Chapter 16

Love me.... Love me not....


*Suan’s phone vibrating* She picked up her phone and read the SMS that she just received.

‘Suan,I reached… Can we meet tomorrow?’

‘Yes… see u and good night. J

‘Good night and sweet dream.’

She opened the small box in front of her, taking out the bracelet Ryeowook given to her previously…Giving herself an encouraging smile, she put on the bracelet….She placed her hand on her lips, blushing…

*Suan flash back*

‘Do u dislike me so much?’ Ryeowook asked. Suan looked at him straight in the eyes, and she had a good mind of  answering him ‘I do!’…But Ryeowook’s lip stop her words….Suan stunned when he crashed his lips to her’s and her mind totally went blank…. She doesn’t even remember how she gets back to the hotel, and what did Ryeowook told her after that kiss…


 Suaan never expected herself to be so nervous…. Just the thought of seeing Ryeowook later is enough to make her blush like crazy…

‘Morning…’ Ryeowook looked at Suan, awkwardly…

‘Hi Morning….’ Suan greeted him back. Smiling shyly at him.

‘Ergh… Are u ready to talk?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Just speak…’ Suan looked down, heart thumping harder and harder… Is he going to confess?

‘I… am sorry again….’

‘For?’ Suan looked up, confuse of his sudden apologize.

‘Last night… that kiss…. I think I am drunk…Sorry for offending u…’

‘Drunk??’ Suan asked.

‘Yeah…. I think so….’ Ryeowook looked down, suddenly found his answer not convincing at all…

‘Kim Ryeowook, so u are saying the thing that u done yesterday has no meaning at all?’

‘I don’t mean that….I….Aish…. U know I am not good with words….I am sorry, I am sorry toward Wu Chun too…’

‘Why Wu Chun? There’s nothing between the 2 of us…’

‘Aish, I don’t know…..’ Ryeowook turned his head away awkwardly. He cant possible tell her that Wu Chun approached him the night before right?

‘Fine, I accept your explanation…’



Suan sat on the sofa, looking at Ae Li who is walking out from kitchen, with 2 cups of tea….

‘So… what is it that u wanted to talk about?’ Ae Li asked, sipping her tea.

 ‘Ae Li….. Erm….. how does u and Heechul…. Kiss for the first time?.

‘WHAT???!!!’ Ae Li almost spit out her tea and looked at Suan as though she is crazy. ‘Don’t tell me u come all the way to ask me this question….’

‘Just answer….’

‘Aissh….. cant remember…’ Ae Li said, blushing…


‘Wait… wait .. wait…. What is with kiss….U kiss with someone?’

‘When did I say that??’

‘Or are u planning to go and kiss someone?’

‘Hello!!!!!’ Suan said, rolling her eyes.

‘To be out with the truth….’

‘Well….I am here to answer your previous question…’

‘Which 1?’

‘I love Kim Ryeowook…’

‘Oh……So?’ Ae Li just nodded and looked back to Suan.

‘Aren’t u surprise?’ Suan asked, surprise at how calm Ae Li is.

‘I know it long time ago…’


‘U are not someone who get close to anyone easily…. Do u know that u actually rely on Ryeowook more than u do on me?’

‘That’s because u have ur family to attend to…’

‘Excuse…All right…that’s not the main point… now talk…’


‘Wait!!!! HOH!!!! U and Ryeongaa kissed????’

‘Ah.. I… a… erm…’Suan stuttered, blushing.

‘Hooooo~ I knew it! U wont initiate this kind of question if nothing happen…. Hehehe! So…. how?’

‘Aish…nosey parker…’

‘Now, so both of u kissed… then? What’sthe problem now…’

‘He said he did it because he is drunk…..’


‘Drunk… yes, drunk.,…’

‘Ergh… so….. ‘

‘Ae Li… do u think he still likes me?’

‘Suan, u should be the one who know the best isn’t ?’

‘I think…. I am being punished now….now only I know how he feelswhen I pushed him away that time….’

‘Erm…. Ok…. So?’

‘I am going to get him back!’

‘Suan! Really? so what u gonna do?’

‘Bug him!’ Suan said smiling at Ae Li….


‘Kim Ryeowook!!!’ Suan jumped from behind and slapped at Ryeowook’s shoulder, grinning…

‘Yah~ u scare me….’ Ryeowook said, rolling his eyes.

‘Hehehe! Eh… shall we go and have supper later?’ Suan offered.


‘I don’t care….. I am hungry, hungry, hungry….’ Suan pulled at Ryeowook’s hand, pouting.

‘Aish…. Don’t u have to keep Wu Chun ssi accompany?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Aish….dont change the topic…. Miser u…. can’t even give me a supper treat?’

‘Araso…I will just pack up a bit….’ Ryeowook said, packing his thing…

‘Erm…. But u look tired… why don’t we just buy some ice cream and have it at hotel?’

‘Ok, will do… Lets go now…’ Ryeowook smiled at Suan….Suan nodded at him and entwined her hand to Ryeowook’s…

‘…………….’ Ryeowook is a bit taken back at Suan’s action and turned to look at her. Suan just smiled at him and both of them walk toward the nearest mini mart.




‘Yah!!! Leave some strawberries for me!!! Ryeowooks bailed at Suan who just ‘robbed’ another strawberry from him and Suan just chuckle mischievously…

‘U are slow….’

‘Aish…. Its easier when u don’t like strawberry… at least I can have more to myself…’

‘Hahahah! Its too late…’ Suan chuckle.

‘U said…. U have specific reason for liking strawberry?’



‘Because u liked it…..’


‘Are u deaf?’


‘U dirty cat…. There’s some ice cream stain here….’ Suan said, pointing to her lips.

‘Where?’ Ryeowook asked, trying to wipe it off.

‘Here…’ Suan leaned to him and kissed away the ice cream from his lip…..

‘U???’ Ryeowook is shocked at her gesture and Suan just smile gently at him.

‘I am not drunk…..’ Suan muttered.


Somehow, Suan and Ryeowook relationship seem to be going back to the time when they are in Malaysia… However, there are times where Suan felt Ryeowook does avoid being too close to her… She cant helps feeling dejected, and she often asked herself, aren’t she being straightforward enough? How come there is still no improvement between the two of them at all?

Suan is being moody again, out of the blue and she just has no mood for everything…

 ‘Do u want white chocolate?’ Ryeowook asked, taking out a bar of white chocolate and stuff a piece into , hoping this will cheer her up.

 ‘U still bring white chocolate everywhere?’ Suan moved by his gesture…. Glad that he still remember how to cheer her up…

‘Yes, habit…Delicious?’

‘Why are u treating me so well?’ Suan asked.

‘……………….’ Ryeowook looked at her, not knowing how to answer her.

‘Ryeowook… why???’ Suan grabbed at Ryeowook’s hand and gave it a slight shake…. Ryeowook saw the bracelet on her wrist and his heart skipped a beat.

‘U still have this with u?’ Ryeowook asked, looking at Suan’s wrist.

‘Yes…. Answer my question, Ryeowook…’ Suan is anxious to know the answer and she wished Ryeowook stop avoiding her question.

‘I…………..Because we are friend…’ Ryeowook keep asking himself not to think much… He don’t want to live in fantasy anymore…

‘Friend….Yah…. friend…’ Suan heart sank upon the word “friend”… She let go of Ryeowook’s hand and walked away…. Kim Ryeowook… what should I do with u to make u understand how I feel??


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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~