Chapter 20

Love me.... Love me not....


‘Stop pinching the food!!!!!’ Ryeowook spanked at the naughty hand which keep disturbing him.

‘I am hungry….’Kyuhyun said as he gobble down the piece of meat he manage to ‘steal’ from the plate.

‘Wait for a little while more….almost ready…’ Ryeowook said as he whipped up the last dishes, Kimchi fried rice.. Yuri dragged the naughty Kyuhyun out and Ryeowook heaved a sigh of relieve…

‘Ahhhhh~ fried rice!! My favourite!!!’ Another naughty voice shouted, hugging Ryeowook from behind, propping her head on his shoulder.

‘YAH!!!!! I am cooking here!! Stop that’s!!!’Ryeowook pried away the hand that hug him and quickly attend to the pots and pans on the stove.

‘Aish…. U are not like this previously…U used to loved to hugging…’ Suan propped her head to her hand looking at the busy Ryeowook.

‘Please choose the right timing to hug all right? I am cooking right now…’

‘All right… for the sake of my fried rice….ok…. I go away….so sad… u liked cooking more than u love me….’ Suan said, pouting as she helped with the cleaning up….

‘Its not like that…. I would loved to hug u very much…and we have whole life time isn’it??’ Ryeowook said softly as he hugged Suan from behind…. Suan nodded, smiling and knocking the back of her head against his chest naughtily.

‘HELLOOO!!!! How long does both of u wanted us to wait???? Leave the sweet dovey moment later all right?’ Shindong who been impatient with the all waiting come in and bailed at the sweet couple.

‘Yes… please don’t burn our kitchen down with your passion…’ Donghae add on.

‘Yah~ shut up and get out…’ Ryeowook lets go of Suan and threw the rag at the two intruders, who dodge away easily and gave out sinister laughter as they made their way out.

‘*Sigh* Shall I do the cooking?’ Ae Li offered, stirring the sizzling rice.

‘No, hyung su nim… ready soon… sorry…’ Ryeowook took over the cooking from Ae Li and stuck out his tongue at Suan …




‘I don’t know u can cook so well….’ Suan commented, looking at Ryeowook.

‘U really never paid attention to our news is it? I am always the one who cook in dorm.’

‘No, never, I never knew you can hold your liquor so well too. Hahaha!’

‘Yes~ u only paid attention to ur Wu Chun…’ Ryeowook commented, dryly.

‘Hahahaha!!! Yes…now u know…’

‘But thanks to him, I never know u can draw so well too~ hahahaha!!! Li Xu, wo ai ni!’

‘Aish!!!! Stop it…I never expected him to betray me…..’Suan said, slapping his arm.

‘Cos he know how much I like u, babo~’

‘What do u like about me? I am not gentle, not good with housework, cooking….and I don’t even sing… u liked girl who can sing, right?’ she asked.

‘Well… at least u do in fit 1 of my criteria….’ Ryeowook said, smiling slyly..

‘What? At least I am a girl?’ she asked, rolling her eyes…

‘No, that’s basic requirement, babo~’

‘Hahahah! then what’s that?’

‘U.ARE.SHORT! HAhahahahahahahah!!’ Ryeowook said loud and clear before he runs away.

‘AISH~ u mean guy…. I will kill u!!’ Suan said, chasing him.

‘Ahh…. A.. ni, not short not short, u are petite ok? Petite… Hahahah~’ Ryeowook said, trying to hold back his laughter.

‘Cheh~ u are not tall either~’ Suan said, punching him.

‘Yeah~ u both are shortie couple~’ Shindong shouted from the opposite side.

‘YAH!!!!!!!!!!’ both Suan and Ryeowook shouted in chorus.

‘Great synchronize again…’ Kyuhyun said, fondling with Yuri’s hair.

‘Let get out of here…’ Ryeowook whispered to Suan, pulling her out from the noisy bunch.

Suan nodded at him, looking at Ryeowook’s back….falling back into deep thought…..

*Suan flash back*

Suan already gave up the hope that Ryeowook will appear at the airport today… maybe that’s the end of them… She had rejected the offer to repost to Korea, she has no reason to do so now… However….To her surprise, Ryeowook showed up, asking her to stay for his sake….

‘Suan, please stay, don’t leave me again….’ Ryeowook pleaded, holding Suan’s hand.


‘So will u stay??’

‘No…..’ Suan said between her tears….

‘Why? I know u loved me…. And I know I behave like a fool all these while… I am not going to avoid again… please give me a chance…’

‘Listen to me…’

‘Don’t tell me u don’t love me or u are not ready… I have proof!’ Ryeowook took out the sketch book Chun handed to him today…

‘How do u…???’ Suan asked, looking at her sketch book, which is full of Ryeowook’s portraits  and her words of love and miss toward him…

‘I know what does this mean, Li Xu, wo ai ni…(Ryeowook I love u) and its written 2 days ago… don’t tell me u stop loving me after 2 days?’

