Chapter 5

Love me.... Love me not....

 ‘Ryeowook??’ Suan stopped ranting at the phone and asked in surprise. ‘U changed ur number?’

*Sigh* ‘I lose my phone…. And all the contact inside… I just gotten it from Ae Li noona~ ’ Ryeowook explain.

‘Cheh… cant u e-mail me then?’ Suan muttered to herself.

‘What? Can u talk louder? I can’t hear u….’

‘Nothing….’ Suan stuck out her tongue, feeling happy to hear from Ryeowook again. She laid down on her bed, chatting with Ryeowook happily…..




‘Nah~ ur gift, from Ryeogaa….’ Ae Li placed a paper bag in front of Suan, with a smirk.

‘Yah!!! What is that smirk? U look more and more like ur husband, always give people those kind of up to no good smirk….’

‘Hahahahah!!! Are we? I am going to tell him ur comment tonight…And…I wonder what is that inside…’

‘Nosey parker…open it if u want, we got nothing to hide anyway…’

‘We???? Wow… Hahaha!! Thanks…Its not for me u know…’

‘……………….’ Suan opened the package carefully, as not to spoil the package… and it’s a collection of chocolates and sweets…

‘Wah… so sweet….. seem like he does know ur taste well…’

‘Go away…’ Suan pushed Ae Li away, popping one of the chocolates in …. Yes, it’s indeed sweet…. Suan smiled, keeping away the package carefully. She is going to savor it slowly….


Ryeowook laid on his bed after a long tiring day of schedule….his heart is more tired than his body is…. Living under the limelight is not as glamorous as people think.. Yes, he is famous, but he can’t choose what he wanted to do sometime. His song is being rejected again, and he can’t help feel dejected…

‘Ryeogaa… its ok….’ Teukie and Heechul looked at the gloomy eternal maknae and tried to console him.

‘I am fine hyung….’ Ryeowook smiled at his hyung and looked away…

‘Yah… Ryeogaa….’ Teukie began....Suddenly Ryeowook phone rang and he turned to grab his phone…

‘Yeoboseyo….’ Ryeowook answered, listlessly.

‘Are u ok?’

‘Suan?’ Ryeowook straighten himself up and Heechul smirked, pushing Teukie out. He reckons Ryeowook will be fine after this phone call…

‘Yah… u doesn’t sound good… anything happen?’  Suan asked in concern.

‘Yeap… had a bad day…. Seem like I am not cut out to be a composer after all….’

‘Hmn… well, I don’t know much about composing, but I do think u are talented…’

‘Hahahah! Don’t console me….’

‘Haha! U know I do nothing of that sort…’

‘Quite true….Haha!! So, anything happen?’ Ryeowook asked, it’s not usual for Suan to initiate a phone call, SMS or e-mail…

‘Cant I call u if nothing happen?’ Suan asked, between chuckles.

‘Of course u can….’ Ryeowook smiled… began to relax.

‘Will u believe if I tell u I sensed that u are not good?’

‘Really?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Somehow… haha! I suppose I am right…’ Suan chuckle softly again…. ‘feeling better now?’

‘Yes….gomawo…’ Ryeowook feel better after talking to Suan and he feel warm, inside his heart…

‘Hehehehe!! Owe me a meal….’

‘Hahaha~ Come to Korea then…’

‘Cheh~  do u know how many meals I can have with the air ticket money?’

‘Hahaha! Miser still….’ Everything doesn’t matter anymore… Ryeowook adjust to a comfortable position and keep on chatting with Suan….


‘WHAT????!!! Ae Li’s pregnant?’ the boys are shocked at the piece of news Heechul related to them.

‘So hyung, what u gonna do?’ asked Donghae.

‘Marry her…’ Heechul answered.

‘Hyung….she agreed?’ Kyu asked, knowing very well Ae Li wont agree to it.

‘Kyu… u are indeed her good friend… she object… so we will only be married in Malaysia….’

