Chapter 2

Love me.... Love me not....

‘Aish…..’ Ryeowook fall into deep thought again…… thinking on how unkind of Suan, teasing him when he almost tripped and falls…..

 Suan walk into the dressing room and got the shock of her life when she saw Heechul kissing Ae Li… Heechul smirked at Suan before he went out and it does make Suan curious about their relationship. She kept pestering Ae Li trying to get more information and its driving Ae Li crazy…. However, Suan attention are being drawn to Ryeowook when he tripped, and almost fall down.

‘Hahahahahaha!!!!!’ Suan laughed uncontrollable when she saw that and it does embarrassed Ryeowook…..

‘Stop it!’ Ae Li slapped at Suan’s arm and Suan tried her hardest to suppress her laughter. However she started to laugh again not too long after that and nothing can make her stop…. Ryeowook almost die of embarrassment and walked away briskly, avoiding Ae Li and Suan eyes….




‘YAH!!!!!!!!! KIM RYEOWOOK!!!! I am talking to u!!!! Do u hear me???’ Sungmin shouted at Ryeowook, grabbing at his shoulder and shaking him violently to get his attention.

‘Huh??? Minnie hyung? I thought u are gone?’

‘Sigh…. I was going to…. However Teukie hyung wanted me to tell u to get prepared as there’s a cocktail party tomorrow. What are u doing exactly?’ Sungmin glance at Ryeowook’s laptop and he saw nothing but a blank black screen saver… meaning to say Ryeowook is not doing any composing at all….

‘All right, I get it…. Thanks Minnie hyung….’

‘Now, get some rest…’ Sungmin turn off Ryeowook’s laptop and patted at Ryeowook’s shoulder before he went out.


All  the Super Junior boys, Ae Li and Suan are being invited to the cocktail party of the Super Junior’s sponsor…. Suan and Ryeowook never fail to bicker no matter where they are….

 ‘Yah…. Stop crying…’ Ae Li said as she helps Suan touching up her make-up. Her face is in a big mess after a round of crying.

‘He is mean…. How can he laugh at me in front of so many people? Not a gentleman at all…’

‘Well… If so, I don’t think u are very lady either…. I remember u laughed at him when he tripped previously as well right?’

‘But….. He is constantly picking and finding fault….’

‘Well… he is not…. He is just being frank… I think he really can’t understand u sometime….’

‘Aish…. Why are u keep siding him? U are suppose to be my friend….’

‘Hahaha!! I am not…. Well… feeling better now?’

‘Hmn….No…. When can we go back? I am so uncomfortable in these dressing….’

‘We go back as soon as we can all right?’

‘I certainly hope so….’




‘Where is this Ae Li?’ Suan been walking around the function hall and she just couldn’t seem to see Ae Li around…

‘Excuse me…..I…. ’ Suan decided to check with the Super Junior boys where Ae Li is..

‘Ah, Suan… yes, did u enjoy yourself?’ asked Teukie, smiling at her.

‘Its ok… did u see Ae Li?’

‘She went back…with Heechul hyung’ Kyuhyun muttered softly.

‘What? She left me behind?’ Suan exclaimed in surprise.

‘Well.. How are u going to go back later…’ asked Teukie, worried..

‘I am okay…. I will go back myself later….goodbye….’ Suan bowed at the boys and made her way to the main door.

‘…………………’ Ryeowook looked at Suan from behind and he decided to follow her…..

‘This Ae Li….’ Suan took out her phone and tried to call Ae Li number but she did not answer…


‘U? why are u here?’ Suan asked Ryeowook.

‘Are u ok?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘I am ok… go back inside….’

‘Well…. but u are alone…..’

‘Don’t act as if u care….’

‘U….there is no need for us to be unkind to each other don’t we? I am sorry for laughing at u just now… ’Ryeowook said, looking down at his shoe...

‘……………………’ Suan kept quiet, embarrassed by Ryeowook’s word. She does admit that she been kind of unfriendly toward him….

‘Erm… lets go back together shall we?’ Ryeowook asked, smiling at her.

‘Erm…. Ok…’ Suan smiled back at him too.

