Chapter 5: TY Means Tae Yeon

L.A. To Seoul



Taeyeon stirred, enjoying the softness of the bed sheet. She stretched and opened her eyes. Her eyes almost popped out realizing beside her, her laptop was , with her skype still online. She quickly sat and took the Macbook, putting it on her lap. There Tiffany was, sleeping flawlessly. Although maybe Tiffany’s laptop was a little far from the bed, Taeyeon could see how beautiful Tiffany’s sleeping face was. Taeyeon smiled like a kid on a Christmas morning. Taeyeon was wondering too why Tiffany let her skype still online. Maybe she was watching me sleeping and now returning favor? she thought and smiled.

Taeyeon grabbed her phone and made a call. An international call. The person on the other line answered the phone call finally after almost a minute ringing weirdly.

“Can you help me?” Taeyeon said, her eyes were still on her laptop, watching Tiffany who was still sleeping peacefully. “Yes, pink color. If there aren’t any, red is fine too”

After thanking the person she called, Taeyeon hung up immediately as she remembered she had to go for breakfast with her manager, Yuri with Sooyoung and going for a live morning show prior her winning the previous night. She then texted Tiffany on Skype before going offline:

You look beautiful sleeping. I hope you’re dreaming of someone special because you smile when you sleep =)




“Taengoo, are you a stalker?” Sooyoung who was scrolling on her Galaxy S4 broke the silent. She finished her breakfast so quickly and decided to go on her Instagram while waiting for Taeyeon and Yuri to finish theirs. “You liked 19 pictures of this account, THwang” Taeyeon did not answer, Sooyoung was right. This morning after getting ready, Taeyeon followed Tiffany on Instagram and checked her photos, liking some of them.

“Is that Stephanie Hwang aka the worst pitcher of all time Instagram?” Yuri stopped eating and looked at Taeyeon who looked innocent, eating her meal. Yuri motioned Sooyoung to give the S4 to her. Yuri checked the Instagram, and yes she was right, it was Tiffany’s Instagram account.

“People are going to talk about this on Twitter” Yuri said, giving back the phone to the owner and continue eating.

“Come on, liking photo on Instagram is not a crime” Taeyeon said.

“Taengangers are going to go crazy” Sooyoung said, stealing some of Yuri’s foods at the same time.




Taeyeon had just finished filming the morning live show, it was already noon. Yuri was walking in front of her, leading her to the private parking lot.

“I’ll see you tonight for dinner” Yuri said to Taeyeon, opening Taeyeon’s black McLaren’s door for her. Taeyeon entered. “Okay Yul. Take care” she answered. Yuri then closed the door, making her way to her Range Rover parked next to Taeyeon’s car. Taeyeon watched as Yuri drove away.

Taeyeon was about to press the accelerator when her phone rang. She smiled right away seeing Tiffany’s name. She answered it in joy.

“Good morning, Stephanie” she greeted. Knowing that it must be morning in South Korea already.

“TY means thank you, but TY also means Tae Yeon” the other girl on the line said, without any hello. Taeyeon could only smile. “But I think TY means Tae Yeon”

“What are you trying to say, Stephanie?” Taeyeon smiled more widely. She knew Tiffany received the thing she sent already.

“A florist came just now, waking me up from sleep” Tiffany paused, she did not know if she wanted to continue speaking, afraid that maybe she was wrong and going embarrassed herself. Taeyeon was anticipating. “Someone gave me red roses, with a card, with two letters on it, a T and a Y. It’s you right?” she said. “Or maybe I am wrong...maybe it’s someone else…sorry, forget it” Tiffany said when Taeyeon did not answer her question.

“If there is Good Morning, Beautiful with the TY, then yes it’s from me” Taeyeon said, her cheeks turned red. Tiffany did not say anything, as her heart beat irregularly hearing that from Taeyeon, and she could felt butterflies in her stomach. “Stephanie?” Taeyeon asked when she did not receive any feedback from the other girl.

“Thank you” Tiffany said in her low soft voice, she was a little embarrassed. She was blushing.

“Hope you like them”

“Yes I do” Tiffany answered. “Taeyeon ah…” she paused. “I got to go for shower, I am having a photo shoot this morning…umm” she said, a little hesitated. “You’ll skype me again later… right?” feeling embarrassed, she hung up immediately.

“Hello? Hello? Stephanie? Hello?” Taeyeon said when Tiffany hung up. Taeyeon knew that Tiffany was maybe embarrassed with her request. She then opened her phone’s inbox and created a new text:

Yes, Stephanie. I will skype you tonight before I go to bed. I promise =)

In few minutes, she received a reply from Tiffany. Taeyeon smiled ear to ear while reading the inbox she just received.

I am sorry I hung up on you…this is embarrassing! >.<  promise?

