Chapter 18

Love me.... Love me not....


‘How should u call me in Korean?’ Chun asked Suan.

‘Erm… Oppa..’

‘So in future you will call me oppa?’

‘I don’t want! Its weird….Haha!’ Suan shook her head, laughing.

‘Aish… u bad girl~ come, call me oppa….’ Chun said, pulling at Suan’s ponytail.

‘Don’t!’ Suan pulled back her hair. ‘U better go and get ready…’ Suan pushed Chun and get back to her own chores.

‘Ok~ dinner together later, little girl…’ Chun ruffled at Suan’s hairs before he went away.

‘Aish!! U are making my hairs messy!!! All right… since u wanted to bribe me with food then I will just have to accept it. Thanks, Oppa~ hahahahha!!’




Oppa??? So… they are officially together? Ryeowook heart sunk upon hearing Suan calling Chun oppa…

‘Kyu… Yah!! KYU!!!’ Donghae shouted at Kyu who is staring into the blank by himself for the past 30 minutes.

‘Hu? Yes?’ Kyu asked, absent mindedly.

‘Still no news from Yuri?’ Donghae asked.

‘Yes….’ Kyu nodded at Donghae and looked down again.

‘Kyuhyun ssi… Can I…’

‘Oh… Suan, yes?’

‘Well, later we would need you to retake the scene with Ryeowook later… can u please..Kyuhyun?’ Suan looked at Kyuhyun who is not paying attention to her at all.

‘Ah… I am ok…’

‘Are u sick?’

‘No, I am fine….I will coordinate with Ryeowook later.’ Kyuhyun smiled at Suan.




‘Ryeowook….So, had Kyuhyun talked to u?’ Suan asked Ryeowook who is sitting down, trying hard to memorise his script.

‘Not yet… why?’

‘Aish…. He is suppose to discuss with u regards to the scene that u both need to retake later…’

‘Is it? I am not aware of that…’

‘I knew it… he is not himself today… is he ok?’

‘Not ok….’ Ryeowook answered. We are both not fine, Ryeowook was thinking to himself.

‘What happen?’ Suan sat down beside Ryeowook, looking at him.

‘He has some misunderstanding with Yuri…Over Ae Li….’


‘Don’t u know about Kyu, Heechul hyung and hyung su nim?’

‘ About their past relationship?  But there’s nothing going on with Ae Li and Kyu…’

‘Yes… But Yuri doesn’t think so….’


‘I think u better don’t ask hyung su nim about  this for the time being. She is quite upset right now…’Ryeowook advise.

‘Well… They should have trashed thing out….’

‘Easier said than done…’ Ryeowook said.

‘But they cant leave the problem lying like that!’

‘Suan, do not say it too soon, u might not be able to do too if u are in that kind of situation yourself.’

‘Well, at least I don’t avoid!’ Suan said, looking at Ryeowook.


‘Yes, rather than avoiding, I would rather the other party to give me a definite answer…’

‘……………’ Ryeowook looked at her, not knowing what to answer… he is confuse himself… aren’t her and Chun dating right now?’

‘So, what is your explanation?’

‘Explanation?’ Ryeowook asked….

‘Or should I say answer?’ Suan was hoping he would just tell her to give up, at least he can go back to Malaysia with a peace of mind, and stop having hope…

‘I don’t know what u are talking about… We are talking about Kyu and Yuri now…’

‘All right…’Suan sighed, knowing he is avoiding her question again.

‘I better talk to Kyu now…’ Ryeowook said, standing up.

‘Yes…. By the way Ryeowook, I am going back to Malaysia 3 days later…’


‘Yes, Chun part is all done here…. So I am no needed anymore…’

‘Oh… I see…’Ryeowook said, feeling down.

‘Yes… please go ahead with your chores…’


‘Yes?’ Suan turned back and looked at him.



Suan and Ryeowook walked along the Han River, admiring the captivating night scenery… Suan stopped walking and took out her camera, taking some picture.

‘Nice?’ Suan showed Ryeowookthe picture that she just took and Ryeowook nodded at her.

‘Any place u have not visited yet?’

‘Erm.. a lot…. I gave no time at all as the schedule are quite packed.’

‘Any particular place u feel like visiting the most?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Erm…Lotte Park?’

‘………………..’ Ryeowook remembered he ever promise her to bring her there…

‘This place is really beautiful…’ Suan walked farther down, taking picture again when the awkward silent fall between the 2 of them again. Ryeowook followed closely behind, watching her.

‘Are u thirsty?’ Ryeowoook asked.

‘No….’ Suan is standing by the Riverside now, taking the night scenery in her eyes. She shivered and rub her hands together, as the cold night wind blew.

‘Cold?’ Ryeowook asked as he wrap his arms around Suan from behind, taking her into his arms.

‘Yes….’ Suan answered as she snuggle closer to Ryeowook, closing her eyes.

‘What time is your flight tomorrow?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Evening, 6 o clock.’

‘Have u packed your thing?’

‘Ssshhhh…. Stop talking….’ Suan closed her eyes, she just wanted to enjoy this moment in silent…  

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~