‘………………..’ both Suan and Ryeowook kept quiet on the journey back to hotel… Ryeowook decided to break the silent…

‘I heard from Ae Li u are still studying right now?’

‘Yeap…. U too right?’

'Yes….’ They went back to silent again as both of them seriously don’t know what else is there to talk again…

‘I send u back to your room.’ Ryeowook offered.

‘Its ok….i will go back myself.’

‘………………….’ They stepped into the lift and fall back to silent again…

‘Hahahahha!!’ Suddenly they both burst into laughter when they heard Ryeowook’s stomach rumbling. 

‘Yah! Please stop it…..’ Ryeowook begged.

‘I am sorry…. But… haha!! U didn’t eat at the function just now?’

‘Not much, I don’t like it….’ Ryeowook tried to keep his sentences short and simple, knowing that Suan’s having difficulty understanding Korean.

‘Lets go out and  eat?’ Suan offered.

‘U and I?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Not willing?’

‘Of course not… what are we going to eat?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Local food….cheap n nice…’ Suan beam at Ryeowook happily.

‘Ok~ lets go….’ Ryeowook is getting all excited when he heard of food.

‘Ergh… can I change 1st? I don’t want to go out like this….’ Suan asked, incredibly uncomfortable in her current dressing.

‘Ok… me too… meet u at ur room 20 min later.’

‘See u~’ Suan waved at him and made her way back to her room. Using her fastest speed to strip of that incredibly uncomfortable cocktail dress and the colours on her face.  

‘Wow~ u are fast….thought u say 20 min later?’ the first thing Suan saw when she opened her room’s door is Ryeowook, who is  standing patiently outside her room, looking comfortable with his shirt and jeans, complete with his cap.

 ‘Cos I am very hungry now…..’ Ryeowook pouted at Suan and she giggle at him.

‘Ok….lets dash to the nearest market then….’ Both of them made their way to the lift and walked to the nearest food market.

‘Hee Suan ssi…. Don’t u wear skirt? We been here for days but I never saw u wearing any….’

‘Skirt? Yuck… I don’t like it…. Inconvenient….’

‘But girl looks better with skirt.’

‘I don’t care….’

‘Well…. girl should dress up u know…’

‘I hate it…..’



‘Hahahah!! U certainly doesn’t behave like a young girl…’

‘Yeah… y go through the hassle? As long as we are comfortable in it…’


‘Hey, come on…. Try this….. ur favorite strawberry….’ Suan thrushes a strawberry ice lolly to him and Ryeowook took a small bite and nodded at Suan, liking what he just tasted.

‘Its nice and cooling….’

‘Yeap…. Now time for some filling food…’ Suan went around the market and bought several local food and they sat down in a corner enjoying their food.

‘Wah~ really delicious… this is even more delicious than those food we had at the restaurant.’

‘Yeap…. I don’t like restaurant…expensive but not very nice…’ Suan nodded in agreement.

‘Haha! But we had no choice! We don’t know the way to good food here….’

‘If we had the time I show u around, ok?’ Suan offered, obviously in good mood in front of good food.

‘Really?’ Ryeowook asked, looking at Suan who is happily enjoying her food.

‘Yes, why aren’t u eating? U are hungry isn’t it?’ Suan asked, pushing some food to Ryeowook.

‘Oh… ok…’




‘Ah…. Feel so good now….’ Suan heave a sigh of relieve while rubbing her tummy.

‘Yeah…. I am so full now….’ Ryeowook is in a good mood as well after their satisfying supper…

‘Lets go…u want to have a walk in the night market?’ Suan asked.

‘Ah… I would like to do that~’

‘Lets go….’ they stand up and stroll along the night market. Ryeowook is always asking question as he is very curious with local stuff that’s he never seen before.   

‘Hahahaha! Yah~ don’t fool around… the stall owner will be angry…’ Suan laughed at Ryeowook childish act when he does some silly poses wearing a Songkok (a type of malay hat).

‘Do I look good? Hehe!!! Shall I buy one? Haha!!!’ Ryeowook is enjoying himself thoroughly completely ignoring the stall owner killer’s stare.

