Chapter 14

Love me.... Love me not....

‘Hmn… ah… our order is here, let’s eat before it melted…’ Ryeowook said, avoiding the question.

‘O…k…’ Suan looked at the shaved ice in front of her…. Disappointed….I learnt to like strawberry because u liked it, Ryeowook…. And I wanted to like what u liked…. Suan thought inside her heart…




Suan and Ryeowook strolled along the busy Seoul street without a word.

‘Are u tired?’ Ryeowook decided to take the initiative to break the silence.

‘Uhm.. I am fine..’ Suan shook her head, smiling at Ryeowook.

‘So, are u happy with ur current job?’

‘Yes~ u know… I told u Chun is my idol right? I never know he is such a nice person… and so easy to get along with…’ Suan nodded and gave out a chuckle.

‘Yes… he seem to treat u quite well….’

‘Yes, he is….’

‘Is he……’ your boyfriend? Somehow, Ryeowook couldn’t make himself finishing the sentences... maybe it would be better if thing keep on remain in this way.

‘What?’ Suan asked.

‘Ah… nothing…’ Ryeowook shook his head.

 ‘U know Ryeowook… My parent made up…’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook.

‘Is that’s so? That’s good!’ Ryeowook stopped walking and looked at Suan, happy for her. Finally… she deserves to have a complete and happy family.


‘So, is Wu Chun ssi aware of this? I mean about ur family…’

‘No, he don’t… Only u and Ae Li knew about this….’

‘Is that’s so?’ Ryeowook asked… Is she trying to tell him that he is special to her in a way? Why don’t she tell Wu Chun ssi?

‘Yes… I have been wanting to tell u but…..’ Suan paused, looking at Ryeowook…

‘Because we are not friend?’ asked Ryeowook, chuckling… Decided stop himself from having false hope again.

‘U are mean…’ Suan slapped his hand, chuckling too.

‘Friend again?’ Ryeowook hold out his hand and smiled at Suan.

‘Only friend?’ Suan took Ryeowook’s hand and held it, looking at Ryeowook’s eyes.

‘Huh?’ Ryeowook look at Suan, trying to interprets Suan’s words… 

‘…………..’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, holding his hand still…

‘Ergh… Buddy?’ Ryeowook suggest…

‘….’ Suan forced out a smile and lets go of Ryeowook’s hand.

‘Lets go back to hotel now, I think u are tired by now…’

‘……………..’ Suan nodded at him… Bad mood…

‘Yah… what happen?’

‘…………….’ Suan shook her head, not answering his question.

‘Yah!!!! Stop!’ Ryeowook grabbed at Suan’s hand and forced her to face him.

‘Tired….’ Suan pushed Ryeowook’s hand away, walking away. Ryeowook looked at her from behind, catching up with her again… They continued their journey in silent, both with mind of their own….




Suan  sat down in front of the dressing table, drying her hair after shower… She had the feeling that Ryeowook had gotten her completely out of his mind…. And she can’t help comparing herself to Moon Yuri…. She seem to be coming from good family as well and she does feel inferior….

*sigh* ‘None of my business right? Sleep sleep sleep….’ Suan sat down on her bed, preparing to sleep.

*Phone ringing* Suan picked up her phone excitedly, hoping it would be Ryeowook..


‘Suan~ Ae Li here…’

‘Ah… o… Ae Li, yes?’

‘Yah~ u sound disappointed upon hearing my voice? Expecting someone else to call u?’

‘Haha! I am not… yes?’

‘Dinner at my house 2 days later, I’ve told the boys and they will send u here after the shooting… ask ur Chun here as well, ok?’

‘All right….’

‘Yah~ yeobo!!! Cherry……’ Suan heard Heechul shouting at Ae Li over the phone and she can’t help chuckling to herself.

‘Go and attend to your almighty husband and daughter…. Bye~’Suansaid teasingly.

‘Aish… I think u are really right about her murdering my daughter if I leave them alone… Bye and see u then..

‘Bye~’ Suan hang up the phone and lie down, prepare to sleep. *sigh* Suan thought maybe she will have to stop waiting… Ryeowook might not call after all….

*Phone vibrating* Suan opened the new message she just receive…

I’ve reached, Suan.. Rest early…. See u tomorrow… Ryeowook.

Good night and see u tomorrow… rest early too….

‘He did not forgot….’ Suan smiled to herself, close her eyes and sleep… with a smile on her face…


The place is always merry when the Super Junior boys gather… Erm… maybe a bit too noisy sometime ….