‘I still love u… I always am…’

‘Then why cant u stay?’

‘Cos I must go back today….’


‘Why don’t u ask me why 1stbefore u lose ur temper?’ Suan said, chuckling…

‘All right, Why?’Ryeowook asked,rolling his eyes… to think she still have the mood to .

‘Because…… I am going back to fight for reposting to Korea….permanently…’ Suan explained.


‘Stop shouting…. I am not deaf… and the answer is YES.’Suan nodded at him, smiling.

‘YEAH!!!!! But how long u needs to stay there?’

‘Be patient… we have the whole life time don’t we?’ Suan said as she hugged Ryeowook again.

‘Yah….whole life time?’

‘Why? Not willing? Then I am not coming back….’ Suan said, puffing her cheek.

‘Hahahaha!! I mean whole life time seem too short…. So, please do not be too long ok? Don’t torture me again.. I think I will die… of missing u’ Ryeowook un-hugged, looking at her.

‘Yes…. I will miss u too….I will be fast….’ Suan nodded at Ryeowook, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest.

‘Ai ni… (love u)’ Ryeowook hugged her back…

 ‘Erm… hmn… I am sorry… but if both of u keep on hugging like this I think we will miss the flight…’ Chun commented.

‘I have to go…. Wait for me ok?’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, feeling really reluctant to leave him again.

‘Yes… I will wait…’ Ryeowook nodded before he planted a kiss on her forehead.

‘Come on lets go, little sis…’ Chun hugged Suan’s shoulder, nodding at Ryeowook.

‘Thanks, Wu Chun ssi, I owe u one….’

‘Don’t have to…I am doing for my little sis sake…. But if u break her heart again I am not going to let u off…I am gonna break ur bone…’

‘U wont have the chance to do so….

‘Good…’ Chun smiled at him before he guided Suan in to the checkpoint…..

*end of Suan’s flashback*




‘Talking about that… when are u giving back my sketch book?’ Suan asked, holding out her hand.

 ‘That’s mine…Its full of me…’ Ryeowook smirked at Suan, slapping away her hand.

‘Aish…. Robber…..’

‘Hehehe!’ Ryeowook said as he pecked Suan’s lips.

‘Aigoo….. don’t u both bother to find out whether there’s anyone else around when u do those intimate action?’ Heechul asked.

‘Ooppss…sorry~ I forgotten balcony is your and Ae Li’s territory, Kim Heechul…And u two doesnt seem to be that conservative at all... who never seen u both kissing and..............mmmmnnnn?’ Suan said sarcasticly... Before she blurted out more 'shocking' information, Ryeowook think she better cover Suan's mouth.....

‘Aish…. what had u told her? Kim Ryeowook…’Heechul stare at Ryeowook.

‘Sorry,hyung~ But its not something bad….’ Ryeowook smile sheepishly at his hyung. . 

‘Aigoo…Chul, u know…. Someone ever told me she definitely won’t be seen parading her affections with a public figure… Seem like someone had clean forgotten about that….’ Ae Li said between chuckles, looking at Suan’s blushing face…

‘Aish... Hyung… can we ‘share’ this balcony? The rest are making so much noises out there, we have nowhere to go…’ Ryeowook asked, trying to divert the attention off him and Suan.

‘No…..’ Heechul snapped.

‘Hahaha! Don’t be unkind, Chul…Its ok, u both can have it….Chul, lets go in and join the rest….’ Ae Li pulled Heechul into the house, leaving the young couple to themselves.




‘Suan… u know what? Every couple are given a couple name… like Heechul hyung and Ae Li hyung su nim is HeeAe….’

‘Yes… Dongri, Kyuri… we are….SuanWook?’

‘Why Suanwook?’ asked Ryeowook.

‘Cos I am more manly than u~ hahaha!!!

‘YAH!!!! What do u mean by that?’

‘Isnt it? U have more beauty products than me, wore thick make up…. I don’t even make up if I can help it…’

‘That’s my job requirement…. I don’t care, we are still WookSuan no matter what….’

‘No~~~ I don’t like it…’

‘Aish~ u….’

‘Shut up….’

‘I don’t want to….’

‘I can make u…’

‘Try……’ Ryeowook challenge… Suan gave him a smirk before she tiptoed and pecked Ryeowook’s lip, making him shut up even before he can finish his sentences….

‘Evil……’ Ryeowook commented, attacking her…..Bickering and quarrel always been part of their relationship…But they are enjoying it, as it does make them closer and understand each other better……




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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~