Chapter 3

Love me.... Love me not....

Suan walked into the dressing room and saw Heechul keep bugging Ae Li for a kiss. Ae Li giggle like a little girl and turn over to peck Heechul’s lip…

‘Wah….. Yao meh??? (Chinese – Wah.. do u have to do that?’) in barely a day, Suan had already got used to the mushy act of these two. However, she still enjoyed teasing the both of them.

‘Ooppss~ sorry Suan, not for the eyes of kids.’ Was Heechul’s reply.

‘Kid? Who? Me? Yah!!!! I am 21 years old!! Not kid!!’ Suan hated it when people still takes her as kid.

‘Hahaha! I need to go…See u later~ yeobo….’ Heechul pecked Ae Li cheek again before he went out and Ae Li nodded, smiling sweetly at him.

‘Yuck….please stop it!’ Suan hugged her arms, shrugging her shoulder and look at Ae Li with a disgusted look.

‘Wait till u fall in love, then u will know…..’

‘Me? Hahahaha!!! I am not as high profile as u both. Definitely won’t be parading in public, with a public figure….’

‘U sure u won’t be with public figure?’ Ae Li asked with a knowing look, referring to Ryeowook. The two of them seem to be on better term these day. Althought 80% of their conversation is still in their usual bickering style. However, in a more friendly and comfortable way.

‘Me? of course not, u thought I…. YAH!!! U are not refer to strawberRyeo right?’

‘Huh??? StrawberRyeo??? U even gotten him a nickname?? Aigoo… Sooooo sweet…..’

‘Sweet ur head! Strawberry is always sour, like him!’

‘Hahaha!!! Aigoo…. We shall see….’ Ae Li walked out of the dressing room and walked to the boys, with their translated script in her hand…..

'Cheh~ she thought everyone is live struck like her...' Suan muttered to herself, getting back to her usual chores,


‘Yah… u promised to show me around right?’ Ryeowook looked at Suan, demanding for an answer.

‘What? Now? U thought I am that free?’ Suan said as she roll her eyes.

‘YAH!!!’ Suan closed both of her ears with her hand, a bit taken back at Ryeowook’s angry look.

‘Ara…ara… don’t shout….‘

‘Where shall we go?’ Ryeowook smiled triumphly, pleased that Suan is willing to oblige to his request.

‘Erm…. Shopping mall or night market?’ asked Suan.

‘Night market!!!’

‘Ok, lets go….’

‘Make sure u don’t lose the way again, ok?’ Chided Ryeowook.

‘’Aish…. Rude kid… go by urself then~’ upon saying this, Suan stop on her track, crossing her arm and looking at Ryeowook with an annoyed look.

‘Hahahahaha!!!! Lets go~’ Ryeowook pushed her from behind and Suan gave out a little chuckle and shook her head at the excited Ryeowook.

‘Yah~ is it drizzling?’ Suan asked, looking at the sky.

‘Seem like…. I hope u brought an umbrella along…’

‘No, I did not.’

‘Huh??!! What did u keep inside that big bag?’

‘Hello! None of ur business! Why didn’t u bring instead?’

‘I never carried an umbrella! Dont u know??’

‘Why should I then?’

'Because u are a girl!!'

‘Aish!!’ Rain started to pour before Suan could shout at him. Ryeowook pulled at Suan’s hand and ran to the nearest shelter.

‘What a day! Why would it rain so suddenly?’ asked Ryeowook, looking at Suan.

‘Malaysia’s weather are always like that…..’ Suan shrugged her shoulder while rubbing away the water drop from her body.

'All the more u should carry an umbrella with u...'

'Keep ranting on that issue if u want, alone.' Suan said as she looked at the falling raindrop.

‘Its still wet here….’ Ryeowook took out his handkerchief and wiped at Suan’s forehead, swiping away her hairs that stuck on her forehead..

‘Thanks….’ Suan looked at Ryeowook and he looked back….. this is the first time they look at each other so closely and both of them stunned…..

