Chapter 13

Love me.... Love me not....

‘Erm… Ryeogaa…’ Ae Li looked at Ryeowook who stood by the door, looking at sleeping Suan.

‘Hyung su nim, I am going back….’

‘All right…. Rest early….Take care Siwon~ and see u, Mr.Wu.’

‘Just call me Chun.’ Wu Chun smiled at Ae Li.

‘All right, Chun. We will send her back to hotel tomorrow morning.’





 ‘U naughty girl…how dare u laugh at me.’ Heechul said as he smacked Ae Li’s… ergh… …

‘Hahaha!! Mianhae….. but its really funny….’

‘Do I really have wrinkles?’ asked Heechul, looking at the mirror.

‘She is drunk, don’t take it to heart….’

‘Meaning to say I have…’ Heechul looked at the mirror again, frowning.

‘Chul…. no matter what, u are always pretty to me….’ Ae Li said as she took away the mirror from her husband’s hand and hugged him.

‘Aigoo…. What a good wife I have….’ Heechul said as he hug Ae Li back. She rested her head on his chest, listening to his steady heartbeats.

‘Chul… u know…. Just now I heard Suan saying she loved Ryeowook!!! Do u think I should…?’ Ae Li asked, looking up to her husband.

‘NO!!! don’t u ever think of that…Like u said she is drunk.’ Heechul hissed at her.

‘But don’t u think they should be together? I think they still have feeling for each other…’ Ae Li pushed Heechul away, frowning.

‘I said NO, Yu Ae Li! We thought she loved Ryeogaa 1 year ago too. But what happen? I regretted it so much, I shouldn’t encourage him that time… I been stupid once… So, please don’t be the second stupid one…’

‘All right…. They will be together no matter what if they mean for each other….’

‘Aish, u stubborn girl… Dont worry about that 1st....Lets sleep now..’ Heechul suddenly stoop down and carried Ae Li. She shrieked and giggle like a little girl as her husband carried her to their room…. 


‘Aish!! Where am I?’ Suan woke up the next morning, with a splitting headache… This place doesn’t look familiar to her… She get off the bed and walked out of the room.. The first thing she saw is a gigantic poster of Mr.Kim Heechul, hanging on the living room wall. ‘This must be Ae Li’s house… but why am I here?’

‘Because you are drunk…’ Ae Li stepped out from kitchen and gave Suan a cup of hot tea.

‘Drunk? Thanks…. Aish…. Pain…’ Suan pounded at her head, hoping to stop the headache.

‘Yes, as drunk as lord…. And keep blabbering nonsense…’

‘*cough*Khe!!! Khee!! What had I said???’ Suan choked on the tea and asked between her coughs.

‘Aish….slowly…’ Ae Li patted her back trying to make her better.

‘I am ok, what had I said??? Tell me quickly!’ Suan grabbed at Ae Li’s hand, repeating her question.

‘U mistook Heechul as growth up Cherry and… U said he had wrinkles…Hahahahha!!!’

‘Aish!!!! I am doomed! I better go before he kills me!’ Suan slapped her forehead and closed her eyes. She can imagine how angry would that vain pot be upon hearing the words "wrinkles"… 

‘Yeap…. U better run away now, fast…’ Heechul step out of his room and walked over to Ae Li’s side and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

‘Morning, Chul..’ Ae Li sais as she returned his kiss.

‘Morning yeobo… U better get yourself ready…. I will send u back, u won’t want to be late on the 1st day of filming right?’ Heechul said, looking at Suan’s messy hairs…

‘Ooppss! What is the time now? Yah… will I be late??’ Suan started to panic and look at Ae Li, pleading for help.

‘Just go and wash up a bit, we send u back to hotel now. U will still have time…’ Ae Li assure her.

‘Ok… and thanks, Milky skin Heechul…’ Upon saying this, Suan turned and run into the washroom, fast.  

‘Aish…..this girl..’Heechul shook his head and smacked Ae Li who is laughing by herself.


Ryeowook laid down on his bed after his shower, looking at the ceiling….

‘I don’t want to be ur friend!!! Kim Ryeowook!!’ The words come out loud and clear from ...So Ryeowook cant help wondering if she really dislikes him so much??? Well…Like or dislike.... she had a boyfriend now don’t she? Doesn't matter anymore….




‘Ryeogaa…. Had u memorize the script?’ Donghae asked as he sat down beside the eternal maknae. The hair stylist started to style Donghae hair and earned herself a charming smile from Fishy.

‘Ah…. Almost….’ Ryeowook smiled at Donghae, looking back to his script, but his mind wonder off to somewhere else.

‘I think I need a cup of coffee… U?’ Donghae offered.

