Chapter 12

Love me.... Love me not....

Ryeowook sat down in the waiting room, looking at his phone again…. He heaves out a heavy sigh and rested his head on the back of the chair, closing his eyes…

‘Yah~ Ryeogaa….’ Kyuhyun come in and tried to get his attention but Ryeowook just simply ignore him..

‘Aish!!! U!!!’ Ryeowook finally open his eyes when Kyuhyun ed the 3rdbuttons of his shirt.

‘Yah~ u do have good figure now…’ Kyuhyun said cheekily, poking Ryeowook’s chest..

‘Go to gym often and u will have it..’ Ryeowook slapped Kyuhyun hand away, rolling his eyes at him and button up his shirt again.

‘I rather polish up my Stracrafting skill….’ Kyuhyun said sitting down beside him.

‘………….’ Ryeowook just ignore the annoying maknae and looked at the mirror, tidying his shirt.

‘Stop bothering him….’ Siwon slapped at Kyuhyun’s shoulder before he helped Ryeowook to straighten his collar. He has to admit all those gyming does build up Ryeowook’s muscle and he look so much stronger nowadays.

‘Thanks, Hyung….’

‘Ryeogaa…. U ok?’ Siwon asked, sensing that the eternal maknae’s mood is not exactly pretty that day….

‘Ah… I am fine…..’

‘Well………….. Ryeogaa……’

‘Erm? Hyung?’ Ryeowook replied, casted a questioning look at Siwon.

‘U…. saw?’ Siwon asked carefully.

‘Hyung……’ Ryeowook looked at Siwon, frowning.

‘Yes, I think u got what I meant…’


‘*sigh* Ryeogaa…. U know….’

‘Hi!! Gentleman, please get yourself ready… ‘ The usher popped her head in and nodded at Zhou Mi who is nearest to the entrance.

‘Neh~~’ the boys answered in chorus.

‘Don’t think….Let’s go out now…’ Siwon hugged Ryeowook’s shoulder and make their way out to the stage.





‘I knew it….’ Suan looked at Chun and….. Super Junior M from the backstage and roll her eyes….She keep having this nagging, uneasy feeling since she started on this Taiwan-Korea drama project and she always thought it’s because she is nervous working with Wu Chun……Now she know…. not Chun, its because of…. Should she say Super Junior M or only Ryeowook alone?


  Ryeowook was helping himself to the cocktail at the party after the press conference.. Suan was looking at him from behind and she can’t help worried about him…This is his 12 helpings of cocktail already and he doesn’t seem to have any intention of stopping…..

‘Stop it!’ Suan couldn’t take it anymore and marched over to Ryeowook, taking away the cocktail glass from his hand.

‘Yah!! What are u doing?’ Ryeowook tried to snatch back the cocktail glass but Suan gulped the golden liquid down before he could do it.

‘Eeee…’ Suan wrinkle her nose and stuck out her tongue upon tasting the bitter sweet alcoholic drink, wondering to herself how would anyone fancy this kind of beverage?

‘U!!!!!’ Ryeowook turned and gotten himself another glass but being snatched and drank by Suan again.

‘U already had 12! No more for u! Are u trying to get yourself drunk??!’

‘Drunk? This? Only person who has no alcohol tolerance like u will get drunk by drinking cocktail.’ Ryeowook smirked at Suan, kind of amused by her comment. He? Kim Ryeowook drunk because of cocktail? Its must be a joke… Don’t she know that he is the 4thheaviest drinker among SUJU?? Well, she might not know and he thinks she is not interested to know anyway.

‘YAH!!! I am not softie!!’ upon saying this, Suan took another glass of cocktail and gulp it down again.

‘Cheh~ babo~ what are u trying to prove?’

‘Me? babo??? Tell me, aren’t u a babo then? Why are u drinking here alone?’

‘I am NOT!!! And this is cocktail, won’t get me drunk!’ Ryeowook hissed at Suan.

‘Kim Ryeowook…. Not worth to ruin your health because of girl…..’ Suan looked over to Kyuhyun’s side, who is happily talking to the girl she met at the washroom just now. Seem like that girl chosen Kyuhyun instead of Ryeowook….

‘U have no right to interfere!’ Ryeowook stare at Suan before he shifted his sight to innocent Chun who is happily talking to Siwon not far away. He is jealous!!! Why can Suan love Chun but not him??? Yes, Chun is charming, and handsome, not to mention his great body build and height… Aish!!! Ryeowook shook his head and turned to grab another cocktail and gulp it down.

‘U!!!! I am just being concern…. As friend…’

‘U said u don’t want to be friend….’ Ryeowook snapped at Suan coldly.

‘Well…. I….’

‘So, don’t bother….’ Ryeowook said before he turned to grab another glass of cocktail and gulp it down.

‘…………’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, not knowing what to say and what to do… She grabbed a glass of cocktail and drank it solemnly, stealing glance at Ryeowook who still keep on drinking and drinking… unknowingly, she herself also had a few helping and she started to feel the cocktail doesn’t taste that bad after all….