Taeyeon replied it right away:

It’s okay =) I’ll keep my promise. Don’t skip breakfast, yes? Or I’ll be sad =(

Another reply:

Yes, I’ll have breakfast. Don’t forget your lunch or I’ll be sad too *pouts*

Taeyeon did not blink her eyes even once while reading the reply. Her whole body was shaking. She shook herself.

Good girl. Hehe. Okay, I will. Go get your shower, and take care =)

Taeyeon put her phone down at the passenger seat, she was about drive when her phone vibrated again.

You too take care. By the way, you talked in your sleep! (;

Taeyeon did not reply, she was shy with what Tiffany texted about her sleeping habit. She was right earlier, Tiffany watched her while she was sleeping. Taeyeon then opened her Instagram right away because she had a hunch. She checked on Tiffany’s account. To her surprise, Tiffany just uploaded a picture 1 minute ago, and it was the red roses she gave with the caption:

‘TY means Thank You #TY #You #LAtoSeoul’.

Taeyeon liked it right away. She then stalked her older photos, smiling while doing it.




She sat alone at the UCLA’s cafeteria; there were a lot of students there as it was lunch time. She sipped her Coca Cola, watching the students. She had waited for almost 30 minutes and finally the three girls she expected to see came from afar. Yuri could see the girls walking in style like those of model’s on runway, slow motioned, wind blowing their long hairs perfectly. The other students who were busy eating and getting their foods stopped what they were doing and watched as the 3 girls entered the cafeteria. The three girls sat across Yuri.


“You guys are late” Yuri said, looking at the three girls, Jessica, Yoona and Krystal. The girls were also known as the VVIP of Taengangers. Jessica was the leader of the Taengangers fan base in Los Angeles or maybe around the world. She was very well known all over the world among the international Taengangers. Krystal, her little sister was also a Taenganger; she was a big fan of Taengoo, she usually be the one who updated things online, things about Taengoo, her concerts, and her activities. Yoona too was a part of Taengangers VVIP; she was in charge of taking photos of Taengoo whenever there were concerts or events, edited them and passed them to Krystal for the upload.

“Sorry, the professor talked a lot. I am dying” Yoona, the beautiful girl said, putting her head on her thick Computer Science text book on the table. She looked very tired.

“So, who is the owner of that Instagram account?” Jessica, who sat in the middle asked in a cold tone. Jessica was mad finding out that Taeyeon followed an account and liked all of the account’s photos. “Taengoo liked ALL of her photo now” she said again, looking at Yuri.

“Are you for real? ALL?” Yuri was shocked, as she only knew that morning that Taeyeon liked 19 photos only. The three girls nodded. “It’s just her old friend from high school” Yuri said again. The three girls had the ‘ohhh’ expression on their faces.

“But still. It’s a bit strange as Taengoo never liked people’s photos that much. This is just crazy” Kyrstal said, groaning. The two girls nodded in agreement.

“I can’t help but feel angry and jelly at the same time” Krystal said again

“She was online last night on Skype, and ignored my text. I am angrier than you, Krystal” Jessica said, rolling her eyes.

“Stop it you both, Taengoo followed you guys on Instagram, Twitter and even friends on Skype, unlike me” Yoona said, pouting.

“So what’s next for Taengoo?” Jessica asked, looking at Yuri.

“She’ll be on air tomorrow with Ryan Seacrest, and on Wednesday she is going for her Marie Claire photo shoot. She is all free from Thursday until next week’s event”

“What event?” Krystal asked, marking the schedule on her pink Samsung Galaxy Note II.

“S&S Fashion Show, Fall Collection” Yuri answered.

“Oh, Taengoo is such a good friend attending Choi Sooyoung and Sunny Lee’s show. I can’t help but love her more…Taengoo ahhhh~”






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NekoLS #1
Chapter 37: Lol the news broke before tang meet her soon father in law what a good impression hahahaha
I know u r hiatus but i just misss this story therefore i reread this again 🥲
Update this pls
Chapter 37: When will you update? :(
Chapter 37: hi, it's been years since you last updated this. :(
creamcarlton #5
Chapter 37: The news cuts are interesting to read :)
Chapter 37: I really love the concept of your story with new cuts ^_^ Comeback soon :)
Chapter 37: omg pls update this soon! this story is so good & i'm dying to know what happens when Yul finds out Sica is only using her to attack Fany ㅋㅋ
hfhvdgjmgdg #8
Hey author are you doing well??
I'm honestly sooooo worried about you
I hope you're doing fine
Its been a long time since you last updated one of my favorite story's everr
More than a year *sigh*
I miss it sooooo much
But i know you have your reasons :)
Take good care of yourself
Bye :)
Chapter 37: waaa taengoo is so cheesy.. hahaha i
like the idea of twitter and IG update hhaha its somehow look realistic :))
Chapter 37: Aw. I almost forgot about this fic., good thing i was reminded by another fic that's almost similar to this. when will you update author? It's been a year :((( i'm looking forward to your update! Fightaeng!