‘Its ok, I will get it…’ Ryeowook stand up, as he had done with his styling and make up some time ago..

Ryeowook made his way to the vending machine and bought Donghae and himself a cup of coffee each to freshen themselves up.

‘Aish!!’ someone bumped into Ryeowook from behind, causing some coffee to splash on his shoe.

‘I am sorry, I am sorry!!’ Suan apologize, looking up.

‘Aish!!! U are still drunk is it? Why don’t u watch ur way?’ Ryeowook bailed at her.

‘I said I am sorry! And do u have to bring that up?’

‘Cheh… I told u Cocktail will make u drunk…See....’

‘U….Aish… u are the one who keep on irritating me!’

‘Yah!! I just wanted to stop u from drinking! And i DID told u u will be drunk, right?’

‘Yes, u did….But... Aish…. Why should I waste my breath talking to u?’ Suan stuck her tongue at Ryeowook and walked back to the studio.

‘Aish…. U!!! Phew…cool down cool down…’ Ryeowook threw away the half empty paper cup and went back to get Donghae another cup of coffee….




‘Kyu…. Where shall we go later?’ Yuri asked Kyuhyun who is busy with his PSP.

‘Oh~ Yul~~ u are here?’ Kyu said, without even looking up from his game.

‘Yeah…. I think u are more interested date your PSP instead of me…I am going~ bye...’

‘Hahahaha!!! No, that’s not true… Yul…’ Kyuhyun said as he pulled her back and peck on his girlfriend's forehead. Ryeowook walked away from the couple and sat at another corner of the room, playing with his phone… Suan looked at Ryeowook, frowning…

‘Aish…That horrible two timer… how can she flirt like that?’Suan muttered.

‘What are u saying?’ Chun asked, poking Suan forehead.

‘Ahaahaha~ nothing…’

‘Little girl, I am going to gym with Siwon, u?’

‘I… maybe hotel to rest… ‘

‘Not going to shop?’ Chun asked as he pack his back and sling on his shoulder.

‘No…’ Suan smiled, looking at Yuri who is walking over to Ryeowook’s side, talking to him.

‘Oppa…. Please come with us….’ Yuri pulled Ryeowook’s hand, aegyo’ing to him. Suan rolled her eyes at the sight of it…

‘Aish!!! Horrible girl…..’ Suan muttered to herself.

‘Huh??? What?’ Chun asked, looking over to Ryeowook’s direction…

‘Ah… nothing… hahahahahah…..’ Suan laughed, embarrassed…

‘Hey… are u jealous?’ Chun asked, raising his eyebrow and turned his head toward Ryeowook's side.

‘WHAT!!! ME? Jealous? Why… who I … should be… jealous of?’ Suan stuttered, glancing at Ryeowook every now and then…

‘Hey…U really did not remember what u said yesterday?’ Chun asked teasingly.

‘Not really… Why?... I... HUH!!! Did I say something stupid??? Tell me!!’ Suan asked loudly, grabbing Chun’s hand.

'Hahahaha!!! U really wanna know?' Chun asked.

'YES!!! and u better TELL ME NOW!!!'

‘Well... U said.....Nothing…’ Chun stooped down and whispered in Suan’s ear, looking at Ryeowook.. Satisfy with the frowning on his face… Good… Chun thought to himself, smiling...

 ‘Aish,... U....Cheh~ u better go… Siwon ssi is here…’ Suan pushed Chun away gently, not used to the sudden intimate gesture of Chun.. Subconsciously she looked over to Ryeowook who is talking to Yuri and Kyuhyun.

‘Ok~ Take care…’ Chun ruffled Suan’s hairs and waved at her, joining Siwon who is waiting patiently for him.

Suan shifted back her concentration to Ryewook and Yuri….

‘Ya, Ryeogaa… just go…’ Kyuhyun slapped Ryeowook’s shoulder. Encourage him to join them for dinner.

‘No, I wouldn’t want to disturb u two…’ Ryeowook said.

‘Hahahaha!! Its ok, oppa…unless u have a date!!’ Yuri said, laughing.

‘How can that be?’ Kyuhyun laughed. Suan puffed her cheek, stalking over to Ryeowook..They are too much!!!

‘Ryeowook… are u ready to go now?’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, smiling at him.

‘Ugh???’ Ryeowook looked at Suan, puzzled…

‘We had a date remember? U told me u would show me around, if i come to Korea…’ Suan said, making faces at Ryeowook. Kyuhyun and Yuri looked at each other with a questioning look. Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulder and shook his head.

‘Hi~ I am Moon Yuri~’ Yuri smiled and bowed slightly, trying to be friendly with Suan.