 ‘Lets go…. She is staring at u now….But don’t worry, I’ve taken a few shoots of u wearing that already..’ Suan whispered to Ryeowook..

‘Ok….’ Ryeowook nodded to Suan, putting down the Songkok and walked away briskly with Suan.

‘Hey… that’s the hat Malay use when they pray…. U are not suppose to play with it…’ Suan explained…

‘Oopps… I don’t know…and…’

‘ISN THAT RYEOWOOK OPPA?????!!!!’ some girl shouted in Malay and Suan saw some young girl running toward their direction.

‘Hey, we better make a move fast…. Ur fan girl!’


‘Lets run!!!’Suan pushed Ryeowook and urge him to move away fast from that place.

‘Come….’ Ryeowook took Suan hand and both of them run as fast as their feet could carry them as the fans are hot at their whee!!!

‘Here, this direction.’ Suan pulled at Ryeowook’s hand and they turned into a small alley, running still. Finally they manage to shake off the fans and both of them stop, trying to catch their breath.

‘Wow~ u can really run….’ Ryeowook said while panting hard.

‘U are not bad too….’ Suan looked at Ryeowook and they both giggle at the state they are in right now.

‘Lets go back…U ok?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Yes, I am fine….Lets go… Hey….’Suan suddenly realized Ryeowook is still holding to her hand and she gave it a gentle pull..

‘Oh~ I am sorry….’ Ryeowook said, letting go of her hand.

‘Lets go…. Lets see, where shall we go…..’ Suan looked at her surrounding and she found out that she is lost! ‘Well, never mind, I will find the way out.’ thought Suan….

‘Hey….U sure we are going the right way?’ Ryeowook asked after 10 minutes of walking….

‘Erm…should be….’ Suan look at the building around her and she totally have no idea where is she right now!

‘Hey…. I dont think we are going the right way… we been walking for 10 minutes but seem like we are drifting father and farther away!’

‘Aish!!! U are so noisy! Thanks to ur fans!! Now we are lost!’

‘LOST!!!??? We are lost? Aish~ I should know… u are really not reliable…’

‘What? Me not reliable? I don’t stay here u know? How am I suppose to…..’

‘All right all right….stop! stop! finding wat back to hotel is more important than quarreling with u right now….What shall we do?? Do u know where we are now?’

‘I don’t….Yah~ I will call Ae Li now…… hope she will answer my call.’  

‘How? Any answer?’ Ryeowook asked and Suan shook her head.

‘Aish… what is she doing??? why isn’t she answering my call? Ah….. Ae Li aH!!!!!’

‘I am sorry Suan…. Are u still at the function hall? I come and pick u up all right? I….’

‘Ae Li, I am not…. Now I am at somewhere around night market but I lose my way!’

‘Huh??? Night market? Why?’

‘Ae Li….i explain to u later all right? Please help me 1st!!!’

‘Aish….. u shouldn’t wander around yourself if u don’t know the way well! All right… tell me, what is the nearest building beside u?’

‘A bank? Public bank…’

‘Ok… I think I know where u are. Stay there….I’ll be there in a while….’



‘She will come and pick us up… wait…’ Suan stalked away to the other direction and lean to the wall, closing her eyes.

‘Yah~’ Ryeowook began…


‘Yah…. Why are u ignoring me again?’

‘I am tired….’




‘Suan… eh… Ryeogaa? How come both of u???’ Ae Li was surprised when she saw Ryeowook together with Suan…

‘And Heechul hyung…..u??’ Ryeowook and Suan is surprised when they saw Heechul together with Ae Li as well.

‘Get on in and stop talking….’ Heechul said in a cold and stiff sound…. Both Suan and Ryeowook thought Heechul is unhappy with Ae Li again… never did they expect that Heehul is unhappy with them for disturbing Ae Li and him, especially when they just made up after six long months of torturing separation…..   

‘Go in……’ Suan pushed Ryeowook inside Ae Li’s car and went in after him. They exchange glance and stuck out their tongue, not daring to ask any question nor talk, worrying that it might irritate Heechul further….

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~