‘…………………..’ Ryeowook found that Suan had a very good complexion and a very small face…

‘Kim Ryeowook…. Now only I realize u are not bad looking at all…..’

‘Huh???’ Ryeowook was dumbfounded at Suan’s straightforwardness and started to blush.

‘Really~ no wonder u can be a celebrity.’ Suan looked at Ryeowook again, studying his face.

‘Well… I… thanks..’ Ryeowook looked away, avoiding Suan’s eyes.

‘Hahahaha!!! Yah~ shy? U? Kim Ryeowook?’

‘Hey~ what do u mean by that?’ Ryeowook look at Suan, amused.

‘Nothing~ haha! Yeah! Rain stopped~ lets go…’

'Yah... stopped as sudden as it comes....'

'Yeap, the weather down here is all sunny, rains before u know it and sunny again the next minute.'

'Hahah! sound like your moodswing...' Ryeowook said as he looked at Suan.

'As if i am the only one....'


'Ryeowook ssi....'

'Uhm?' Ryeowook looked at Suan, waiting for her to complete her sentences.

'So u do realize my moodswing?'

'Yah~ i am blind if I cant....' Ryeowook gave Suan a 'u should know what i am talking about look.'

'I had a good mind leaving u alone here....' Suan threaten...

‘Hahaha!! Ara, i'll shut up... But, Hey~ Wont it be difficult to walk around in night market after the rain? Everywhere will be wet….’

‘Better this way, lesser people, lesser chance of being spotted by ur fans….’

‘True…. Yah! Lets go~’


Ryeowook looked at Suan who is busily walking in and out of the studio. It had become one of his habit nowadays and it really amuse him at how this little girl behave sometime. Especially the sparkle in her eyes when she saw something she likes. For instance, food, never failed to lift up her spirit.

‘Hey… don’t u get tired looking at her the whole day?’ Donghae said as he slapped on Ryeowook shoulder.

‘Yah… what do u mean?’ Ryeowook asked, blushing.

‘I notice it, u been looking at her the whole day…. I must say, u have a unique taste huh?’ Donghae teased Ryeowook.

‘I don’t know what u are talking about…’ Ryeowook walked away, avoiding Donghae’s question.

‘Ouch!!!’ in his hurriedness, Ryeowook bumped into Suan.

‘Sorry….’ Ryeowook blushed again when he saw that the person is Suan.

‘Yah~ why are ur face so red?’ Suan asked in her limited Korean.


‘Sick??’ Suan placed her hand on Ryeowook forehead and this made Ryeowook jump.

‘Ah… no, no… I am fine…..’ But he doesn’t look fine at all, his face is as red as beetroot and he keep on stuttering.

‘Hey~ u better don’t be sick all right….’ Suan looked at him, worried.

‘Why?’ Ryeowook asked, heart thumping hard…. And he doesn’t know why…

‘Because it means more trouble for me~ hahaha!!!’

‘Cheh~ mean girl….’ Ryeowook laughed together with her and he feels so relaxed, even if it’s mean constant squabbling with her.

*phone ringing*

‘Excuse me….’ Suan frowned as she picked up her phone, walking farther away from Ryeowook, talking softly over the phone…..




‘Where is she?’ Ryeowook looked at the big studio, looking for Suan who seem to had disappear after that phone call…. ‘Yah, why are u here??’ Ryeowook looked at Suan who is sitting down at the staircase, burying her head in her curved knee.

‘…………..’ Suan just shooked her head, without lifting it up.

‘Hey……’ Ryeowook sensed that something is not right and he sat down beside her. ‘U ok?’

‘Ryeo…wook…..’ Suan lift up her teary face and looked at Ryeowook.

‘Yah…. What happen?’ Ryeowook couldn’t describe the feeling that he had right now but he is confirm that he doesn’t like that feeling….

‘I…….’ Suan shook her head again, and started to sob….

‘Hush…. Don’t cry, I am here….’ Ryeowook hugged Suan’s shoulder and place her head on his shoulder. Suan turned to hug Ryeowook, crying her heart out……..

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~