‘I think we would have to rearrange our schedule then….’ Teukie said.

‘Yeap… how can we miss out Heechul hyung big day?’ Siwon said as he patted Heechul shoulder.

‘Chu ka hae!! (congrate)’ The boys cluster around Heechul, congratulating, hugging him. Happy that Heechul, who always said wanted to stay single is going to be married soon.




The boys set off to Malaysia to attend Heechul and Ae Li’s engagement ceremony in Malaysia together. It will be a short, but meaningful trip for them, especially Heechul. They kept everthing low profile, hoping to have a peaceful trip. As to protect the privacy of the couple, especially Ae Li who is expecting right now.

‘Chul!!!’ Ae Li dash over to Heechul and he frowned.

‘Stop! Don’t run! My Cherry….’ Heechul pointed at Ae Li, walking briskly to her side. He placed his hand on Ae Li’s tummy and gave Ae Li a kiss.

‘Yuck! Stop! Disgusting…’ Suan pop her head from behind and looked at the mushy pair… Shaking her head…

‘Yah… ur’s will come out soon, don’t be jealous… ‘ Heechul snapped back while Ae Li giggle, looking at Suan.

‘Mine? What?? Who… u don’t.. talk crap…’ However, the blush on Suan face cant hide the fact that she is expecting someone….

‘Suan!!!’ Ryeowook walked straight to Suan side and enveloped her into a hug....

‘Ryeowook! U changed hairstyle!!’ Suan looked at Ryeowook and commented, forgetting about Heechul previous comment completely….

‘Yeap…' Ryeowook asked.

‘Erm…..’ Suan looked at Ryeowook while rubbing her chin, with a hesitate look..


‘Hahahahaha!!! U look cool!’ Suan said as he pinched Ryeowook cheek.

‘Thanks…. U know…’

‘Can both of u talk later? In a safer place… u won’t want Suan to be targeted right?’ just as Ryeowook wanted to start his story, Teukie walked over, reminding them the place they are right now is not a safe place to chat...

‘I know a lot nice place to eat here….’ Suan whispered to Ryeowook.

‘Really?’ Ryeowook whispered back. Suan nodded at him, smiling.

‘We sneak out later?’ Suan suggested with a wink….

 ‘O…K~’ Ryeowook gave Suan a ok sign and smile at her, anticipating the food tour later.

‘Ryeogaa!! U change hairstyle! U look cool’ Ae Li whispered to Suan in chinese, mimicking her previous conversation with Ryeowook teasingly…

‘Yah!! Yu Ae Li!! Ni na li ke yi zhe yang??’ (Chinese –How can u do that?’) Ae Li laughed at Suan's blushing face and Ryeowook questioning look. Heechul placed his hand on Ae Li's shoulder protectively, smirking at them.

*Sigh* The rest of the boys looked at the two couple and sigh, hoping there will be someone to by their side too…




Ae Li sat down in front of her dressing table, twisting her finger…. Looking restless…

‘Hey… why are u looking like that?’ Suan asked, noticing her anxiety.

‘I… don’t know… so u think its right for us to get married?’

‘Isn’t this what u wanted?’

‘…..Believe me Suan… Married to a celebrity is certainly not my ideal way of life…’

‘But u…. love him don’t u?’ Suan asked.

‘Yes I do….. But I am still worried… do u think I….’

‘U are not thinking of running away don’t u?’ Suan asked.

‘I… am not sure….’

‘Hey, U better don’t do that! Kim Heechul will kill if u do that….’ Suan looked at Ae Li, worried. Its said that pregnant ladies are very sensitive and would do something out of the norm…


‘U better get rid of that thought…U are not going to get away from me…’ Heechul appear from nowhere, hissing at Ae Li.

‘Chul….I …am.. not….’ Ae Li started to stuttered upon seeing Heechul, sensing his anger.

‘I hope so…’ Heechul pull Ae Li into a kiss, totally forgetting about the existence of Suan.

