Chapter 6

Love me.... Love me not....

 ‘Morning~’ All the boys get up early today, getting ready for Heechul and Ae Li’s engagement ceremony. Heechul forbid Ae Li to leave his side, worrying the bride might run away. Its just a simple ceremony, with some of Ae Li’s close relatives and friends plus Heechul’s buddy.

‘Now u are mine…..’ Heechul whispered to Ae Li while slipping the ring into her finger.

‘Heechul….’ Ae Li looked at Heechul, in the verge of tear.

‘Hey, no crying…..’ Heechul said as he pecked Ae Li’s lip, hugging her.

‘Sweet aren’t they?’ Ryeowook asked, taking Suan hand in his.

‘Ugh… yes….’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook, blushing when she feel Ryeowook’s hand on her.

‘U both are not bad too… come and take photograph.’ Cheeky Kyu sneaked behind them and butted his head between the two.

‘Yah!’ Ryeowook tried to slap Kyu’s forehead but he manage to get away. Suan blushed even more and withdrawn her hand from Ryeowook, walking toward the newly wed couple….

‘U better go after her…’ Kyu said as he pointed toward Suan.

‘And its all ur fault!’ Ryeowook roll his eyes at Kyu before he turned and went after Suan.

‘Hey, stand closer, both of u….’ Sungmin gave Ryeowook a push while Ae Li push Suan closer to Ryeowook. Ryeowook looked at Suan and placed his hand on her shoulder…

‘Good!!!’ the photographer Won (Siwon) is finally satisfied and press the shutter button.

‘How???’ Ae Li went over to Siwon side  and looked at the outcome, tagging Suan along.

‘Not bad…..’ Siwon gave Suan a charming smile and turned to wink at Ryeowook.

‘Aish…. Hyung….. u should paid more attention to the bride n groom….’ Ryeowook said, trying to shift the attention from Suan and him.

‘Yes, I will. But beautiful picture are not to be missed as well.’

‘Aish….’ Ryeowook pushed Suan away from his hyung as he know she is not good with handling this kind of situation.

‘Its kind of hot…. Let just stay here shall we?’ asked Suan.

‘All right….u ok?’

‘Yes, I am fine…..only hungry…’ Suan pouted while rubbing her tummy.

‘Hahaha! Here….’ Ryeowook handed a bar of white chocolate to Suan and the latter’s eyes sparkle at the sigh of her favorite food.

‘Wow!!! U had the habit of bringing chocolate everywhere??? Thanks!!!’

‘Just eat….’Ryeowook smiled at the excited girl and he is glad that he brought along her happy food. White chocolate had become one of his ‘must bring’ item next to his wallet and mobile phone…. A habit since he knew she liked it….

‘Here….’ Suan stuff a piece of chocolate into Ryeowook’s mouth and caught Ryeowook by surprise.

‘Oh…erm… thanks….’

‘Its your, anyway… And I don’t wish to hear ur constant nagging of me finishing everything by myself…’  

‘Hahaha! Ya~ u are in the wrong….’

‘Yes, I am… so now I am making up… Here….’ Suan placed another piece of chocolate into Ryeowook’s mouth and they finish that bar of chocolate in less than 10 minute.

‘Sweet….shouldn’t eat so much in a go…’Ryeowook said, sticking out his tongue.  

 ‘U know what I liked about white chocolate?’ asked Suan, looking at Ryeowook.

‘No… any special reason?’

‘Because its sweet…. And sweet is always the thing that is lacking in my life…..’ Suan said, looking at Ae Li who is laughing with Heechul and the rest of the boys.

‘Suan…. U are too pessimistic…there are many way to find happiness...’

‘Maybe…. But its hard not to….and I don’t know the way….’

‘Someone will guide u along one day.’ Ryeowook answer, looking at the girl. And Ryeowook been hoping he can be that person….

‘Someone?’ Suan tilted her head and looked Ryeowook.

‘Yes, there will be….’

‘…………………’ Suan shrugged her shoulder and yawned…. Pushing away the thought that the someone might be him, Ryeowook… Guy like him won't be lacking of girls right? Why would he fall for someone like her?

‘YAH!!! U stayed up late again right?’

‘No… I did not…. Just feeling tired….’

‘U sure u r not lying?’ Ryeowook asked sternly.

‘Yes, I am not… stopped preaching, I am sleepy as it is….’ Suan placed her elbows on the stone table and propped her head on her hands, closing her eyes.

‘Yah~ come….’ Ryeowook move closer to her and placed her head on his shoulder, patting her shoulder in rhythm, softly.

‘Go ma wo…..’ Suan said, still keeping her eyes closed. She adjusted her head to a comfortable position and started to relax… Somehow, being together with Ryeowook make her feel safe and relaxed….. 

‘Sleep…..if u want….’ Ryeowook mumble softly to her.

‘You too Ryeowook, rest…..’

‘I will….’ Ryeowook connect his head to Suan’s and closed his eyes…… this moment did not escape Siwon’s eyes and camera. He adjusted his camera and taken several shoots, smiling to himself and walk away, leaving the couple to themselves…… 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~