Chapter 19

Love me.... Love me not....


‘So how’s your outing with Li Xu?’ Chun asked Suan who is sitting down, browsing some magazine.

‘Nothing special, just dinner and a walk after that.’

‘Huh? U mean u both still haven’t trashed things out?’ Chun asked.

‘*Sigh* he been avoiding all the while, how u expect me to trash thing out with him?’

‘Aish~ just tell him frankly.’

‘Hmnn.. Mr.Wu Chun. I think u had forgotten the fact that I am a girl, I have my dignity as well u know?’

‘So u are giving up like this?’ Chun asked.

‘I… don’t know… but what else can I do?’

‘Wel.. I do think he still like u a lot…. I saw the jealousy in him when he saw we are too close.’

‘Crap….I heard him telling his hyung that we are not more than friend, and he never lie to his hyung.’

‘…………….’ Chun looks at Suan who stubbornly deny the feeling she shared with Ryeowook and he is glad that he had the last ultimate secret weapon with him…. He is sure that’s this will definitely bring them back together..


The boys and the management in Korea are throwing a farewell lunch for Chun and Suan before they depart to airport. All the Super Junior M boys, except Kyuhyun are present.  Kyuhyun went to Taiwan, to seek for his lost love and he is determined to bring his love back.

‘Ya… I will definitely visit u in Taiwan during our album promotion, make sure u have time for me, ok?’ Siwon said, patting Chun’s back.

‘Yes, of course!’ These two had became close friend during this period and determined to keep this relationship going. The two chatted by themselves, trying to make full good use of the remaining time they had.




Chun walked over to Ryeowook after the lunch and patted on his shoulder.

‘Hi~’ Ryeowook turned over and nodded at him.

‘Li Xu…’


‘Do u know Suan is not happy all these while?’


‘Because of u?’

‘Don’t u think it’s a bit funny that u are telling me this?’ Ryeowook smirked, looking away.

‘I think we had some misunderstanding…..’ Chun said, frowning.

‘Her happiness is your responsible isn’t it?’ Ryeowook asked, looking at Chun.

‘Its never been me….’Chun is elated to hear that Ryeowook is still feeling jealous of him over Suan… meaning he still cares…

‘Yah~ what do u mean by this?’ Ryeowook is shocked upon hearing this and he is ready to fight if Chun denies to acknowledge Suan as his girl.

‘He is just like a sister to me…’

‘Even so, u can’t be sure that she don’t likes u…’

‘Li Xu….. I never expected that u are so blunt….’


‘Look at this and you will know…’ Chun said, stuffing a small parcel to Ryeowook’s hand.

‘What is this?’

‘See for yourself, I had a hard time getting it, I hope my effort is not wasted…..’

‘………………….’ Ryeowook looked at the parcel on his hand…

‘Just to remind u….. our flight is 6pm, later… so u don’t have much time…..


Suan and Chun are now waiting to check in at Incheon airport… Suan looked at the spacious and clean airport again and sighed heavily…

‘Don’t behave like a old lady, and please don’t hunch ur back… its ugly….’ Chun commented, slapping her back.

‘U mean old man…’ Suan chided Chun and chuckle softly. She tried to adjust her posture, sitting up straight. However, she gave up soon enough… tired of keeping her back straight.

‘Disappointed?’ Chun asked.

‘No… I told u he won’t be here….’ Suan answered, looking around the busy airport.

‘Its still too early to say…. We still have time….’

‘I think u been acting in too much drama… And now u are having difficulty differentiate real life and drama…’

‘Just wait and see…’ Chun smiled, however couldn’t help worrying… Will Ryeowook come?

‘Hahaha!! U are mean, don’t push me into false hope again….’ Suan said as she punched Chun.

‘Suan, if he didn’t come today. U will give up?’ Chun asked, feeling that’s it’s a great pity for those two to give up just like that.

‘Else… what can I do? Wait forever and ever like those drama?’ upon saying this Suan chuckles softly….

‘Hmn… I still think…’

‘Stop it and lets go… time to go in….’ Suan stand up and walked toward the checking point.

‘STOP THERE, JEONG HEE SUAN!!!!!’ Suan stunned and stopped walking… However, dare not to turn her head back, worrying this might be her illusion….

‘I must be dreaming…..’ Suan though to herself and shook her head.

‘Have a good talk with him….’ Chun said as he patted Suan shoulder, pointing to his back.

‘Ah?’ Suan asked, so its not a illusion? Chun walked toward the other side, allowing the 2 of them to have a good talk. Suan turned her head and saw Ryeowook, trying his hardest to catch his breath.

‘I… am …. Sorry… I am… late….’ Ryeowook said between heavy panting.

‘No… its ok…. U still have time to say goodbye to me… and thanks for coming…’

‘No… I am here to make u stay~’


‘Yes! Stay….. I… am .. sorry… I am stupid….’

‘Kim Ryeowook…..’

‘I am stupid… and coward like u said….please give me another chance….’ Ryeowook pleaded, taking Suan’s hand.

‘No… u are not stupid….’ Suan wrapped her arms around Ryeowook neck, hugging him tight.

‘Suan, please stay, don’t leave me again….’


‘So u will stay?’ Ryeowook asked, un-hug Suan, looking at her.

‘No…..’ Suan said between her tears….




Ryeowook stood, looking at Suan and Chun who walked in to the checking point… Suan turned and waved to him for one last time before she went in and Ryeowook stayed at the airport till the aeroplane that Suan take, taken off… He waved at the aeroplane for one last time before he went back again, to his own life….   

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~