Chapter 4

Love me.... Love me not....

‘Thanks… I am ok…..I am sorry….’ Suan looked at Ryeowook’s wet shirt, apologetically. 

‘Its ok….dont bother about that….U ok?’ Ryeowook looked at Suan, looking worried.

‘I am fine…….’

‘U need to talk?’


‘Its ok if u don’t feel like it….’

‘Nothing much…. Its my family…..’ Suan started to tell Ryeowook about her family , in Korean with some Chinese sentences here and there…

‘Um…’ Ryeowook just nodded at Suan, and let her do all the talking…. Seem like she come from a complicated family. Her mum just called to complain about her dad’s, whose debtor come all the way to their house and had ransacked their house.

‘That’s is how my family is…..’ Suan related, with a heavy sigh….

‘Erm…. Don’t worry… everything will be fine…’

‘I am so used to it….But…. Just can’t help feeling tired sometime ….’

‘Hey… I have something here…’ Ryeowook took out a bar of white chocolate and waved it in front of Suan’s eyes..

‘No mood for this….’ Suan shook her head and pushed Ryeowook’s hand away.

‘Try… its delicious…’ Ryeowook put a piece of chocolate in and Suan glared at Ryeowook before she the chocolate inside …

‘Erm??? Really delicious! Can I have 1 more? Please….’ The sparkle in Suan eyes came back and Ryeowook  smiled, relieved that the sun had appeared on her face again.

‘Of course….’ Ryeowook smiled, handed the whole bar of chocolate to her.

‘Erm… I liked white chocolate!’ Suan said as she helped herself to the chocolate.

‘I know…..’

‘How do u know?’ Suan asked in surprise…

‘Ergh…..’ Ryeowook blushed…. He can’t say he knew it as he observe her everyday, right?

‘Did I tell u?’ Suan asked again, popping the last piece of chocolate into .

‘YAH!!! U finished everything???’ Ryeowook shouted at Suan, looking at the empty chocolate wrapper.

‘U didn’t say I couldn’t. Thanks u~’ Suan beamed at Ryeowook, ing the empty wrapper in Ryeowook’s hand and stand up, stretching herself.

‘U didn’t even leave one for me……’ Ryeowook looked at the empty wrapper and whined pitifully.

‘Oopps~ sorry~ its too delicious…’

‘All the more u should leave at least one for me to taste!!!! YAH!!’

‘Hahahahha!!! Are u that angry??? So cute~’

‘Hmn… u are mean….’

‘U are suppose to console me don’t u? Just a small bar of chocolate done the trick is easy enough… normally I will cry for at least an hour u know? Hahahaha!!!’

‘Cheh~ I should leave u alone just now…’

‘And…. Its so silly to quarrel over food!!’

‘But we always do that! Hahahaha!!’ Ryeowook is amused by Suan comment and laughed along with her. He actually don’t really minded going without chocolate, just his usual habit of bickering with her.

‘All right, I am going to be generous today…Dinner on me?’ Suan offered.

‘Really? DEAL!!!’

‘Hahaha!!! Like a kid…’ Suan talked and laughed, putting all her trouble behind.

‘Aish…. Look at u… people will think I bullied u…’ Ryeowook said, taking out his handkerchief, wiping away her tears stain.

‘Ryeowook…..’ Suan looked at him, calling his name softly…

‘Yes, what?’ Ryeowook looked at her, taking back his hand awkwardly.

‘Go ma wo……’

‘Aish…. What is that? Don’t talk to me like that…U are making me feeling awkward….’

‘Hahaha!! cant  treat u nicer is it?’

‘Lets get out! Ae Li might be looking for u…’ Suan nodded at him and they made their way out to the studio…..


Three weeks passed fast, soon it as time for the boys to return back to Korea, as they had finally completed all their shooting here in Malaysia. The boys are happy as they be able to return back to Korea after three long weeks. However, both Heechul and Ryeowook had mixed feeling…. Heechul wished he could drag Ae Li back to Korea with him. But he know she will not oblige him. Meaning to say, they have to stay apart from each other… Ryeowook on the other hand, feel reluctant to leave this place… he keep telling himself it’s because he love this place, especially the food… not because of anything else….

‘Hey… u are going back to Korea tomorrow, happy?’ asked Suan.

‘Yeah….’ However, Ryeowook doesn’t feel happy deep down inside.

‘U seem to be a bit moody today? U ok?’ asked Suan.

‘No, I am fine… a bit tired I suppose….’ Ryeowook smiled at Suan and she just smile back at him.

‘U know… I will be lonely without u all around….’Suan said kicking her legs.

‘Really?’ asked Ryeowook excitedly.

