Chapter 15

Love me.... Love me not....


Suan and Ryeowook piled all dirty dishes, cups, saucers and pans into the basin and started to wash up…

‘Aish…. So dirty and oily….’ Suan complained.

‘Yeap… take some time to clean all these completely…’ Ryeowook sighed heavily, whipping up the bubble from the detergent and blew some of it toward Suan side, smiling mischievously.

‘Childish…’ Suan rolled her eyes at him and splatter some water to his side.

‘Hahaha! Yeah…. Very mature of u for splashing water at me…’


‘Stop it and start crackling..’

‘All right….Ryeowook, u seem to be feeling better nowadays..’  Suan said as she started to scrub the plates…

‘Me? Why do u say that?’

‘Cos u don’t seem to be bothered by Kyuhyun and Yuri anymore…’

‘Huh???? Kyu and Yuri???  What are u saying?’ Ryeowook stopped scrubbing the pan and look at Suan, puzzled.

‘Eigh….dont pretend… I know….what happened…’ Suan said while she turns over to the other side stacking away the plates. ‘What?’ She asked the dumb founded Ryeowook when she found that he is still looking at her with a confuse look.

‘Ergh…. What is happening? I… don’t understand…’ Ryeowook asked again.

‘Don’t pretend… I know about the love triangle between the three of u…’

‘Huh? Love triangle? Me? Kyuhyun and Yuri??? What makes u think so?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Ergh….. cos I saw her hugging u once…. And then suddenly she is with Kyuhyun… so I thought….’ Suan tried to put the whole picture together…

‘Hahahahahhahha!!! Babo! Just because she hug me doesn’t mean I liked her…or we have anything ok?’

‘But… I do notice your moods are somehow affected when they are together.’

‘Erm… how do u know its because of Yuri? Can u read my mind?’ Ryeowook asked. However, he doubt so…If she can read his mind, she will know it’s not because of Yuri…

‘Well…. Aish!! I don’t know~ too difficult for me to understand??’ Suan said, shaking her head and get on with her washing.

‘Babo~ hahahaha!! I hugged all my hyungs too… does it mean that I loved them too?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Yah!!! Its different la!! Aigoo…’

‘Its always been Yuri and Kyuhyun ONLY….I am not in the picture at all... She is just one of our big family…’

‘Yes… Now I know…’ Suan smiled, her eyes brighten up…

‘Better finish all these fast…’ Ryeowook said when he saw the killer stare of Leeteuk, who is waiting for him…

‘I am leaving u here alone if u don’t hasten up, Kim Ryeowook…’ Leeteuk threaten.

‘Mian hae, hyung…..’

‘All right… better be fast…’ Suan said, trying to hasten up her action. In her hurries, she accidently grabbed Ryeowook’s hand and she stunned… Ryeowook look at her and both of them stun, looking at each other. Suan let go of his hand and blushed, getting back to her chores.

‘Suan…. Are u together with Chun?’ Ryeowook asked, looking at her.

‘No…. isn’t it obvious?’ Suan asked.


‘Hallo~’ Chun walked in and stand beside Suan, rolling up his sleeves.

‘Hi…..’Ryeowook looked down and started to rinse the plates again.

‘I think I can help Suan here… Why don’t u go back 1st, Li Xu?’ Chun offered.

‘Its ok….almost done…’ Ryeowook reject, politely.

‘Leeteuk is waiting for u right? Its ok, I will stay with her, Siwon is discussing something with Heechul right now and it will take some time…’

‘In that case…. Ok… and thanks…’ Ryeowook wash and dry his hand, looking at Suan.

‘See you tomorrow…’ Suan smiled at him. Ryeowook nodded at her.


 Recently Chun is really close to Suan and it does attract some rumour that they are both dating right now….

‘Aish…. Give me back… don’t fool around…’ Suan slapped at Chun who is constantly disturbing her.

‘So… will u go with me to the gym later?’

‘No….’ Suan said firm and fast, grabbing back the pen that Chun took away from her previously.

‘Why….’ Chun said, playing with her hair…

‘I… am not interested…’ Suan pulled back her hair… Uncomfortable with the constant glancing from Ryeowook…

‘Just to keep me accompany….’ Chun sat nearer to her and whisper to her…

‘Ergh…. I need to go to washroom…’ Suan stand up and ran all the way out….