‘Hi, I am Jeong Hee Suan… Sorry, Ryeowook couldn’t join u…’ Suan try her hardest to smile at Yuri, she cant deny the fact that she is pretty… no wonder both Ryeowook and Kyuhyun will fall for her. But she dont like her... Suan thought being pretty doesnt give u the right to be flirteous... Moreover with the innocent Ryeowook... 

‘In that case…. We go out together? Foursome??’ Yuri suggested.

‘WHAT??!!! BUT WE ARE NOT COUPLE!!!’ Both Suan and Ryeowook shouted at the same time.

‘Hahahahahahahahaha!! Great synchronize….I must say.....’ Kyuhyun said, patting Ryeowook’s shoulder.

‘Shut up….’ Ryeowook looked at blushing Suan and hissed at Kyuhyun. ‘Come on… lets go…we are not joining u both… enjoy, Yuri… ’ Ryeowook said to Yuri as he took Suan’s hand and pull her away from the evil couple.

‘…………..’ Suan looked at Ryeowook from behind… Her sight went down to their entwined fingers and she felt her heart thumping hard against her chest.

‘Hey~ are u ok?’ Ryeowook snapped his fingers in front of Suan’s eyes and she looked at him awkwardly.

‘Huh????Ok....’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, nodding her head…

‘Cheh…. Why did u say that?’

‘Huh? What?’ Suan asked, looking at Ryeowook… Erm… He seem to be getting more and more handsome…

‘Why did u  say we have a date~ babo….’ Ryeowook said, rolling his eyes.

‘Uhm…. Cos Kyuhyun keep teasing at u, for not having any date.. so….’

‘Cheh~because of this?’ Ryeowook chuckle soflty, shaking his head.

Yes..... but arent u angry?'

'Why should I? there nothing to be angry isnt it? The fact is, I did not have a date... '

‘Arent I your date now? So are u showing me around?’ Suan asked, looking down.


‘Forget about it~’ Suan turned and walked to opposite direction.

‘Yah~ should be this way…My date~’ Ryeowook catch up with her and pulled her hand, walking toward the taxi stand.




‘Yah!! Stop taking my picture…’ Suan put up her hand, blocking Ryeowook’s phone camera.

‘Hahaha!!! U look soooooo cute~’ Ryeowook said, popping back his phone to his pocket. ‘Come on….’ Ryeowook pulled Suan to one of his favourite street food...

‘Tteobokki!!!’ Suan looked at the bubbling, red hot steaming snack in front of her.

‘This is nice….’ Ryeowook said while he made his order.

‘Uhmnnn… Really nice… Ryeowook… Ahhh…’ Suan popped a piece of the rice cake in his mouth.

‘Haaha… I told u its nice…’Ryeowook said as he chewed the rice cake, smiling.

‘Yes.. yes… what else is there to eat?’ Suan asked, smiling and eyes glittering…

‘Aish…. U better watch ur weight….’ Ryeowook chided.

‘Never mind…. Just jog a bit more…’Suan said nonchalantly.

‘And fall down again…. Then u will have more “souvenirs” on your poor legs…’ Ryeowook said, referring to the several scars she had, result of the several falls she had when she jog previously.

‘U are so mean….’ Suan said as she slapped Ryeowook’s hand.

‘Hey… it’s a fact~ trust u to be so careless…’

'Its those stone failt... for tripping me... and the road...'

'Fault for being so hard and graze ur leg...' Ryeowook said, rolling his eyes...

'Precisely... glad u know....hahahaha!!!'

'U and ur nonsense... What do u feel like having?'

‘Ryeowook ~ I.... want....Dessert!!!!’

‘Lets have patbing su (Korean shaved ice)?’ Ryeowook suggested, pulling Suan into a sweet patbing su shop.

‘Ok!!!!’ Suan nodded at Ryeowook vigorously, smiling.

‘What flavour do u want?’ Ryeowook asked, pulling down his beanie to hide his face.

’Mango and strawberry~’ Suan told the lady shopkeeper.

‘All right, moment please…’ The lady nodded and bowed at them before she went away.

‘Strawberry?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Yes, strawberry….’ Suan nodded and smiled at Ryeowook.

‘Its ok… u don’t have to order that because of me, I am fine with anything…’

‘No, I order that because I wanted to try it.’

‘But…. I thought u don’t like strawberry?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘I… learnt to like it…’ Suan said, looking at Ryeowook…

‘Is that so?’Ryeowook asked, looking away…

‘Yes… why don’t u ask me why?’ Suan asked softly.

‘Is there a specific reason?’ Ryeowook asked, between some forced chuckle…

‘Yes…. Do u wish to know?’ Suan asked, looking at Ryeowook… clutching her hand below the table, nervously. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~