‘Erm.. yes. Seriously, u all had been the nicest client we ever get in touch with and its fun being with u all…..’

‘Us?’ Ryeowook cant help feeling disappointed, she mean everyone, not just him alone… Well, it been only for 3 weeks isn’t?

‘Hey… let go back… its quite late, and u all have to catch the early flight tomorrow.’

‘All right…’




The boys are catching early flight back to Korea and the farewell actually took place in the hotel as they won’t be able to do that at the airport, with the fans crowds around.

‘Ae Li…..’ Heechul is still behaving like a little kid and Ae Li tried her hardest to pacify him… the rest of the boy watched them in amusement, except Ryeowook, who is busy talking to Suan.

‘Hey… dont keep everything to yourself, if u need anyone to talk to I am always there. U do have my contact number right?’

‘Yes, yes….’

‘And don’t stay up too late into night….’

‘Yes, I knw… u been telling me all these since yesterday…’ Suan shook her head and looked at Ryeowook with an amused look…

‘We… are still friend right?’

‘Of course!! Doesn’t end just because u go back to Korea…’

‘So, will u visit me in Korea?’

‘Of course, If I could…’

‘All right… my turn to show u around then.’

‘Ok, ur turn to bring me to good food.’ Suan beamed happily at Ryeowook, rubbing her palm s in delight.

‘Ryeogaa~ time to go!!!!’ Teukie shouted from the other corner of the room.

‘Oh~ hyung…Coming….’

‘Take care….’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, holding out her hand at Ryeowook.

‘Take care….’ Ryeowook took her hand, pulling her closer to him gently….and gave her a hug softly..

‘Ryeowook….’ Suan leaned her head on Ryeowook shoulder….

‘Ryeogaa!!!!’ Teukie shouted at the eternal maknae as the whole team is now waiting for him outside.

‘Yes, hyung…. Goodbye, Suan…this is for u…’ Ryeowook let go of Suan and stuff something into her hand.

‘Huh??? Oh…Thanks and Bye, Ryeowook…. Take care…..’ She couldn’t describe the feeling that she feel deep down inside… its like… she is feeling empty inside out of sudden.

 ‘I will call u all right?’ Suan nodded at Ryeowook and forced out a weak smile.


Suan looked at her laptop screen, reading the e-mail that Ryeowook sent her as he is busy with his schedule and couldn’t call her as often as before…

‘Hmn….’ Suan sighed as she log off her e-mail account and turn off her laptop. She laid on her bed, looking at the bracelet on her wrist, a gift from Ryeowook before he went back to Korea. She doesn’t wear accessories actually… but she don’t mind putting that on, it’s kind of sweet…




‘Suan….’ Ae Li patted at the little girl’s shoulder and Suan looked up.

‘Yes, Ae Li?’

‘I am going to Korea….’

‘Meeting ur husband?? Sigh….please, can’t be separated for a while? Thought he just visited u not long ago?’

‘Oh…..Shut up….’ Ae Li giggle at Suan remark, slapping her shoulder to stop her from saying further..

‘Cheh…. I advise u both to get married ASAP, then u can save the travelling time and money.’

‘Hahaha! Don’t talk about me… How u n Ryeowook?’

‘He? We? Nothing….’

‘Nothing? But my Chul said….’

‘Yuck!!! Chul???’

‘Stop diversing my question… I heard both of u talked over the phone everyday right?’

‘No… we don’t…’

‘Hahaha!! Don’t deny…. Chul saw it….’

‘Cheh…. Go and get on with your job, don’t leave all your workload to me, ok?’





Suan looked at her phone… then to her computer…. Not a single SMS or e-mail from Ryeowook for 3 days… 3 whole days… is he that busy?

‘Hmn… why should I bother? I am nothing to him anyway…. Aish… sickening habit!’ Suan covered her head with blanket, trying to get some sleep…

*Phone ringing*

‘Hello?’ Suan jumped up and answered her phone almost immediate.

‘Hi, is this XXX?’

‘Wrong number….’ Suan hang up her phone in disappointment.’ Aishhhh!!! Stupid habit…. I must kick it!! Kick it!!’

*phone ringing*

‘Hello?’ foreign number again?

‘Hi, XXX’

‘Wrong number!!!!!!!!!!!’ Suan threw her phone on her bed and laid down in frustration.

*Phone ringing*

‘Cheh….must be that idiot again…’ Suan looked at the caller id, she ignored the call as it’s coming from another foreign number. However the caller is not going to give up so easily… Her phone been ringing constantly for 2 minutes and its getting on her nerve.

‘How many times u wanted me to tell u gotten the wrong number??? I……..’Suan shouted at the caller.

‘Hey….It’s me……’ the caller tried to calm her down.   

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~