Chapter 1

Love me.... Love me not....


‘Yah! Its really rude of u to laugh at me when u saw me tripping!!’ Ryeowook ranted at Suan* who is sitting down munching some chips…

(*Jeong Hee Suan will be written as Suan for short.) 

‘What? My Korean is not good….speak slowly….’ Suan look at Ryeowook with a puzzled look.

‘Ni bu hao, xiao wo (Chinese – u are mean, laughing at me)

‘Hahaha!! But its really funny….’ Suan said in her broken Korean.



‘Yes, Ae Li, coming…’ Suan stuck out her tongue at Ryeowook before she walks away and it does irritate Ryeowook much.

‘What’s with this girl?’ Ryeowook mumble to himself and walked toward different direction, getting ready for his next shoot.




‘Noona….its the PD hyung birthday today… can u help us to buy a cake?’

‘No problem at all…. I am going now…’

‘Can I go with u, noona?’

‘But Ryeogaa…. People might recognize u….’

‘Just be more careful…. I am bored here, noona….I don’t have any part today…’


‘Please….. noona….’ Ryeowook tried his hardest to persuade Ae Li as he really wishes to have a breather outside.

‘All right…..put on some disguise ok?’





‘Lets see…which one shall we get…’ Ae Li asked, looking at the pretty cakes on the display fridge.

‘Strawberry!!!!’ Ryeowook pointed at a pretty strawberry cake excitedly.

‘No Strawberry!!! I hate it!!!’

‘Its not ur birthday anyway!’ Ryeogaa shouted at Suan.

‘Not ur neither!!!’ Suan shouted back.

‘Stop it, both of u…. people are looking….’ Ae Li rolled her eyes at Ryeogaa, who insist on buying a strawberry cake and Suan, who tries her hardest to go against it.

‘Ae Li…. U know how I hate strawberry!’ Suan pouted at Ae Li.

‘Weird girl…. How can anyone dislike strawberry?’ Ryeogaa asked haughtily…


‘STOP!!!! We are buying chocolate cake. Both of u liked it right?’

‘YES!!!!’ Suan and Ryeogaa answered in chorus, beaming happily… Ae Li shook her head and rubs her temple, getting tired of the 2 who keep on squabbling since they first met.




‘Hahahaha!!!’ Kyu laughed loudly upon hearing Ae Li complaint and Ae Li slapped on his shoulder hard.

‘Yah~ stop gloating over my misfortune!’

‘But frankly speaking…. I never saw Ryeogaa behaves like this before… ’

‘And I never saw Suan behave like that with other as well….. she is usually quite shy with people she just met. But she seems to be having disagreement with Ryeogaa since they 1stmet.’

‘Ya… Li…. It takes 2 hands to clap…..’

‘I guess so… I am NOT going to bring them out together again next time….’

‘Hahahahahha!!!’ Kyu laughed, hugging his tummy…..

‘Yu Ae Li!!!!’ Heechul shouted at Ae Li and she just cant help rolling her eyes, she can smell problem coming her way……


‘You know how weird is she… She….’

‘Yah!!! Ryeogaa… stop it….. u been complaining nonstop since just now, don’t u get tired?’ Yesung pointed out, irritated at Ryeowook constant complaint on Suan.

‘Hahaha! Yah~ Ryeogaa…. Don’t tell me u are interested in her?’ Kyu commented cheekily.

‘Yah!!! Are u crazy???? OF COURSE NOT!!!!’ Ryeowook protested strongly and stormed back to his room.

‘Hahahahahahaah……’ despite of the closed door, Ryeowook still can hear his hyung laughed at him clear and loud….

‘Me? liking her? What a joke!!!’ Ryeowook shunned at the thought and turns on his laptop, trying to do some composing…. Not a note comes to his head and he sat down, looking at the wall, bored. He remind of how he 1stmeet Suan…

‘An nyeong ha se yo….I am Jeong Hee Suan, your organizer. And this is Miss Kim…. She is….’

‘An nyeong ha se yo…. I will act as translator during ur stay in Malaysia here…. Nice to meet u….’ the translator, Miss Kim helps Suan to finish her sentences, knowing that Suan's Korean is not good.

‘An nyeong ha se yo….’  The Super Junior boys greeted them in chorus. Ryeowook look at this young girl who stand in front of them. She looks young, maybe not more than 20? But her dressing…. Doesn’t really suit her age… maybe its because of their profession thus they tend to pay more attention to these thing…Suan's Korean is quite limited and she relies on the translator, Miss Kim a lot…. As usual, the boys chatted while having their dinner as a way to relieve their stress…

‘Teukie hyung, how long are we going to stay here?’ Sungmin asked their leader, who is seated beside him.

‘Maybe 2 weeks or more? Depend on how fast we can finish the shooting here.’ Teukie answered, looking at his dongsaeng.

‘Yah…. How great if we can go out and have a walk….But our coordinator doesn’t look very reliable… she is too young…and we can’t understand each other well… while the translator… she is too mature….’ Shindong commented.

‘Yah!!! U have a fiancée mind u….. u still looking forward working together with babe? Tired of living?’ Donghae chided Shindong.

‘Ahhahahahahaha!!! Its always good to have beautiful creature around us…. but I guess our luck is not too good this time round…’ Shindong answered back.

‘Yah~~~~~hahahahahaha!!!’ everyone exclaimed in surprise and laughed out loud after that.