‘Aish…I think I will get complaint from my neighbours sooner or later…’ Heechul grumble, looking at the boys who are fooling around, fighting, rolling, lying, eating, drinking….. everything u name it at his house…

‘Hyung~ come and join us here!!!’ Donghae waved to Heechul who is frowning by himself. Somehow, up to today, only Donghae dare to approach frowning Heechul. Although Heechul’s temper does get a little tat better after his marriage…

‘Oh…coming…..’ Heechul walked over and join the silly arm wrestling of Donghae, Leeteuk and Yesung…

Henry and Zhou Mi, on the other hand are having great fun teasing at Sungmin’s and Eunhyuk’s poor command of Chinese… Ryeowook and Siwon join in the not so formal Chinese class as well and flaunt their Chinese whenever they can.

Shindong whispering sweet nothing to Nari and Kyuhyun is fooling around with Yuri….

Suan and Chun is talking at the other corner of the house… Siwon join in moment later, talking about gym and body building with Chun, again.. and it does bore Suan… she decided to join Ae Li who is busy entertaining her princess in her room…

‘Oo… why are u here? U should stay outside with them…’ Ae Li asked.

‘Erm.. haven’t talk to u the whole day…. Aren’t u tired with so much partying going on in ur house?’

‘U mean cleaning up?’ Ae Li asked.

‘Yeap….’ Suan said looking at the chaos of the living room right now… think it would take quite some time and effort for her to clean it up later~

‘Hahahahahahaha!!! No worry, I might not be the one who is doing that….’ Ae Li said.


‘Just wait and see…’ Ae Li smirked at Suan, cradling her daughter….




‘Yah!!! Come! Come! Everyone... time for some “real fun”!’ Heechul shouted to the boys, with a smirk.

‘Argh…. Again….’ The boys groaned and drag themselves over unwillingly.

‘Ok~  so what game are we having tonight?’ Leeteuk asked…

‘Aish… don’t bother to think…As usual… paper, scissor, stone~’ Heechul interrupted.

‘Whats that?’ Chun asked Suan, who is standing beside him. Suan shrugged her shoulder and tried to translate the whole conversation.

‘I only know they are going to have some sort of game… I think its paper, scissor, stone… but I can’t understand the reason behind it…’ Suan explain in Chinese.

‘Hahaha!! We are having a game to decide who will be the one who will do the cleaning!’ Siwon explain, in english.

‘Ahhh… sound interesting…’ Chun said to Suan who is nodding her head in agreement. ‘We are joining!’

‘U sure?’ Siwon asked.

‘Yes!’ Answered Chun and Suan in chorus.

‘Ahhhhhhh~~~~’ Ryeowook groaned when he loses the battle between him and Yesung…

‘HUH!!!!????’ Suan on the other hand shrieked when she lose to Heechul who is laughing, clapping his hand in glee.

‘Do your work fast both of u!!!’ Heechul ordered the two unlucky people who have to clean up the house before he walked toward the rest who is sitting around the dining table having Soju, chatting and teasing each other.

Ae Li walked toward the balcony… Chun is looking at the captivating night scene of Seoul by himself…

‘Hello…’ Ae Li greeted Chun in her mother tongue, Chinese.

‘Hi~ Mrs.Kim.’ Chun teased Ae Li.

‘Please…. U make me feeling old. Ae Li will do…’

‘Haha! Ae Li… hello, little Heechul…’ Chun greeted Cherry who is looking at him with her big bright eyes.

‘I hope u are not bored here…’

‘No, I enjoyed myself. Thanks for inviting..’

‘My pleasure…So….. how is the shooting?’

‘Haha! I don’t think u are interested to know that don’t u?’ Chun asked Ae Li with a knowing look…

‘Hahahahahahahahha!!! U are sharp, Mr.Wu Chun~’

‘In case u are wondering, I heard that and I understand that, although its in Korean…’ Chun said.

‘So… what do u think?’ Ae Li asked.

‘See for yourself…’ Chun said, turning his head toward the two cleaner of the day and happen to see Suan threw a piece of dirty rag to Ryeowook and the cloth ‘landed’ on his head…. Causing him to yell and scream, threaten to wipe her face with that cloth….. some chasing and running occur after that and yelling and screaming from the rest of the boys urshing the both of them to finish their chorus faster, instead of fooling around….

‘Hahaha!!’ Ae Li laughed at the comical scene and Chun tapped at her shoulder to get her attention.

‘Hey, Ae Li…..’ Chun gesture Ae Li to come closer to him and he whispered something in Ae Li’s ear when she leaned over… Ae Li’s eyes widen in surprise and she turned and looked at Chun, who is smiling and nodding his head.

‘Are…. U … serious???? ’ Ae Li asked, confirming her doubt and Chun nodded his head once again, answering to her doubt… 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~