getting louder every minutes… Nobody knows how to console him and nobody know what they can do to make him feel better…. So they decided to let him be…. Maybe he will feel better after releasing his emotion…

*Ryeowook’s Phone ringing* 

Heechul pulled out Ryeowook’s phone and looked at the caller ID…

‘Aish!!! Just the person… What does she wants?? Yeoboseyo!’ Heechul answered, in an unfriendly way.

‘Heechul??? Erm… where is Ryeowook?’ asked Suan.

‘What do u want?’ Heechul asked, coldly…

‘Heechul… I… just wanted to make sure he is all right…’

‘Hmn… u think he will be all right? And do u care?’ Heechul asked.

‘I……’ Suan stuttered, not knowing what to say…

‘U!! Aish!!! U talk to her!’ Just as Heechul feel like giving Suan a piece of his mind, Leeteuk patted on his shoulder and shook his head. Heechul pushed the phone to Leeteuk and walk away in frustration.

‘Yes? Suan….’ Said Teukie calmly.

‘I am sorry, Leeteuk ssi…’

‘Suan, no sorry… definitely not to me….’

‘I know….. nothing I say will make the whole situation better…. But…’

‘We can’t blame u if u don’t return his feeling… but please, don’t promise to stay as friend with him this moment and avoid him like plague the next minute… Now u are calling to tell him u wanna be his friend again??’


‘So, if u cant give him what he want, leave him alone….please… he need some time…’

‘Please believe me, I don’t have any bad intention…just wanted to know he is fine…’

‘He will be fine, maybe not now….but he will…..’

‘Thanks Leeteuk ssi, I…’

‘U don’t have to thanks us, he is our responsible, and we will take care of him…’

‘Yes… I... all right… goodbye…’

‘Bye…’ Teukie hang up the phone and deleted away the caller record, not wanting to excite Ryeowook further…. He just hope that he will be all right soon…. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~