‘Walau….. Yao meh (do they have to do that?)’ Suan stuck out her tongue and retreat back from Ae Li’s room quietly.

‘Yah!!!!’ Ryeowook  patted Suan shoulder, trying to get her attention.

‘Sshhhh….’ Suan placed her index finger on her lip and pushed Ryeowook farther away from Ae Li’s room.

‘Why?’ Ryeowook whispered at her.

‘Lovey dovey moment inside…’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook.

‘Hahahaha!! No wonder u look so sneaky….’

‘Hey… are u hungry?’ Suan asked.

‘Any good recommendation?’

‘Of course!!! This place is full of good food!!!’ Suan said excitedly, with the charming sparkle in her eyes.

‘Can’t wait to taste it….’

‘Let’s go!!!’Suan pushed Ryeowook out of the apartment they stayed and made their way out to the nearest food haven that Suan recommended.

‘How do we go?’ asked Ryeowook.

‘Bus number 11.’ Suan answered.

‘By bus? So late?’ asked Ryeowook.

‘Hahahaha!!! Well, if we say bus number 11, we mean walking….’

‘Huh??? Why???’

‘Look at your shadow….don’t u think that the reflection of ur legs looks like the number 11 when u are walking?’

‘Hahahaha!!! Indeed…’ Ryeowook looked at the reflections of them both and chuckle softly.

‘Reaching soon…’ Suan turned and looked at Ryeowook.

‘Erm… Seem so… I can smell the food from here….’

‘Hahahaha! Yeap… excited?’ Suan asked.

‘Yeap! I hope it taste as good as it smell…’

‘For sure~ come on!’

They ordered Malay fried noodle, several type of roti prata ( a type of Indian pancake), and Teh Tarik (milk tea) to share between them.

‘Wah~ u are right! This is delicious!!!’ Ryeowook commented.

‘Yeap… we take away some for your hyung as well, shall we?’ asked Suan.

‘That’s very kind of u. I think they will appreciate that.’

‘Don’t stop!!! Keep on eating!!!’ Suan looked at Ryeowook who stopped eating.

‘I can’t! I am too full.’ Ryeowook patted his tummy and rested his back on the chair.

‘Hahaha! Ok, then don’t… I am done with the take away too. Lets go…’

‘Come, let me carry those…’ Ryeowook took over the packed food and they made their way back to the apartment…

The both chatted and making fun of each other on the way back, enjoying each other company greatly.

‘Hey, be careful!!!’ Ryeowook pulled at Suan’s hand when he saw a motorbike coming to their way. 

‘Thanks….’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook, patting her chest.

‘U ok?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘I am fine….’ Suan assured Ryeowook.

‘Come on….u better stick with me….’ Ryeowook pulled Suan closer to him and they walked as they chat, enjoying the cool night breeze.

 ‘Reached…. ‘ Suan turn and looked at Ryeowook.

 ‘Huh??? So fast?’ Ryeowook asked.

‘Yes…  And we better bring those food to ur hyung fast before it get cold…’

‘O...k….’ Ryeowook couldn’t hide his disappointment… he would like to spend more time with her, alone. The noisy, packed apartment is definitely not a good place to talk…

‘We send the food up then we go for a walk again? I could do with a good walk after those food….’ Suan suggested.

‘Ah~ really??? U wait for me here all right?’ Suan nodded and smiled at him.

 ‘Hyung~ I bought food for u all!!’ Ryeowook shouted at his hyung and all of them stopped fooling around and cluster around Ryeowook, greatly appreciate his effort as they can do with some extra calories..

‘Yah! Ryeogaa… where do u get all these?’ asked Teukie.

‘Hyung, Suan bought it.’ Ryeowook answered, trying to find chance to slip out.

‘AHHHH~~~ SUAN!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!’ all the boys said in chorus and started to laugh hysterically.  

‘Yah!! Eat your food…’ Ryeowook blushed and push his way out, heading toward the main door.