Suan did not go to gym with Chun after all… she went to Ae Li’s house seeking refugee…

‘U know… Ryeowook is so funny~ he keep stumbling with his Chinese till we can’t stand it anymore and get him to speak Korean instead…. U know what?’ Suan asked, looking at Ae Li..

‘……………’ Ae Li just shook her head, looking at her.

‘He refuse! Insisting that his Chinese is good… and then… we…’



‘Erm…. Did u notice u been talking about Ryeowook and nothing else for the past 30 minutes? What about ur Wu Chun???’

‘Wu Chun??? Hahahha!! He is fine… what about him? Haha!!’

‘I thought he is ur idol? I thought u will be telling me about him instead… ‘

‘Erm… He… haha!’ Suan chuckled awkwardly and look away.. ‘Ah, Cherry…’

‘PLEASE DO NOT WAKE HER UP!!!!’ Ae Li hissed at Suan who tried to carry the sleeping Cherry.

‘What…why… u look so scary…’Suan asked, taking back her hands.

‘She is even scarier if u wakes her up from her sleep…..And DO NOT attempt to change topic…’


‘Wu Chun…’

‘He is just Wu Chun… what else…’

‘Do u like him? Not as idol… and u know what I mean…’

‘Aigoo… I don’t have fantasy about these kind of thing…’


‘Ae Li….’

‘U do likes Ryeowook don’t u?’


Ryeowook looked at Suan and Chun who is having a small game between the 2 of them, laughing and teasing each other… He turned his head toward the other side, feeling extremely uncomfortable… They are now at a private club, owned by one of Siwon’s friend. The club are closed today in conjunction of the celebration of Siwon’s birthday.

Ryeowook thought of the conversation he had with Chun this evening….

‘Hi, Li Xu…’


‘Li Xu, I hope u don’t mind me asking u this, are u interested in Suan?’

‘What do u mean by this?’ Ryeowook asked, frowning..

‘To be frank, I kind of liked her…’

‘U….’ Ryeowook stunned, not expecting Chun to be this straightforward.

‘Lets have a fair competition~ See u, Li Xu~’




Ryeowook shook his head and shifted his attention back to Chun and Suan….

‘Shall we dance?’ Chun put out his hand to Suan.

‘I don’t know how to dance…’ Suan slapped his hand away and chuckle softly.

‘Its ok…. Just move your body together with me…’ Chun smiled at her…

‘Chun…. I….’ Suan is feeling extremely uncomfortable and she don’t know how to handle this…

‘Don’t reject me ok?’ Chun pulled Suan’s hand and she get down from her chair reluctantly…

‘Chun…. No….’ Suan tried to pull back her hand but Chun held on to it tight..

‘I am sorry… I think I need to borrow her for a while..’Ryeowook took Suan’s hand from Chun and pulled her out of the club.

He pulled her hand and keep on walking and walking till they reach a quiet eatery… He ordered some Soju and sat down drinking, without a word.

‘Why do u pull me out?’ Suan asked..


‘So that I can sit here and look at u drinking?’ Suan asked again.

‘……………’ Ryeowook continued to drink his Soju without even lifting his head.

‘Or so that I can send u home if u are drunk?’ Suan asked.


‘Kim Ryeowook!!!’ Suan stand up, intending to go back to hotel on her own.

‘Sit down…’ Ryeowook grab hold of her hand and try to pull her back to her seat.

‘Now u want to talk? But I am not interested anymore!’ Suan swing away his hand and walked away.

‘Where do u think u are going?’ Ryeowook caught up with her,grabbing her hand and force her to face him.

‘None of your business… let go..’ Suan tried to get away from him but Ryeowook is too strong for her.

‘I am not!’

‘Kim Ryeowook! What do u want? U are making me confuse!’

‘Am I not confuse then?’

‘Then speak it out!


‘Coward!!!’ Suan yelled at him before she turned her head and walked away.

‘JEONG HEE SAUN!!!’ Ryeowook grab hold of Suan’s hand and pushed her to the wall, trapping her between his body and the wall.

‘What are u doing???? Let me go!’ Suan drummed her fists on his chest and Ryeowook just let her be…


‘Kim Ryeowook, get away from me!’

‘Do u dislike me this much?’

‘I…………….’ Ryeowook shut her up before she can open ….. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~