‘U better stop!’ Ryeowook looked at Suan who started to blush and burping every now and then…the 1stsign of being drunk…

‘Why? Why can’t I drink? Don’t bother too!’ Suan grabbed another glass and purposely parade before Ryeowook before she pours it down .

‘Yah!!! Stop!’

‘I am not stopping unless u stop!’

‘U will get drunk!’ Ryeowook tried to stop Suan from gulping down the cocktail on her hand but failed.

‘U said cocktail won’t make me drunk.’ Suan gulped down another cocktail.

‘I said cocktail won’t make ME drunk, not U!!’

‘Cheh!! What so special about u? Why wouldn’t u be drunk but I would be drunk?’ Suan took another 2 glasses and gulped down fast, one after each.

‘U!!! stop I said…I………’

‘Keep quiet!I don’t want to hear any words from u.’ Suan covered her both of her ears and shook her head hard.

‘Yah!!! What are u doing?’ Suan lose her balance and almost fall. Good thing Ryeowook managed to catch her before that.

‘Ryeowook….. Ryeowook….’ Suan keep poking Ryeowook’s face and calling his name.

‘What are u doing?’ Ryeowook hissed at her, prying away her hand, noticing the attention that they been getting as Suan started to talk louder and louder.

‘Ahhhhh~~~ keep quiet!! Ssshshhhhsss….something is drumming my head…. And why is the room spinning around??? STOP!!! STOP STOP!!!’ Suan said as she slapped her forehead, trying to stop the dizziness.

‘I think we better bring her to somewhere quiet….’ Chun said in Chinese, as he knows the boys can understand… Ryeowook nodded at him and Chun stooped down and carried Suan.

‘Chun…. Where are u bringing me??? Aigoo…. U look so handsome…’ Suan blabber in Korean, giggling to herself after that.

‘Yes, yes…. Be a good girl and be quiet, ok?’ Chun smiled at the drunk Suan and tries to pacify her.

‘Ok…. Sshhhhh…’ Suan nodded and place an index finger on her lip, finally quiet.




‘Aigoo…. What shall we do with her? We can’t send her back to her room like that…. There’s nobody to take care of her…’ Siwon looked at Suan who keep staring at Ryeowook as if she wanted to swallow him down and Ryeowook just walked away, not knowing how he should react.  

‘Hehehehe!!! She is so different when she is drunk! I don’t know she can talk so loud!’ Kyuhyun said as he poke Suan’s face and Suan just smile sheepishly at him…

‘Kyu…don’t u have better thing to do? We are saying, what shall we do to her?’ Sungmin rolled his eyes at the evil maknae.

‘Hahaha! Its easy…. Send her to Li~’ Kyuhyun suggested.

‘Yes! Why didn’t we think of that?’ Siwon’s pulled out his phone, dialling Heechul’s number.

‘Wait… is there some kind of arrangement which I am not aware of?’ Chun asked in chinese, stopping Siwon’s action.

‘We call, her and our friend, take care of her.’ Cute Sungmin never miss out any chance to practise his Chinese. Chun nodded, understand perfectly well as Sungmin complete his not-so-fabulous-chinese with some bodies gesture.  

‘Ok, but I am going with you, just to make sure she is in good hand…’ Chun looked at Siwon who nodded at him.

‘Of course…. We will send u back to hotel later.’ Siwon assure Chun between the dialling tones.

‘Simba, wae (what)?’ Heechul called out to Siwon’s Disney nickname the moment he picked up the call.

‘Hyung…. We need u n hyung su nim’s help…’ Only Siwon, Ryeowook and Chun send Suan to Heechul’s house after the phone call and the rest of the boys went back to dorm.

‘Aigoo… why on earth she get herself so drunk???’ Ae Li looked at the completely drunk Suan who is singing and talking at the top of her voice.

‘AEEEEEE LIII~~~~’ Suan stumble over to Ae Li, spreading her arms, ready to hug her. However, to everyone surprise, she turned to Heechul instead and pinched his face ‘Yah~ Cherry!! U growth up so fast???? Heheheheheh!! Taller than me…..’ Suan giggle at the sight of Heechul and Heechul rolled his eyes and pull away Suan’s naughty hand.


‘Kim Heechul??’ Suan move closer to him and strain her eyes.

‘Yah!!!’ Heechul keep backing his head as Suan’s face is only inches away from his.  

‘Yeah… u are right…. Cherry won’t have wrinkles like u! hahahahahahaha!!!!’

‘Hahahahahaha!!!’ everyone laughed at Heechul’s annoyed face as they know how Heechul hated it when people said he is old.

‘U better take her away from me before I lose my temper…..’ Heechul hissed at his wife who is still laughing,hugging her tummy.

‘Mianhae….Seobang….’ Ae Li pried Suan away from Heechul and brought Suan to the guest room with the help of Chun…..

‘I don’t want to be ur friend!!! Kim Ryeowook!!’ Suan shouted at the top of her lung…

‘Sshhhs…..don’t be so loud…’ Ae Li patted Suan’s back, trying to calm her down.

‘Because …I love u…. I love u…… Ryeowook…..’ Suan muttered softly…but loud enough for Ae Li and Chun to catch it……

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~