‘U are mean….. u are implying that those 2 ladies are not beautiful creature, huh?’ asked  Eunhyuk playfully.

‘Do I have to point that out?’ Shindong asked, blinking his eyes innocently.

‘Hahahahahahahahah!!!!’ everyone laughed loudly at Shindong cheekiness and it even bring a little smile to Kyuhyun's and Heechul’s face whom is moody since their arrival in Malaysia…. All the member know very well this is because Malaysia remind them of Yu Ae Li, who disappear from their life six months ago….And they are trying their best not to touch this painful past of these two...

‘Well, I have to be fair, I do think that’s Miss Suan is not bad looking…. But her dressing…. Well…..’ Teukie stunned as he tried to find a more diplomatic words to describe Suan unusual way of dressing.

‘Yah!!! Just be honest…she dresses like old granny…’ Shindong rubbed in.

‘Hahahahahaha!!! U r super mean, shindong….’everyone laughed loudly again

‘U said that, I did not!’ Teukie pointed at Shindong and laughed together with the rest.

‘Well, she does seem like she is lacking of fashion sense…’said Eunhyuk.

‘Well… maybe lack of confidence too?’ Mr.gentleman Siwon voiced out his opinion.

‘Yeah…. From her way of talking and standing…..’ Ryeowook pointed out.

‘No matter what, important is she does her job…’ Heechul who been quiet all these while joined in the talk.

‘Yes…. U are right… not that we wanted to anything from her…..’ Teukie looked at Heechul, relieved that Heechul willing to open himself up to them again…


In barely less than 2 days in Malaysia, Kyu had gotten back mischieviousness and evilness....He often slipped out on his own whenever he can and nobody know what he had up his sleeve.... From the boys point of view, they are fine as long as their maknae are happy and stay out of trouble.

However, nothing remain secret for long among Super Junior member....The boys finally found out why Kyu often slip out on his own, totally neglecting his games and hyung.....He met Yu Ae Li, their ex colleague who happens to be a staff of their current event planner company in Malaysia... Ae Li are being ‘forced’ by Heechul to participate in their production and thing arent getting on too well between Kyu and Heechul since then…..

‘Noona…..I miss u…..’ Ryeowook hugged at Ae Li, happy that he could work together with this noona whom he liked so much.

‘Ryeogaa….I miss u too....u are still as sweet as ever….’

‘I am glad u are our coordinator… our previous coordinator cant understands us well enough…’

‘Ergh…. Ryeogaa… she is still trying to improve her Korean…’

‘Well… never mind, its not important now… we won’t need her with u around…’

‘But… Ryeogaa… she will be still assisting me…’

‘Yes, I am sorry… u still have to see me around.’ Suan who appear from nowhere snapped at Ryeowook.

‘No, I don’t mean that…’ Ryeowook tried to explain but Suan is not accepting.

‘As if….’ Suan threw a dirty glance at Ryeowook and walked away, not giving him any chance to explain himself.

‘Ergh…Rude girl….her korean doesnt seem that bad if she understand what i've said just now...Is she pretending not to understand previously?’ Ryeowook commented while staring at Suan who walked away in huff, rolling his eyes in disgust..

‘Ryeogaa? Yah…. What happen?’ Ae Li asked, surprise at how these two usually shy kids doesn’t see eyes to eyes at each other.

'I dont know..... ' said Ryeowook innocently

The boys are glad to have Ae Li coming back working together with them… The only problem is the relationship between Kyu, Heechul and Ae Li…. Kyu and Heechul seem to be in bad term since Ae Li appears before them again. And Heechul constant picking on Ae Li is making the whole situation worst…..

‘Ryeogaa…. U have to…’

‘Yah, Yu Ae Li, come over here…’ Heechul shouted at Ae Li for the 10 times that day, over some small issue…

*sigh*‘Suan… please help me to brief Ryeogaa all right?’

‘YU AE LI!!’ Heechul shouted at Ae Li again.

‘Coming!! Please, Suan…’ Ae Li walked over to Heechul’s side, leaving Suan and Ryeogaa alone.

‘…. Yah…. So later u… have…. To….’ Suan tried her best to explain to Ryeowook their schedule for the day in her limited Korean but Ryeowook doesn’t quite get her…

‘I don’t know what u are talking about…’

‘U….. obviously, u are picking on me….’ Suan looked at Ryeowook, irritated by his word.

‘I am not…. I really don’t know what u are talking about…’ Ryeowook breathed in and out hard, trying to suppress his temper before he continued his conversation with Suan.

‘Ok…..listen….’ Suan tried to explain to Ryeowook again and Ryeowook tried his best to understand…. However, both of them decided to keep their distant from each other in future….




‘Ryeogaa!!! Ryeogaa!!! Come back!!!’ Sungmin gave Ryeowook a light push when he saw the eternal maknae deep in his own thought, not responding to him even if he had been calling him for several times.

‘Uh?? Minnie Hyung? Yes?’

‘Yah!!! What are u thinking?’

‘Ah… A ni…. I am trying to compose…..’

‘U looked so engrossed……’

‘Not having much idea……thinking hard……’

‘Aish… take a break then…..’ Ryeowook nodded and smiled at his Minnie hyung and went back staring at his computer again, thinking of the strange Suan…. Ryeowook cant understand… he never meet someone like her before, so hard to communicate… How is he going to survive these few weeks? 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~