‘Yah~ where are u going… again..???’ Sungmin asked. However,no answer come from Ryeowook as the door  is already closed before Minnie could finish his sentence.




‘Sorry…. Took some time, being bugged by my hyung….’ Ryeowook apologize.

‘Hahaha! I guess so….’

‘Lets go….’Ryeowook walked beside Suan and they chatted along the way….

‘Ryeowook…. How does it feel like to be a celebrity?’ asked Suan.

‘Erm… celebrity? People tend to think we lead a glamorous life…. But its not a bed of roses after all….’

‘Lots of restriction?’

‘Yeap…. And inconvenient…’

‘But u all seem to be enjoying it….’

‘Yeap…. Cos we are lucky, we have each other, my brother… we stay through thick and thin together…’

‘How I envy u n the rest of Super Junior…. U all are even closer than family….’

‘Yes, we are… and…Well… I may be rude to ask this….How is ur family?’

‘Its still the same….problem, problem, problem….’ Suan sighed, shaking her head.

‘Suan…. Everything will be all right….’ Ryeowook took Suan’s hand and squeeze it.

‘…………….’ Suan smiled at Ryeowook and wrapped her fingers around Ryeowook’s hand. They keep on walking, hand in hand… Talking softly….

‘How long have we been walking?’ asked Ryeowook.

‘Not sure… an hour or so?’ Suan answered.

‘We better go back now… Its too late….’

‘All right….’ Both of them are silent on the way back, enjoying the serenity of the night….

Some of the boys are still fooling around when Suan and Ryeowook reached. While some of them already turned in… Suan pulled her hand from Ryeowook’s but it did not escape the boys’ eyes…

‘Good night, rest early…’Ryeowook send Suan to her room and ignoring the snickering from the boys.

‘You too….’

Suan closed and leaned on the door…‘Hush….why is my cheek burning? Must be because of the hot weather…. And all the walking…’ Suan hushed and keep on fanning her burning hot, blushing cheek, pushing all the blame to the weather.

She placed her hand on her left chest and feel the heavy thumping of her heart. ‘Yah! Stop beating so loudly…. I wonder if he can hear it…..’ Suan muttered to herself.

On the other hand, Ryeowook keep smiling to himself like a babo, humming a little tune to himself as he went back to his room.

*Phone ringing*

Suan picked up her phone and look at the SMS she just receive…

‘Sleep, no more studying… sweet dream, from Ryeowook…. :)’

‘All right…Sweet dream… supper again tomorrow?’

‘Yes, please….Now get some sleep…. Night…’

‘Night… :)’

Suan closed the book on her lap and lay down on her bed, smiling to herself. Her smile develops into chuckle and she turned her body, hiding her face in blanket……

‘Yah~ supper again tomorrow… supper again tomorrow…’ Ryeowook hummed to himself as he get changed into his pajama..He laid on the bed, opening and closing his left palm…. Clutching his right hand in his left next as if he is holding Suan’s hand and started to giggle to himself too.

‘YAH!!!!!!!!!STOP that!’ sleepy Donghae threw a pillow to him and turned his body to the other side. 

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Rayshun #1
Chapter 20: The cutest one..... ....
ahhhh its good to read this story again.. the cute and sweet couplw.. WookSuan.. :) hehe off to next story ^^,
ㅋㅋㅋ im d d0ne reaing this, m0ving to the next. Hehehe l0ve it theyre the cutest c0uple...hehe
lets begin reading Wookies Story.. :) haha im so addicted in these series.. heehee ^^,
Hehe! Thanks xiao fan fan.. lets move on to the next story~
feifans #6
satisfied! Love happy ending<br />
Dear leeteukbaby n small fan fan... Now u know why? i hope u are satisfiedd with the ending... LOL<br />
<br />
Dear Leeteukbaby, r u ready for the next story? ur bias's story... please tell me what u think all right?
feifans #8
ya lo. so sad (:*_*:)
leeteukbaby #9
why didnt suan stay? *pouts~