Chapter 11

Love me.... Love me not....

Suan walked back to her seat with Chun… The image of Ryeowook hugging the girl keep playing in her head…

‘Hey… I am beginning to get worried about u… U all right?’ Chun asked.

‘Ah… I am fine… guess I am just a bit tired?’ Suan assured Chun that she is fine and forced herself to smile at him…

‘In that case… we better get going… I can do with some rest as well… before we start the filming here…’


‘What? U are here already?’ Ae Li asked over the phone between the sob of her daughter, Kim Cherry…

‘Yah… ur daughter is crying….’

‘*sigh* she is always seeking attention, like her dad….’ Ae Li answered while trying to pacify her daughter.

‘Hahahaha!!! Like father like daughter..’

‘Hey…. Where can I visit u?’ asked Ae Li.

‘U are not thinking of traveling all the way to visit me with ur mini Kim Heechul right? Kim Heechul will kill me if he knows….’

‘Aish….I always do that, he gotten used to it… hahaha!!’

‘No… u better don’t… I visit u when I m bit more familiar with this place?’

‘Hello… that will be years later! U even can get lost in our small town remember?’

‘Hey!!! So rude of u… I am better with that now, ok?’

‘Hahaha! As if…Maybe… I can get Chul to babysit Cherry one of these day so that I can…’

‘Ya… Are u trying to murder ur daughter?’

‘Hahahha!! He is not tat bad…. Erm…. Maybe I should reconsider after all….’

‘Hahahahhaha!!! Erm…Ae Li…..’

‘Hmn?? Yes?’

‘Well….’ Suan is really curious about that girl who hugs Ryeowook that day but its none of her business right? What stand does she have to interrogate?   

‘What? Just speak….’

‘Erm… Where can I find good food?’

Aish…. All u think is food….’



Suan sat down on the bench, looking at the rain outside the window... with her sketch book in front of her....

‘Hey! Who is that?’ asked Chun, who suddenly appear behind Suan.

‘Ugh? What?’ Suan looked down to the sketching on her notebook….

‘This is one of the Super Junior guy isn’t ? Wow…. U do have talent for drawing!’

‘U mean Ryeowook? Ugh… No! just happen to look like him  that’s all…Hahaha….’

‘Oh….. So his name is Ryeowook…. U like him?’

‘Hahahahhahaha!!! U r so humorous~’

‘Its normal for girl like ur age to have an idol.. so come on, admit it.’

‘Hahahha!! Thought I told u my idol is Fahrenheit?’

‘Yeah…. Just trying to make me happy huh?’

‘I am telling nothing but the truth….’

‘Hahahhaha!!! U are making me shy…’

‘Believe me, U are really my idol, my bias too~ I never expect I can work with my bias u know…’

‘Ok, when I return to Brunei I will make sure I send u some poster and some single…’

‘U better keep ur promise else I am gonna bomb u down in ur homepage…Ahahaha!’

‘Wah……so fierce?’

‘Now u know…’ Suan answered cheekily, sticking out her tongue at Chun who laughed happily with her.


*sigh*’I wish I don’t have to go….’ Suan said sulkily, pulling at her white dress…

‘Hahaha!! U know very well I will be in deep trouble if u are not going…’ Chun said, smacking at Suan’s hand to stop her from pulling her dress.

‘Haiz…. Money is so hard to earn nowadays…’ Suan said, standing up.

‘Good thing never come easy, little girl, come on.. Lets go…’ Chun said as he holds out his hand to Suan.

‘I don’t want to be attacked by other fans u know?’ Suan said shyly, pushing his hand away gently.

‘U and ur imagination….’ Chun said as he smiled at Suan.

‘Lets go….’





Today is Chun’s first official press conference in Korea, today is the day he will be meeting up the Korean actors as well. The reporter rushed to Chun upon the sight of him and it does gave Suan a big shock! She never expected the Korea reporter to be this aggressive! Chun, being a gentleman, tried his best to protect Suan... Finally, with the help of the security, they finally manage to squeeze their way in to the private waiting room they prepared for Chun….

‘Phew…. So scary…’ Suan said looking at Chun.

‘U should get used to it… its normal, if u are in this line.’

‘I am not a celebrity…’

‘But ur job required u to….’

‘*Sigh* I really chosen the wrong line……’

‘Takes some time to get used to it…’ Chun smiled at Suan.

‘I am going to washroom….’ Chun nodded at Suan and she made her way out, finding her way to the ladies.

‘Kyu!! let me go…..’ Suan looked at the couple in front of her… She saw..... Kyuhyun hugging a girl… Suan slipped in the ladies, glad that Kyuhyun didn’t see her…

‘Aish!!! Why on earth I am meeting Super Junior everywhere in Korea? Is Korea entertainment biz monopolize by them??’ Suan muttered to herself…She looked at the mirror and saw the girl who is hugging Kyuhyun just now walked into ladies, smiling at her before she went in to one of the cubicle. She looked kind of familiar….

Suan is racking her brain, trying to recall.. she is pretty sure she met the girl before. There no way she will miss out a pretty girl like that....




AH!!! She is the same girl who hugs Ryeowook that day at the mini concert!!!! But why is she hugging Kyuhyun? The hug with Kyuhyun certainly doesnt look very 'friendly' type of hug.... and the way they talk....

‘Hello… U ok?’ the girl waves her hand in front of Suan’s eyes, trying to get her attention…

‘Oh… I am.. fine… thanks…’ Suan smiled, bowing slightly at her before she made her way out. The girl smile and nodded at her and suan casted one last look at her before she went out....

Suan walk slowly back to Chun’s rest room… She is confused…. Who is that girl? Is she two timing Ryeowook and Kyuhyun? But how??? 












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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~